View Full Version : NS2 Admin Commands and Forumula

11-26-2012, 02:19 AM
Server Admin Commands
Unless otherwise indicated, 'PLAYER' refers to a players in game id, SteamID, or name.

Command Parameters Description
sv_ban <PLAYER> <reason> <minutes> Bans a player from the server. Use 0 for minutes for a permanent ban
sv_kick OR kick <PLAYER> Kick a player from the server.
sv_switchteam <PLAYER> <1|2> Force a player onto the specified team (1=Marines, 2=Aliens)
sv_rrall Force all players to readyroom
sv_randomall Randomly pick teams for all players in the readyroom
sv_eject <PLAYER> Eject a player from the hive/command chair
sv_help Show all commands a user has access to
sv_status OR status Show in game name, in game id, SteamID, for all connected players
sv_statusip Show in game name, in game id, SteamID, IP address for all connected players
sv_say OR say <message> Broadcast a message to all connected players as an admin
sv_tsay <1|2> <message> Broadcast a message to all members of the specified team (1=Marines, 2=Aliens)
sv_psay <PLAYER> <message> Send a private message to the specified player
sv_slay <PLAYER> Kill a player
sv_password <password> Add a password to the server. Use sv_password on its own to remove the current password
sv_unban <STEAMID> Unban a player from the server
sv_reset OR reset Reset the current round
sv_listbans Lists banned players
cyclemap Forces server to switch to the next map in the map cycle.
sv_autobalance <true/false> <num players> <seconds> Controls the #Auto-Team Balance System implemented in Build 221.
sv_changemap or changemap <map name> Changes the map and reloads mods

To get player identification you need to use this formula below.

STEAM_0:0:XXXXX :(SteamID * 2)
STEAM_0:1:XXXXX :(SteamID * 2 + 1)

STEAM_0:0:919317: 919317 * 2 = 1838634
STEAM_0:1:919317: 919317 * 2 + 1 = 1838635

Defined by <name> <steamID> <group name>

add more if needed

01-27-2013, 09:15 PM
yeah, kicking doesn't work.