View Full Version : League of Mafia 26/06/14

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06-30-2014, 08:51 AM
Can someone please explain aco's death because to me it does appear that he died protecting anyone according to that flavor text. Is the "Fuck this I might as well feed" part related to something from league of legends?

06-30-2014, 08:57 AM
Can someone please explain aco's death because to me it does appear that he died protecting anyone according to that flavor text. Is the "Fuck this I might as well feed" part related to something from league of legends?

To feed I n league or any other competitive game, is to essentially charge in and die purposely

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But its the end of acos flavor that shows he changes his mind and procs someone. Could be that he was last to turn in his action, thus resulting in the flavor portraying indecision. Otherwise id have to read up on lore regarding his characters realationships with others.

06-30-2014, 09:02 AM
I tried reading the lore regarding his character in an attempt to glean something useful but there is nothing related to the flavor. The feed thing cleared it up though.

06-30-2014, 09:03 AM
Nice of you to sign up for a forum game right before you go on vacation locust. Good move.

06-30-2014, 09:21 AM
Yes I meant mason, the roles that let people talk to eachother. My two mafia thing still stands as a possibility, but as I said, seems unlikely.

06-30-2014, 09:30 AM
Poor brett lol. Didn't make it to day 2 again.

06-30-2014, 09:37 AM
Poor brett lol. Didn't make it to day 2 again.


Also, holy fuck. There is what, an SK and 2 different mafia factions? Hopefully scum will start killing each other.

06-30-2014, 09:47 AM

Also, holy fuck. There is what, an SK and 2 different mafia factions? Hopefully scum will start killing each other.

What makes you think there are 2 mafia factions......


06-30-2014, 10:02 AM
What makes you think there are 2 mafia factions......


Yeah agreed, I think there is only one.

06-30-2014, 10:04 AM
Well that escalated quickly....

Didn't think three people would get killed off.

This game just got more complicated.

06-30-2014, 10:06 AM
What makes you think there are 2 mafia factions......


Yeah agreed, I think there is only one.

Wait, no! Obviously Pass is the smartest person here and totally knows what's going on! He can totally think for himself and doesn't constantly grasp at straws that others put out for him!

We should all listen to Pass, he's not a stupid gook or anything! All Aboard the Pass Train, Choo choo!!!

06-30-2014, 10:06 AM
I'll still be around. Turns out I won't be leaving till 6pm tonight due to some delays and shit with flights. I'll probably be able to be as active as I would've been if I was home and working since I can't access this at work anyway.

06-30-2014, 10:10 AM
Also, I was most likely being sarcastic...

06-30-2014, 10:27 AM
Wait, no! Obviously Pass is the smartest person here and totally knows what's going on! He can totally think for himself and doesn't constantly grasp at straws that others put out for him!

We should all listen to Pass, he's not a stupid gook or anything! All Aboard the Pass Train, Choo choo!!!

Sarc aside... his post soundes like wifom.

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Actually, not gunna lie. I dont think its wifom and im pretty sure what role he is. I retract my d1 fos on him for now.

06-30-2014, 10:31 AM
Dammit, I was hoping to post as soon as Day 2 started.

Phil's role is Town Mason Miller, Lulu

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The good news is we didn't lose anyone TOO valuable (minus Brett).

06-30-2014, 10:47 AM
So again, what use is having Blade and Phil communicating with each other during the night phase, if they have no other fucking power?

Aside from painting targets on their backs I mean (if they do have other abilities).

06-30-2014, 10:55 AM
Well essentially they can act as confirmed town as masons, confirming one another, and they can plan things together outside of public eyes, making them have some decent power, but now that the cats out of the bag, minimal power, but due to that, they are also not likely to be mafia targets.

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I'm going to say, based on flavor, that aco did not protect someone this night, hence the "fuck that" text. As for the might as well feed, i do not know the reference or the game, but it is definitly not a claim towards protecting someone. Thoughts on this?

06-30-2014, 10:59 AM
Well essentially they can act as confirmed town as masons, confirming one another, and they can plan things together outside of public eyes, making them have some decent power, but now that the cats out of the bag, minimal power, but due to that, they are also not likely to be mafia targets.

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I'm going to say, based on flavor, that aco did not protect someone this night, hence the "fuck that" text. As for the might as well feed, i do not know the reference or the game, but it is definitly not a claim towards protecting someone. Thoughts on this?
Already shared and already explained feed.....

06-30-2014, 11:01 AM
I'm going to say, based on flavor, that aco did not protect someone this night, hence the "fuck that" text. As for the might as well feed, i do not know the reference or the game, but it is definitly not a claim towards protecting someone. Thoughts on this?

I agree, all the flavour text makes it look like he sat there and didn't protect anyone and got targeted. Feeding is when you're really shit in these kinds of game and die a lot which in turn powers up the other team, which only makes it more likely that he didn't do anything.

06-30-2014, 11:01 AM
Sin, they are crippled townies who are not desired targets for mafia, now that they claimed. Blade takes one less vote to lynch and phil shows up mafia if lynched or investigated. Had they not claimed, it would be in mafias favor.

06-30-2014, 11:02 AM
In fact, if feeding refers to willingly charging in to die, it does not make any logical sense to follow a statement about reluctance to protect someone if it means his own death. Hence in translation: "Why would i sacrifice myself for someone else? Fuck it, I might as just die for myself." This makes me believe that Aco did not protect someone last night, mainly due to it being the first night and why risk dieing the first night or needlessly protecting scum, if you can reasonablly think of someone worth protecting, thus, there must be a bus driver in play due to him not protecting someone and the assaliant saying that he was not the intended target.

06-30-2014, 11:04 AM
Nice of you to sign up for a forum game right before you go on vacation locust. Good move.

4th of July coming up; I couldn't blame him.

This aside : ...yay... :party2:

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Also according to flavor text; Braum (Aco) chose to not protect anyone last night because it'd kill him.

Along the lines of "fuck that, no target"

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Also Vladmir

06-30-2014, 11:07 AM
Are you guys mis reading or choosing not to read the last sentence in the flavor? You know the part were aco is portrayed to have changed his mind. Im on my phone, will quote it at lunch break.

06-30-2014, 11:11 AM
He never changed his mind, what the hell are you talking about, it says fuck that, thats not a sign of changing your mind.

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The final line is the attacker talking and mocking Aco, the next time probably refering to him telling Cyber he would protect someone next time, but ooops his death happened tonight

06-30-2014, 11:13 AM
Mikey, so how exactly would you explain the 3 deaths at night? Or do you think there is a vigilante that decided to use his power night 1? I'm curious what you think the setup might be.

Trigger Unhappy
06-30-2014, 11:29 AM
I agree, all the flavour text makes it look like he sat there and didn't protect anyone and got targeted. Feeding is when you're really shit in these kinds of game and die a lot which in turn powers up the other team, which only makes it more likely that he didn't do anything.

But why target a player that hasn't been involved and not one of the stonger players? Are we assuming he got attacked and didn't use powers, or that aco protected a stronger player? Sorry i don't understand the "flavor" portion.

06-30-2014, 11:37 AM
Misread, thanls for reiterating. Had time to go back and read. @pass, either you are wifom or made a really bad soft claim at being vig.

06-30-2014, 11:41 AM
But why target a player that hasn't been involved and not one of the stonger players? Are we assuming he got attacked and didn't use powers, or that aco protected a stronger player? Sorry i don't understand the "flavor" portion.

A common tactic, and one that Aco used two games ago, is as a Doc to sit back and not say much while still saying enough not to be lynched for inactive. Maybe they targeted based on that? Or maybe they thought Aco was the least likely to be protected by someone, therefor guaranteeing the kill. Or maybe they just thought Aco is a twat.

I agree with the twat assumption, however.

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Also Vladmir

The fuck is this? why would you claim a role in red txt? Either giving up or Jester.

06-30-2014, 11:52 AM
I'm pretty sure me and phil will not be targeted for now simply because we aren't a power role now that we have been revealed.

Any League player knows why I'm Hated...

06-30-2014, 12:12 PM
The nerfs had hit her hard, over and over again, she was no match to that mysterious figure who caught her off guard. With her last breaths she muttered: "those eyes..." - Doubt this is Cassiopeia (Medusa bitch); as she turns people to stone and murder with poison. Still possible.

Meanwhile, Suspicious shadows were roaming in the night, plotting mischief in many ways. They enjoyed chaos and havoc, and chaos and havoc they created.
Some got the luck of the draw...(Twisted Fate reference) as for the rest... noobs... noobs everywhere!

"Blood... Blood everywhere! Who could have done all this!?" - All I can think is Vladmir but I'm willing to bet that it's just Brett and Blackmage's deaths being referenced instead.

Aco, aka Braum, Town Bodyguard has been killed. <-- Possible he either protected a mafia member that was killing him instead or chose not to at all and still got targeted. I'm going with didn't protect anyone. Essentially what What said about it.

^-- above is things I'm just getting outta all of it. And no not jester. Just last second posts while trying to figure out if I was allowed to do this or not.

06-30-2014, 12:20 PM
SON OF A BITCH... i am having a bad streak right now. (sorry i have family over and just chaotic here.)

Just wanted to point out that
Aco was a MACHO bodyguard (missed a word there.).

on a side note, this doesn't matter right now whatsoever because brett died, but i promised to mention all modifiers : Brett would have turned into a VT if his unlynchee had died in any way OTHER than a lynch. (just because his winning path was insanely hard in this setup otherwise).

That's my full disclosure on everything, the scene had so much shit to talk about that i couldn't fit that modifier easily .

06-30-2014, 12:38 PM
So that info dosnt say much other then we have a doc and cyber learned from his last game why not modifiying bg with a doc is gg for a town win.

good info

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Thia means cop can claim if there is any solid info at this time. Or tracker or whom ever I suppose.

06-30-2014, 12:45 PM
Mikey, it was just a WifoM post.

I hadn't been expecting there to be 3 deaths, and that was my gut reaction. I guess there *could* be a vigilante, but I wouldn't have expected him to kill someone on night 1 (especially if he has a limited number of shots). Besides, if I were, I would have shot you. ^_^

06-30-2014, 01:04 PM
SON OF A BITCH... i am having a bad streak right now. (sorry i have family over and just chaotic here.)

Just wanted to point out that
Aco was a MACHO bodyguard (missed a word there.).

on a side note, this doesn't matter right now whatsoever because brett died, but i promised to mention all modifiers : Brett would have turned into a VT if his unlynchee had died in any way OTHER than a lynch. (just because his winning path was insanely hard in this setup otherwise).

That's my full disclosure on everything, the scene had so much shit to talk about that i couldn't fit that modifier easily .

Way to leave pertinent information out of the flavor text, faggot.

Cop should claim as we really have nothing else to go on, and another protective role is pretty certain right now.

06-30-2014, 01:09 PM
Way to leave pertinent information out of the flavor text, faggot.

Cop should claim as we really have nothing else to go on, and another protective role is pretty certain right now.

hey... i fixed it didn't i... -.-

the issue is that i have a lot of shit going on right now, and people keep messenging me DEMANDING that i rush through my posts or scene or whatever because they are bored or some shit...

so i end up forced to make the best that i can, as fast as i can... But fuck these guys, from now on i'm taking my sweet ass time in making everything.
deal with it lol.

06-30-2014, 01:14 PM
Mikey, it was just a WifoM post.

I hadn't been expecting there to be 3 deaths, and that was my gut reaction. I guess there *could* be a vigilante, but I wouldn't have expected him to kill someone on night 1 (especially if he has a limited number of shots). Besides, if I were, I would have shot you. ^_^

Please familiarize yourself with what wifom means. Its scummier then scum saying they are scum.

06-30-2014, 01:27 PM
Please familiarize yourself with what wifom means. Its scummier then scum saying they are scum.


06-30-2014, 01:27 PM
I know what it means though I don't see how you would have applied it to the post I gave. You gave me a choice between WiFoM and soft claiming. I hadn't done the latter and thus chose the former. Sorry for allowing you to lead me through choices. Either way, it isn't half as scummy as you lying and trying a gambit day 1, but I guess I'm the only one that saw that.

I was just saying the scenario which I saw as most likely. Feel free to post what you think happened ^_^ Anyway, I'm feeling a bit sick. I'll try to pop in now and again, but don't expect too much out of me.

06-30-2014, 01:33 PM
If cop has VERY good information, meaning they targeted scum, then yes, talk it up. BUT if cop got anything less, keep your mouth shut.

06-30-2014, 01:52 PM
Anyway, I'm feeling a bit sick. I'll try to pop in now and again, but don't expect too much out of me.

Blade was saying this in Day 1. The fuck is wrong with you? You have a post restriction too?

06-30-2014, 01:56 PM
Blade was saying this in Day 1. The fuck is wrong with you? You have a post restriction too?

I actually was sick. I've been pretty ill with a stomach virus so I didn't want to risk making a terrible decision.

06-30-2014, 02:08 PM
Blade was saying this in Day 1. The fuck is wrong with you? You have a post restriction too?

No, he dosnt. He wifom post makes me th8nk he was attempting to deflect any suspicion off him being one of the killera.

he soft claimed town killing role.

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Or he*

Im not fos on pass, just think that comment was derp a derp.

06-30-2014, 02:28 PM
Sin, if you really want to know what is wrong, my depression kicked into high gear today. Yay! Hopefully it goes away some and doesn't continue getting worse.

And Mikey, it was a derp a derp post then. W/e. I was just very surprised by the amount of deaths.

06-30-2014, 02:31 PM
my depression kicked into high gear today.

No homo, if you need someone to talk to, message me anytime man. I know all about that depression stuff.

06-30-2014, 02:36 PM
Sin, if you really want to know what is wrong, my depression kicked into high gear today. Yay! Hopefully it goes away some and doesn't continue getting worse.

And Mikey, it was a derp a derp post then. W/e. I was just very surprised by the amount of deaths.

No homo, if you need someone to talk to, message me anytime man. I know all about that depression stuff.

Also ammonia and bleach mixed together will create fumes you can breathe and go to sleep.

06-30-2014, 02:49 PM
Also ammonia and bleach mixed together will create fumes you can breathe and go to sleep.

Jesus you need to be hit by a bus or something.

Trigger Unhappy
06-30-2014, 03:03 PM
Sin, if you really want to know what is wrong, my depression kicked into high gear today. Yay! Hopefully it goes away some and doesn't continue getting worse.

And Mikey, it was a derp a derp post then. W/e. I was just very surprised by the amount of deaths.

20% homo if you need to talk .

06-30-2014, 03:44 PM
But why target a player that hasn't been involved and not one of the stonger players? Are we assuming he got attacked and didn't use powers, or that aco protected a stronger player? Sorry i don't understand the "flavor" portion.

As i stated, seems to be pretty clearly indicating that there is a bus driver in play.

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Better question, didn't we have 17 people to start? How does 3 deaths leave 13 left?

06-30-2014, 03:47 PM
As i stated, seems to be pretty clearly indicating that there is a bus driver in play.

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Better question, didn't we have 17 people to start? How does 3 deaths leave 13 left?
It isnt clear at all. I commend you on the play though. Attempting to subtly suggest a bus driver as to discredit any information the cop may end up coming to the table with. Bravo

I fos what.

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17 minus 1 minus 3. Thats how.

06-30-2014, 03:52 PM
Its very clear mikey, if he was not the intended target, yet he did not protect anyone, there are a limited number of options available, either a bus driver or nexus or the like, and since this is not a role maddness game, bus driver is the only real possibility in that situation.

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combined with the mafia schemeing to create chaos, it seems to be a very likely possibility.

06-30-2014, 03:58 PM
Its very clear mikey, if he was not the intended target, yet he did not protect anyone, there are a limited number of options available, either a bus driver or nexus or the like, and since this is not a role maddness game, bus driver is the only real possibility in that situation.

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combined with the mafia schemeing to create chaos, it seems to be a very likely possibility.

Nope, still not seeing it. Direct quote so that the rwst of us can be to speed.

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Be up to speed* hate my old ass phone.

06-30-2014, 04:03 PM
Read my other posts where I go over it, im not restating my points dozens of times for an idiot.

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"Blood... Blood everywhere! Who could have done all this!?"
- This could have been avoided so easily, this entire night would have ended so drastically if only SOMEONE had done their job...
"ME? Why should I protect anyone if it's only going to get me killed? Fuck this I might as well feed."
- You're the TANKY SUPPORT for crying out loud. You're SUPPOSED to die to save the others. I had someone else in mind tonight, but just because of that shitty attitude of yours, I might as well save them the trouble and kill you myself... You were right, this is the "next time" and this time I have your back!"

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There for the intelligence impaired

06-30-2014, 04:08 PM
Read my other posts where I go over it, im not restating my points dozens of times for an idiot.

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"Blood... Blood everywhere! Who could have done all this!?"
- This could have been avoided so easily, this entire night would have ended so drastically if only SOMEONE had done their job...
"ME? Why should I protect anyone if it's only going to get me killed? Fuck this I might as well feed."
- You're the TANKY SUPPORT for crying out loud. You're SUPPOSED to die to save the others. I had someone else in mind tonight, but just because of that shitty attitude of yours, I might as well save them the trouble and kill you myself... You were right, this is the "next time" and this time I have your back!"

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There for the intelligence impaired

Not seeing how you conclude a bus from that... you seem flustered and over analyzing. For christ sakes, you forgot how to count.

im interested in what others think about what you aee in the flavor.

06-30-2014, 04:17 PM
Mikey, why are you willfully being ignorant? Oh wait, that's how you play when you're mafia.

Oh, so enough of this charade. I got what I needed from him, this should get things moving in the right direction.

Nemesis is the mafia goon, and Mikey is the Bus Driver. I have not been able to discern the GF yet. As with last game, almost certainly another third party in play, especially due to Brett's third party powers being really not powerful. I am not claiming Cop, so if you are the Cop, do not counter claim, that is not the best move at this time.

I will not tell you my role, that is irrelevant, if Nemesis is the Goon, as I have a very strong reason to believe, then allow me to keep doing what I do until I get whacked by the mafia, if I am wrong I will take any repercussions that come along with that.

Vote Nemesis

Why the goon over the power role? Because his death provides me with the information and validation I need, the same way I needed BM to be lynched several mafia games back, and surprise surprise, he turned out to be the GF.

06-30-2014, 04:22 PM
Mikey, why are you willfully being ignorant? Oh wait, that's how you play when you're mafia.

Oh, so enough of this charade. I got what I needed from him, this should get things moving in the right direction.

Nemesis is the mafia goon, and Mikey is the Bus Driver. I have not been able to discern the GF yet. As with last game, almost certainly another third party in play, especially due to Brett's third party powers being really not powerful. I am not claiming Cop, so if you are the Cop, do not counter claim, that is not the best move at this time.

I will not tell you my role, that is irrelevant, if Nemesis is the Goon, as I have a very strong reason to believe, then allow me to keep doing what I do until I get whacked by the mafia, if I am wrong I will take any repercussions that come along with that.

Vote Nemesis

Why the goon over the power role? Because his death provides me with the information and validation I need, the same way I needed BM to be lynched several mafia games back, and surprise surprise, he turned out to be the GF.

You are such an idiot lmao Dat obvie quick lynch.
Perhaps you forgot my blatantly obvious soft claim

And i can prove my claim if im correct about a certain something that happened to me last night.

YW everyone, What is maf

Vote What

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to Clarify, something specific happened to me last night and if it isnt due to a player action, it happened to a few other people as well. The GIFT of information!

06-30-2014, 04:26 PM
Lulz at Mikey, enjoy twisting in the wind with your suddenly biffle Nem, I'm going to sleep, will check on the status of this in the morning to see if the Town has decided to actually think for a change and not listen to the people who insist that nothing of value can be gained from the night scenes.

ps: If by some sudden stroke of ignorance I get lynched before I wake up, I am 100% certain that Nem is the goon and that there is a bus driver in play, so do not be mislead twice by fools. I am far more valuable to the Town alive than dead, but even in death it will become clear what I am saying is true.

06-30-2014, 04:29 PM
Lulz at Mikey, enjoy twisting in the wind with your suddenly biffle Nem, I'm going to sleep, will check on the status of this in the morning to see if the Town has decided to actually think for a change and not listen to the people who insist that nothing of value can be gained from the night scenes.

ps: If by some sudden stroke of ignorance I get lynched before I wake up, I am 100% certain that Nem is the goon and that there is a bus driver in play, so do not be mislead twice by fools. I am far more valuable to the Town alive than dead, but even in death it will become clear what I am saying is true.

It is entirely possible you smacked your head recently and are making a fatal mistake.
I agree, i am suspicious of nem as well.

My vote on you is because of how scummy you are acting and principle. Its as if someone shot through your thought process with a mini gun, leaving hundreds of holes behind.

06-30-2014, 04:33 PM
I love how What says he's valuable then leaves before anyone can force a claim out of him. Mikey could be mafia too for all I know but What has been playing like a nigger since day one, trying to lynch me for no other reason than he's a shitty mod.

I don't know if I agree about the bus driver but he's pushing it so hard without much proof that its real scummy.

What's previous actions should be proof enough that he's lying.

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I love how What says he's valuable then leaves before anyone can force a claim out of him. Mikey could be mafia too for all I know but What has been playing like a nigger since day one, trying to lynch me for no other reason than he's a shitty mod.

I don't know if I agree about the bus driver but he's pushing it so hard without much proof that its real scummy.

What's previous actions should be proof enough that he's lying.

06-30-2014, 04:44 PM
For the record, i dont think it was wise using my history as mafia in other games... being that every single game iv played as mafia.. iv won. One of which i won alone by the end. (but shhh, nem gets salty about it)

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Man, i dont know why im so excited about this recation from what. Its like i won a fucking Mafia Giftcard for one free lynch on a baddie!

06-30-2014, 04:53 PM
Thanks for the love guys, means a lot. Something I've dealt with off and on since I was in my teens. I know it is irrational, stupid, annoying and above all a pain in the ass to deal with. I've tried lots of different meds but they either have no effect or make me into a zombie--zombified is the worst. I don't feel sad or upset but my will to do anything is worse then when I'm just depressed. Fun times. I've learned to deal with it via friends, activities, and self medication which works 95% of the time.

Anyways, back on topic:
Nemesis, he said he was going to sleep. I'm sure if a few people voted for him, he would claim when he woke up--I just wouldn't hammer him until he had a chance to respond.

06-30-2014, 05:01 PM
Thanks for the love guys, means a lot. Something I've dealt with off and on since I was in my teens. I know it is irrational, stupid, annoying and above all a pain in the ass to deal with. I've tried lots of different meds but they either have no effect or make me into a zombie--zombified is the worst. I don't feel sad or upset but my will to do anything is worse then when I'm just depressed. Fun times. I've learned to deal with it via friends, activities, and self medication which works 95% of the time.

Anyways, back on topic:
Nemesis, he said he was going to sleep. I'm sure if a few people voted for him, he would claim when he woke up--I just wouldn't hammer him until he had a chance to respond.

I'm more inclined to vote for Mikey to dissuade collusion but it would feel good to vote for nigger-lips.

He's claiming to have some powers but he's lying, and his bus driver theory, while possible, contained far too little information and far too much of a push. He's either scummy or shitty, both a possibility.

06-30-2014, 05:07 PM
I'm more inclined to vote for Mikey to dissuade collusion but it would feel good to vote for nigger-lips.

He's claiming to have some powers but he's lying, and his bus driver theory, while possible, contained far too little information and far too much of a push. He's either scummy or shitty, both a possibility.

Well, i point in the direction of my claim.

06-30-2014, 05:09 PM
Well, i point in the direction of my claim.

You've yet to make one and I'd like to wait for others I chime in as well.

06-30-2014, 05:24 PM
You've yet to make one and I'd like to wait for others I chime in as well.

i have claimed, a little harder then soft. D1, when i was raging about being screwed by "random" gen roles.

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well off to bed

06-30-2014, 11:09 PM
To address concerns, You will not force claim out of me Nem, because that does nothing to help the town, all of the mass role claiming is a terrible decision since all it does is tell the Mafia what it has to deal with and how it can work around roles. The town rarely if ever accepts a role claim at face value, unless its something like cop or doctor, and the most common response I have seen is, "Lets lynch that guy to see if he is telling the truth" and then 3 days later townies are still being lynched since everyone feels the only way to confirm someone's claim is by seeing them die.

I would not be inclined to vote Mikey, since in general he is not the sharpest tool in the shed so sometimes it is hard to see if he is just being ignorant naturally or intentionally. I have far more certainty that Nemesis is mafia, and most likely Goon due to a number of reasons, which is why I voted for him. Nemesis' willingness to throw Mikey under the bus would seem to incline me to believe that Mikey may well be town, or at least not mafia. I stand by that there is a bus driver in play. If it is evident from the scene that Aco did not want to protect anyone, yet his assailant made it clear that he was not the person he was aiming for, combined with the flavor before the Mafia kill, which has to be the kill on Brett due to the discussion and flavor before hand, that states they wanted to create chaos and confusion, its seems to be hinting that they attempted, and succeeded to mislead or attempt to mis-direct people at night, which again, can only be a bus driver, possibly a role blocker or nexus but far more unlikely.

I am awake now, will not be on constantly, but stand by everything I have said.

Nemsis is the Goon, provided that the flavor is accurate and people's comments can be scrutinized, this is almost a sure thing. If I am wrong, which I highly, highly, doubt, I will accept whatever judgement the town feels is necessary the following day. If I am right, odds are mafia wacks me at night.

07-01-2014, 03:47 AM
To address concerns, You will not force claim out of me Nem, because that does nothing to help the town, all of the mass role claiming is a terrible decision since all it does is tell the Mafia what it has to deal with and how it can work around roles. The town rarely if ever accepts a role claim at face value, unless its something like cop or doctor, and the most common response I have seen is, "Lets lynch that guy to see if he is telling the truth" and then 3 days later townies are still being lynched since everyone feels the only way to confirm someone's claim is by seeing them die.

I would not be inclined to vote Mikey, since in general he is not the sharpest tool in the shed so sometimes it is hard to see if he is just being ignorant naturally or intentionally. I have far more certainty that Nemesis is mafia, and most likely Goon due to a number of reasons, which is why I voted for him. Nemesis' willingness to throw Mikey under the bus would seem to incline me to believe that Mikey may well be town, or at least not mafia. I stand by that there is a bus driver in play. If it is evident from the scene that Aco did not want to protect anyone, yet his assailant made it clear that he was not the person he was aiming for, combined with the flavor before the Mafia kill, which has to be the kill on Brett due to the discussion and flavor before hand, that states they wanted to create chaos and confusion, its seems to be hinting that they attempted, and succeeded to mislead or attempt to mis-direct people at night, which again, can only be a bus driver, possibly a role blocker or nexus but far more unlikely.

I am awake now, will not be on constantly, but stand by everything I have said.

Nemsis is the Goon, provided that the flavor is accurate and people's comments can be scrutinized, this is almost a sure thing. If I am wrong, which I highly, highly, doubt, I will accept whatever judgement the town feels is necessary the following day. If I am right, odds are mafia wacks me at night.

Its a pity really, its that thought process that allows me to win games. You assume im some a moron and it works every time. Truth is, your a what? Math major? I apologize you lacked the wit to become anything more than a walking grammar nazi.
You have no proof that name is goon and secondly, i cant think of a single role that outs the exact role AND person.

Dont talk shit about haveing intelligence in this game until you have games to put under your belt kid.

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I have nothing left to say until the lurkers have posted.

07-01-2014, 03:48 AM

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... :P

07-01-2014, 04:16 AM

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... :P
bitch, i just woke up.

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not math, English*

07-01-2014, 05:25 AM
Ignorance is not the same as stupidity, but clearly someone of your intellect already knew that......

07-01-2014, 05:43 AM
You have no proof that name is goon and secondly, i cant think of a single role that outs the exact role AND person.

Pretty sure a Role Cop would do just that. I'm not claiming that, but its just to show you again, your assumptions about the game are erroneous, either intentionally or unintentionally.

07-01-2014, 06:24 AM
Pretty sure a Role Cop would do just that. I'm not claiming that, but its just to show you again, your assumptions about the game are erroneous, either intentionally or unintentionally.

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Secondly, unlesss you are lying you have basiclly soft claimed an investigation role. Despite you saying time and time again that you wont claim.

It Is entierly possible that you are misunderstanding everything I have said and am doing. Then again, that would requiee you to have made a mistake or done somthing stupid and unfortunately, according to you. You are a god amoung villagers, the best player here... oh my.

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I have been fishing and poking buttons and you just so happened to take the bait. Scrivbles on the other hand well.. I poked him and he hardly replied. Smart if you ask me.

07-01-2014, 06:39 AM
You haven't been poking anything, your just trying to cover your ass because you must now see your foolishness. What you tend to do, is not ask question, not poke, not think, you just out right deny when someone logically deduces something from what they know, in addition to people's comments and the scenes. You are unable to think logically, and all you do is go, "Nope, its not there. Nu uh, nothing to see, your making it all up. I never said and or did that, its just you." You did the same thing to Pass on day 1 when you got caught in a lie, (or best case caught being real stupid). This is what you do, you always say and do nonsensical things that you insist are intelligent moves. You also get a lot of rules and other things wrong. Sometimes by your own ignorance, but other times intentionally in an attempt to mislead people, like when you said 2 mafia v 2 town results in a tie. That's why it is hard to see if you are doing something on purpose or not, but in the end, its still a terrible move for the town, I mean you completely deny seeing something that is purely logical in the night scene, something other people have picked up on as well, and you are completely distracting the town from what they should do this day, which is Lynch Nemesis.

For the sake of argument, lets say I do not have the town's best interests in mind, then this would be a completely stupid move on my part since its far too early to try and mortgage good will to get a kill in on someone. Even as bad as the town played last game, they still had a solid chance to win at the end due to the fact that as there are fewer and fewer people in the game, it easier to see who is lying, and even with 17 people, which is 2 more than the last game, you likely only have 3 mafia, and a couple 3rd party people. I will not reveal my role or unveil how I know what I know since that would essentially hamstring me for the rest of the game, even more so due to there certainly being a busdriver or similar role in play.

07-01-2014, 06:56 AM
You haven't been poking anything, your just trying to cover your ass because you must now see your foolishness. What you tend to do, is not ask question, not poke, not think, you just out right deny when someone logically deduces something from what they know, in addition to people's comments and the scenes. You are unable to think logically, and all you do is go, "Nope, its not there. Nu uh, nothing to see, your making it all up. I never said and or did that, its just you." You did the same thing to Pass on day 1 when you got caught in a lie, (or best case caught being real stupid). This is what you do, you always say and do nonsensical things that you insist are intelligent moves. You also get a lot of rules and other things wrong. Sometimes by your own ignorance, but other times intentionally in an attempt to mislead people, like when you said 2 mafia v 2 town results in a tie. That's why it is hard to see if you are doing something on purpose or not, but in the end, its still a terrible move for the town, I mean you completely deny seeing something that is purely logical in the night scene, something other people have picked up on as well, and you are completely distracting the town from what they should do this day, which is Lynch Nemesis.

For the sake of argument, lets say I do not have the town's best interests in mind, then this would be a completely stupid move on my part since its far too early to try and mortgage good will to get a kill in on someone. Even as bad as the town played last game, they still had a solid chance to win at the end due to the fact that as there are fewer and fewer people in the game, it easier to see who is lying, and even with 17 people, which is 2 more than the last game, you likely only have 3 mafia, and a couple 3rd party people. I will not reveal my role or unveil how I know what I know since that would essentially hamstring me for the rest of the game, even more so due to there certainly being a busdriver or similar role in play.
First, your deduction from the flavor is not obvious. It is extremely shakey and given the role you think it is, it nulls and raises quesrions about any information gathered last night. Now I do think it possible that a bus could be in the game, I dont think that flavor is evidence enough.

secondly, I retract to a previous post where I said my vote on you was per principle. You named me mafia with what seemed like 100 percent certainty.

Id also like to know what lie I was appearntly caught in with pass that is realitive to this game. Bottom line is, you are acting scummy as fuck.

Also, given that most of the town urged away from investigating phil and blade, its pretty obvious to me that nem would be the likley target. I havnt disclaimed your suspicions of him and find them pretty just.

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Anyways, im done arguing with you. Youll simply reply with an insult about how im stupid and you are the best mafia scum player in the world without ahir to stand on.

Have said what I need to say.

07-01-2014, 07:00 AM
You kept reading the scene wrong, and insisting that I and others were choosing to ignore the last line until I pointed out to you that it was not Aco talking, but his attacker, to which you thanked me for clarifying that, then you seemed to backtrack like that never happened. My interpretation is not shaky based on how night scenes are written and how they function, combined with literally what it says during Aco's death and what I know from outside of the scene. Insisting it is shaky is illogical unless you can come up with a superior interpretation of the scene, which you have not offered, you have simply being denying everyone else's understanding of it.

I also fail to see how it is at all "Scummy" as you say, to provide the information I have gathered towards the most likely target on DAY 2. It is absolutely no benefit to me, if I am anti-town, to attempt to sway opinion on DAY 2 to get someone lynched, when it would not benefit me in the short or long term, the only way this benefits anyone is the town, since the goon will be gone, and the suspect pool will begin to narrow, along with whatever investigation or protective roles we have then having a smaller number of people to look at/protect, it only helps the town.

Side note: Whenever you or anyone else, has said someone is acting "scummy" you have been 100% wrong about it. There is no acting "scummy" by offering information, the only way to do so is by willfully denying facts to the detriment of the town, fake claiming a role, or something else along those very explicit lines. Being silent is not inherently "Scummy", nor is "talking", or "talking just enough". Its that kind of foolish thinking that gets townies killed 5 days in a row.

You are not running the show Mikey, nor am I, which is why I never told you to shut up, I provided my information, outline as much of the reasoning around it as I could, and offered up the best possible Day 2 move we have right now, since it appears that no investigative role has come out to condemn anyone. I would like to see what some of the more sober and thoughtful players have to say. Which they will never do if you keep throwing up foolish road blocks to useful conversation.

07-01-2014, 07:01 AM
I'm not siding with What nor am I siding with Mikey in that arguement... but ....

Vote Sin

I'm going to casually slide this in and then casually slide on out. . . with my own reason . . . yes... :icon_mrgreen:

07-01-2014, 07:22 AM
You kept reading the scene wrong, and insisting that I and others were choosing to ignore the last line until I pointed out to you that it was not Aco talking, but his attacker, to which you thanked me for clarifying that, then you seemed to backtrack like that never happened. My interpretation is not shaky based on how night scenes are written and how they function, combined with literally what it says during Aco's death and what I know from outside of the scene. Insisting it is shaky is illogical unless you can come up with a superior interpretation of the scene, which you have not offered, you have simply being denying everyone else's understanding of it.

I also fail to see how it is at all "Scummy" as you say, to provide the information I have gathered towards the most likely target on DAY 2. It is absolutely no benefit to me, if I am anti-town, to attempt to sway opinion on DAY 2 to get someone lynched, when it would not benefit me in the short or long term, the only way this benefits anyone is the town, since the goon will be gone, and the suspect pool will begin to narrow, along with whatever investigation or protective roles we have then having a smaller number of people to look at/protect, it only helps the town.

Side note: Whenever you or anyone else, has said someone is acting "scummy" you have been 100% wrong about it. There is no acting "scummy" by offering information, the only way to do so is by willfully denying facts to the detriment of the town, fake claiming a role, or something else along those very explicit lines. Being silent is not inherently "Scummy", nor is "talking", or "talking just enough". Its that kind of foolish thinking that gets townies killed 5 days in a row.

You are not running the show Mikey, nor am I, which is why I never told you to shut up, I provided my information, outline as much of the reasoning around it as I could, and offered up the best possible Day 2 move we have right now, since it appears that no investigative role has come out to condemn anyone. I would like to see what some of the more sober and thoughtful players have to say. Which they will never do if you keep throwing up foolish road blocks to useful conversation.

Again, it is not obvious in the flavor. Therefor it is not credible. Secondly, you have provided nothing to the table in ewgards to why we should lynch nem. You simply said to do it. You have not claimed, nor provided evidence.

You are expecting people to blindly follow you. Shit doant work that way and ofc you are going to be countered. This is reason 1 as to yor scummy behaviour. Reason 2 is that you continue to insist that there is a bus. If it were any other role, we wouldnt bebhaving this conversation.

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Like I have said now, drop it and give the lurks time to do somthing more then what wolf did o.o

Wth wolf lol

we have 2 day 2 investigation soft claims?

07-01-2014, 07:26 AM
I have stated my reasons, I will not claim, and providing how I know what I know will make me ineffective for the rest of the game. It is far too early in the game to be pulling shit out of my ass since it could not possibly benefit me now or later if I were to do so.

As far as the bus, tell me then, with your "wisdom" How, if Aco DID NOT protect someone, that his attacker would remark that he was not the one he wanted to kill? What possible role could cause one person to become the unintended target of another's actions? You can stomp your feet all you want about how you don't think there is a bus, but you need to provide some reason for going against what the scene says that is not grounded in fantasy or ignorance.

07-01-2014, 07:27 AM
With What and Mikey's convo, I am still not truly convinced. Day 1 and now Day 2 has been merely a conversation between pass and mikey, and now What and mikey. We need more people to chime in on this. I'm assuming the cop is up-to-date with the thread, and did not get any lead last night?

07-01-2014, 07:30 AM
With What and Mikey's convo, I am still not truly convinced. Day 1 and now Day 2 has been merely a conversation between pass and mikey, and now What and mikey. We need more people to chime in on this. I'm assuming the cop is up-to-date with the thread, and did not get any lead last night?

I'm fairly sure we don't have a cop. Also What is pressing without any information, same as he did yesterday, solely because he is whiney. He refuses to provide any info and is trying to bully everyone to agree with him.

07-01-2014, 07:33 AM
I'm still abstaining until I see more evidence. Nothing brought up is damning enough to do anything on, and I'm sure as hell not following the "revealers" lynching ideas, at least without someone backing their claims up more.

07-01-2014, 07:37 AM
Not trying to bully anyone. I have provided my reasoning, it is quite sound. I will not let abject denial without a suitable counter argument go un-answered. What Nem likes to do, as he has done in nearly every game he has played, is either remark on a person, setup, or mod, as being stupid or an asshole or whatever, in an effort to create a red herring. His defense has nothing to do with this game, he is trying to move it outside of the game, which is not a sound or logical move. Then when he can lie or just be wrong about something, and is found out, its not because of him, oh no, its because someone else was stupid or doesn't know how to play.

Day 1, I stand by my statements, and the one person who stood by me on that is now dead and was a VT.

Day 2, based on the scene and night actions I have enough information to provide the town to direct them towards the best move that we have so far on Day 2 unless some investigative role wishes to say something, which they shouldn't unless they are certain they hit scum.

On day 2 we are down 4 people, 3 townie and 1 "anti-town". That is not a tremendous start, but that many deaths also allows and assessment of previous statements to provide even more information. Is there a chance I am wrong? Sure. Is it likely? No.

07-01-2014, 07:40 AM
What's reasoning for there being a busdriver in play, is sound. Whether they're mafia or town aligned, idk. If they're town aligned, then they're retarded for using their power when no real information was brought to the table day 1. If they're mafia, well, can't say it's a smart or dumb move as it's just random, and they're lucky they hit the BG.

And Wolf, if you're going to accuse me of something, then come out with it, because that "beating around the bush" strategy is a waste of time.

What, not sure how you came to your conclusions on Nem, but if you're not soft claiming here, you're still painting a big target on your back for mafia night 2.


Just cuz he sucks dick at TTT.

Trigger Unhappy
07-01-2014, 07:41 AM
I'm still abstaining until I see more evidence. Nothing brought up is damning enough to do anything on, and I'm sure as hell not following the "revealers" lynching ideas, at least without someone backing their claims up more.

At least this conversation is more useful than the "IBIS forum" discussions that happened yesterday. Gut feeling I like what What is saying, but I don't see where he gets that Nem is goon ... Also if he is soft claiming cop while thinking a Bus is in play can we really trust his judgement? Not saying there isn't a bus.. just don't see why he is 100% on Nem. That being said, I'm open to hearing more on this.

07-01-2014, 07:44 AM
You have still not provided any information. All you've admitted is that you're salty that you're a shitty mod and want to vote for me, your better.

If you have an investigation role you used it on me last night, saw that I didn't do anything, and are now making up lies because you feel bad.

You've yet to play this game and are instead trying to clean out your sandy, sandy vagina.

vote what

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Well now it's obvious that we have what and Sin working together. Your choices should be obvious.

07-01-2014, 07:46 AM
My vote has nothing to do with What's claims on you, Nem. You just need to get better at an easy game.

It's fucking Gary's Mod for christ's sake.

07-01-2014, 07:47 AM
Not trying to bully anyone. I have provided my reasoning, it is quite sound. I will not let abject denial without a suitable counter argument go un-answered. What Nem likes to do, as he has done in nearly every game he has played, is either remark on a person, setup, or mod, as being stupid or an asshole or whatever, in an effort to create a red herring. His defense has nothing to do with this game, he is trying to move it outside of the game, which is not a sound or logical move. Then when he can lie or just be wrong about something, and is found out, its not because of him, oh no, its because someone else was stupid or doesn't know how to play.

Nem always plays like a douche bag though, town or anti-town. I see somewhat of a logic here, but not enough. Like last game, huge douche bag, and he was our role blocker.

07-01-2014, 07:51 AM

I'm not advocating a lynch today because of his general douche baggery, I am doing it because of the information I have gathered. I have outlined as much of this as I possibly can without outing my role or how it functions, since doing so would make me very ineffective for the rest of the game. There is absolutely not benefit to me lying here. All I was pointing out about Nem is if you look at the defense he has been making its just been insults and misdirection that is not relevant to the game at hand.

07-01-2014, 07:51 AM

07-01-2014, 07:54 AM
What's statements on Day 1 only prove that he is full of shit. If you'll go back and look he voted for me before I even got into the game. This was done for two reasons:

1. What has a modifier where he has to get me lynched or he loses.

2. What has a literal beach in his vagina.

His day 1 posts just go to show that he has no regard for what roles people have and wants to hurt the town. This is the scummiest of all scum actions.

07-01-2014, 07:57 AM
Alot of you are going to say its stupid... but perhaps we no lynch if we dont get anywhere beyond pointing fingers at one another.

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Also, lets not forget that there is a jester in play.

E role nem mentioned, for those who dont k ow, is called a lyncher. They need to lynch a specific person to win, otherwise they are town aligned vt.

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Wh8ch actually makes sense being that we had a gov. There is no point for the gov otherwise.

07-01-2014, 07:59 AM
Day 1 vote was based on you being a pawn for the mafia if you are town, and a distraction for the town if you are mafia. This is something people do realize about you. That is a sound decision, especially since even when you have a power role, it proves to be ineffective for the town since people are not liable to believe you if you have some sort of investigative role, and if its some other power role you seem to choose people to use your ability on seemingly at random, though usually it tends to have to do with how much people are talking based on what I have seen, but that is neither here nor there.

I admit, it is unfortunate for me, and rather lucky for you, that the information I have gathered on the first night has forced me to out you as mafia when I had wanted to lynch you day 1 for other, though equally beneficial reasons.

07-01-2014, 08:01 AM
Day 1 vote was based on you being a pawn for the mafia if you are town, and a distraction for the town if you are mafia. This is something people do realize about you. That is a sound decision, especially since even when you have a power role, it proves to be ineffective for the town since people are not liable to believe you if you have some sort of investigative role, and if its some other power role you seem to choose people to use your ability on seemingly at random, though usually it tends to have to do with how much people are talking based on what I have seen, but that is neither here nor there.

I admit, it is unfortunate for me, and rather lucky for you, that the information I have gathered on the first night has forced me to out you as mafia when I had wanted to lynch you day 1 for other, though equally beneficial reasons.

I roleblocked the whole mafia last game you stupid nigger, pay attention.

This just goes to show he's talking out his ass, he's provided no information and refuses to explain anything.

This is mafia trying to get rid of a good player, end of story.

07-01-2014, 08:03 AM
We didnt have a Gov, Brett was third party and had a 1 shot gov ability because he was an unlyncher, presumably in an attempt to balance his role and give him a better chance. If I was a VT/Lyncher, which I am not, and which I doubt is even in the game due to having an unlyncher with Gov abilities, the game would still continue on the same as if the Jester was lynched, with a hollow technical win for the person involved and the real game continuing to go on. It would also be very bad for the town, if there was a VT/Lyncher who had another Town target since it would essentially mean that you would have mafia, 3rd parties and now a townie gunning for a townie throughout the game.

Trigger Unhappy
07-01-2014, 08:03 AM
I'm still abstaining until I see more evidence. Nothing brought up is damning enough to do anything on, and I'm sure as hell not following the "revealers" lynching ideas, at least without someone backing their claims up more.

At least this conversation is more useful than the "IBIS forum" discussions that happened yesterday. Gut feeling I like what What is saying, but I don't see where he gets that Nem is goon ... Also if he is soft claiming cop while thinking a Bus is in play can we really trust his judgement? Not saying there isn't a bus.. just don't see why he is 100% on Nem. That being said, I'm open to hearing more on this.

07-01-2014, 08:05 AM
You role blocked one mafia member, 1, uno, bir, ein. The ENTIRE game, and even that one role block was of absolutely of no consequence in night actions or games. Perhaps you should come back down to reality nem.

07-01-2014, 08:06 AM
You role blocked one mafia member, 1, uno, bir, ein. The ENTIRE game, and even that one role block was of absolutely of no consequence in night actions or games. Perhaps you should come back down to reality nem.

Last i checked Blackmage and Mikey were both mafia, so now not only are you lying but trying to change what happened in your shittily modded game? obvious.

07-01-2014, 08:07 AM
Even if he is a Lyncher, it makes no difference. The game doesn't end just like the Fool/Jester getting lynched. Another retarded role to have in a forum game setup.

Nem, doesn't help town, ever. Mikey you even mentioned in your post-game summary that you left Nemesis alive in the last game because he provided a distraction for you and the rest of your honkies. That's Nem's style of play, and as What and Blackmage have stated in THIS game, it's no good for town, regardless.

So, why defend him, Mikey? Unless you're maf yourself, which I doubt, as you were pretty buttrustled with your role on Day 1 like a little bitch.

Also, nolynching is retarded, period.

The only time nolynching is good is if it's in Epic Mafia and there's a Jailer in play who NEEDS a nolynch to use his power.

07-01-2014, 08:09 AM
Even if he is a Lyncher, it makes no difference. The game doesn't end just like the Fool/Jester getting lynched. Another retarded role to have in a forum game setup.

The game doesn't end if you lynch jester.

07-01-2014, 08:10 AM
And Nemesis you never roleblocked Mikey. You roleblocked Aco, Scribs and BM.

You're starting to come off scummier than normal now with your lies.

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The game doesn't end if you lynch jester.

That's what I said, stupid. Reading comprehension.

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And it's what I was saying Day 1. WHO CARES IF WE LYNCH THE JESTER FUCK IT!

07-01-2014, 08:14 AM
I blocked Mikey the last night which still went through. Learn to read

07-01-2014, 08:18 AM
Well, im trying to think of a role that would be eendeeed useless the eest of the game if alive and outed.. one that could also apecificlly pin point a players role ans alignment. What iant role cop so what else?

Can think of only one role that is in this game that would be left alive and useless if outted, but he isnt it. He wouldnt be arguing with me if he was.

07-01-2014, 08:18 AM
The game doesn't end like with a fool/jester is exactly what you said.

07-01-2014, 08:19 AM
Brw...my phone is fucking broken. Thus all these stranfe alien words im posting. No secret messages.

07-01-2014, 08:21 AM
We don't have a cop. Unless its am insane cop.

07-01-2014, 08:22 AM
The game doesn't end like with a fool/jester is exactly what you said.

Faggot. Pretend there's a "just" inbetween "end" and "like".

07-01-2014, 08:36 AM
Hmmmmmm sin is mafia?

Nem you are third party killing role?

Sin aree you mafia?

Trigger Unhappy
07-01-2014, 08:38 AM
We don't have a cop. Unless its am insane cop.

What makes you say that?

07-01-2014, 08:42 AM
What makes you say that?

A mod fuck up.

- - - Updated - - -

Cyber sent me multiple roles by mistake so I know what investigative roles we have. A few anyways.

07-01-2014, 08:48 AM
Wanted to post my thoughts on the two claimed masons, Blade and phil. Considering the manner in which blade claimed phil the first day and they did not hard claim until the following day, I want to point out that they could be in fact using a very simple strategy. They may be playing up the anti-town modifier of the mason to slip by if for some reason a cop wasted an investigation on them. This would mean if they are mafia claiming masons then there is no god father. It would be a bold move to claim mason and not be actually be mason especially with this game setup but we should be wary of taking their claim at face value.

That being said I do not think they are mafia but should be closely watched for incriminating posts. The only reason I thought of this was because blade's play style last game.

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A mod fuck up.

- - - Updated - - -

Cyber sent me multiple roles by mistake so I know what investigative roles we have. A few anyways.

Cyber should make this public if he actually fucked up and sent you multiple roles.

07-01-2014, 08:52 AM
Cyber sent me multiple roles by mistake so I know what investigative roles we have. A few anyways.

Cyber should make this public if he actually fucked up and sent you multiple roles.

If cyber can confirm this being wrong, then nem lied. Liars get lynched.

07-01-2014, 09:00 AM
Ya someone msg him then. Get his ass in here.

- - - Updated - - -

Surprise surprise, he's playing league of legends. Fucking homo.

07-01-2014, 09:00 AM
If Cyber did in fact fuck up, then Nemesis had advantage over everyone else day 1 and this game is moot.

If this is the case then I'm out. Worst mod fuck up in the history of IBIS mafia, imo. When the majority of the game is trying to figure out role setup, you basically threw that out the window.

This is another reason why we need just default mafia game setups. That way we know going in what's in play, and the real strategy comes in.

07-01-2014, 09:02 AM
Don't think it's that big of a deal Sin.

07-01-2014, 09:06 AM
Don't think it's that big of a deal Sin.

Unless. Sin. Is. Mafia?

07-01-2014, 09:08 AM
Sin, dont leave. Cyber can remwdy the situation by posting the full role list like what we should be doing every game anyways. He dosnt need to post modifiers. Nem may know aome roles but he doant know who they are. Example me, I know a role in game but not who is playing it.

Who gib me gemsssss! I thank you. WHO GIB ME GEMS, GIB NAO!

07-01-2014, 09:11 AM
Nem, how many roles are you aware of? Can't be more than 2?

07-01-2014, 09:15 AM
That would be a huge fuck up on Cybers part, I'm thinking Nem is jester.

07-01-2014, 09:17 AM
Sin, dont leave. Cyber can remwdy the situation by posting the full role list like what we should be doing every game anyways. He dosnt need to post modifiers. Nem may know aome roles but he doant know who they are. Example me, I know a role in game but not who is playing it.

Who gib me gemsssss! I thank you. WHO GIB ME GEMS, GIB NAO!

It's one thing learning of a role after abilities have been used during a night phase. It's a completely different thing when ONE player knows of roles, especially ones as important as investigative roles, prior to the game even beginning!

How this isn't a problem to anyone else is beyond me.

That is information. Which this game is all about. Cyber SHOULD have added those roles to the Initial post in the thread like he did with the Jester, tbh.


- - - Updated - - -

That would be a huge fuck up on Cybers part, I'm thinking Nem is jester.

And if he's Jester and lying, good. Get him out of the game he's AIDS to the towns efforts.

07-01-2014, 09:21 AM
If Cyber sent you multiple roles by mistake, then he really should have taken you out of the game, or not have used any of those roles. Knowing multiple roles going into the game, and having it be secret knowledge is a huge advantage, especially if he is mafia since he would then have some idea of what he has to deal with and start planning ways to circumvent or talk his way out of issues. I guess its a pause until Cyber gets back to this, but that would pretty much Fubar the game. Nem could of course be lying so we shall see.

07-01-2014, 09:26 AM
It dosnt fubar the game... all cyber meeds to do if nem is being honest is share the roles with everyone. Bang bam done.
Juat because nem knows the role.. doant mean jack shit for him. He dosnt know them all. Typically, moss post alllllll roles at the start of the game. We are like the only fucking people who dont do that shit.

07-01-2014, 09:27 AM
A Yes or No answer will suffice Cyber. Did you fuck up sending Nem's role?

I don't want to read another fucking bible from you. Yes or No.

07-01-2014, 09:27 AM
Mods post*

07-01-2014, 09:28 AM
That completely changes the dynamic of the Game, and it also means that for the first day and night, one person had waaaaaaay more knowledge than they should have, which may or may not have affected the game. Also, I love how Nem stated he knows a few of the investigative roles, yet instead of sharing has decided to see what Cyber does.

07-01-2014, 09:29 AM
Nao, who gib me pretty gems? None gib me gems?

07-01-2014, 09:29 AM
It dosnt fubar the game... all cyber meeds to do if nem is being honest is share the roles with everyone. Bang bam done.
Juat because nem knows the role.. doant mean jack shit for him. He dosnt know them all. Typically, moss post alllllll roles at the start of the game. We are like the only fucking people who dont do that shit.

It FUBARS the game Mikey. Day 1 is a bust. It's simple. If Nem is lying, we lynch him (EVEN IF HE'S THE JESTER CUZ WHO CARES?!) If he isn't lying, modkill me or replace me Cyber. Simple.

07-01-2014, 09:34 AM
It FUBARS the game Mikey. Day 1 is a bust. It's simple. If Nem is lying, we lynch him (EVEN IF HE'S THE JESTER CUZ WHO CARES?!) If he isn't lying, modkill me or replace me Cyber. Simple.

Stop crying plea. I dont understand how it ruins the game. For christ sakes all roles should be posted.

Ibis mafia scum is about on the same level as the special olympics.

- - - Updated - - -

It isnt like he knew who each person was playing the role and he only said a couple. Knowing cyber it possible thats part of nems role too. Sone sortbof diviner role.

Bottom line, if nem knowing of a specific role is badx then fuck me too for knowing of a specfic role in game.

Dont understand how anything changes if cyber reveals the roles.

07-01-2014, 09:35 AM
Stop using fubar as a verb.

07-01-2014, 09:38 AM
Stop using fubar as a verb.

Fubared my rhubarb cause some tard fubard on my rhubarb.


07-01-2014, 09:46 AM
Fubared my rhubarb cause some tard fubard on my rhubarb.


Stop wacking your rhubarb so hard and it might not be fubar you tard.

07-01-2014, 09:47 AM
A mod fuck up.

- - - Updated - - -

Cyber sent me multiple roles by mistake so I know what investigative roles we have. A few anyways.

Don't fucking use me to claim some shit.

You know exactly what happened, and since YOU were the one that brought it up, i can very well explain EXACTLY what happened, and who got mixed up.
Would you like me to talk or you gonna learn your place and stop fucking targetting and blaming a mod each game in order to win your arguments?

07-01-2014, 09:50 AM
Don't fucking use me to claim some shit.

You know exactly what happened, and since YOU were the one that brought it up, i can very well explain EXACTLY what happened, and who got mixed up.
Would you like me to talk or you gonna learn your place and stop fucking targetting and blaming a mod each game in order to win your arguments?

Nope, you saying you did indeed mix up roles is good enough, thanks!

07-01-2014, 09:51 AM
What happened? What happened?!? I WANT TO KNOWWWWW

07-01-2014, 09:54 AM
Stop crying plea. I dont understand how it ruins the game. For christ sakes all roles should be posted.

Ibis mafia scum is about on the same level as the special olympics.

- - - Updated - - -

It isnt like he knew who each person was playing the role and he only said a couple. Knowing cyber it possible thats part of nems role too. Sone sortbof diviner role.

Bottom line, if nem knowing of a specific role is badx then fuck me too for knowing of a specfic role in game.

Dont understand how anything changes if cyber reveals the roles.

IDIOT! Read the fucking post! What you ASSUME to be a role because you think Cyber stole some shit from you like you're the only one to think of it, and what Nem KNOWS is a role because of a PM he received from Cyber ARE DIFFERENT.

And knowing a role Day2 after you received an item from another player isn't even RELEVANT to this discussion. Stupid.

- - - Updated - - -

Don't fucking use me to claim some shit.

You know exactly what happened, and since YOU were the one that brought it up, i can very well explain EXACTLY what happened, and who got mixed up.
Would you like me to talk or you gonna learn your place and stop fucking targetting and blaming a mod each game in order to win your arguments?

So this is a Yes, then. CYBER you fucked up. Mod kill me or replace me idgaf.

GG shitty game.

07-01-2014, 09:54 AM
I think its only fair that you tell us the role you accidently sent nem. That way everyone feels betrer and we can all be on a level playing field.

07-01-2014, 09:54 AM
Not really, this just seems like Classic Nem trying to manipulate things to get his way. He claims that Cyber fucked up sending him things. I do not think Cyber would make such a mistake and not do something about. If I had to guess, Nemesis has some role or ability that gives him some info and now he is trying to use something outside the game to save his ass. Or better yet, since Cyber did not say it involved investigative roles, perhaps he sent him one of the other mafia players roles, so techinically, he did make a mix up, but it was no susbtantial and it certaintly does not clear nem.

07-01-2014, 09:58 AM
Nope, you saying you did indeed mix up roles is good enough, thanks!
stop trying to bend the rules to use me to make a point.
You know EXACTLY what this position is and u're gonna make me say shit that will fit ur criteria when it isnt the case, making ppl question the modding of this game, which isn't the fucking case.

you forced my hand, and i will either show up as a bad mod trying to cover up for your ass, OR i can explain this.

Now the choice is yours, since you forced my hand, do you want to be modkilled, or revealed?

- - - Updated - - -

i vote for revealed. this will teach u to stop bashing heads with the mods every fucking game, and using them to make shallow arguments or blame them if YOU fuck up and don't know rulings.

- - - Updated - - -

Not really, this just seems like Classic Nem trying to manipulate things to get his way. He claims that Cyber fucked up sending him things. I do not think Cyber would make such a mistake and not do something about. If I had to guess, Nemesis has some role or ability that gives him some info and now he is trying to use something outside the game to save his ass. Or better yet, since Cyber did not say it involved investigative roles, perhaps he sent him one of the other mafia players roles, so techinically, he did make a mix up, but it was no susbtantial and it certaintly does not clear nem.

well i'll be damned. i might not need to explain at all.

07-01-2014, 09:59 AM
well i'll be damned. i might not need to explain at all.

No, you still do.

07-01-2014, 10:01 AM
Admin pls. Please admin, repeat.

07-01-2014, 10:03 AM
IDIOT! Read the fucking post! What you ASSUME to be a role because you think Cyber stole some shit from you like you're the only one to think of it, and what Nem KNOWS is a role because of a PM he received from Cyber ARE DIFFERENT.

And knowing a role Day2 after you received an item from another player isn't even RELEVANT to this discussion. Stupid.

- - - Updated - - -

So this is a Yes, then. CYBER you fucked up. Mod kill me or replace me idgaf.

GG shitty game.

AND EVEN THEN. oops caps. It doant even matter. Nem dosnt know who the role belongs too.

If it was an investigation role and he is maf like what thinks, it wouldnt change shit... he would still play under the assumption that there is multiple investigation roles in a game this large.

thats all. Lets see what cyber says.

also, gems.

- - - Updated - - -

Well, I began typing this before whats post... fuck me sideways and smash my phone.

07-01-2014, 10:04 AM
For the sake of being politically correct about this.

Nemesis is trying to make me answer with a Yes or No on something that doesn't work with a yes or no:

YES, nemesis was sent another player's PARTIAL role ( i use some templates when writing pm roles, and i just replace the role name, the powers, and then the flavor quote).

What nemesis is trying to accomplish in this is to make me confirm the above part without mentioning the second part;
The player whose role got swapped with his, was his own partner... which after night 1, makes his own argument moot as the information he has NOW is the same as he would have had at night 1 whether i sent him his partner's partial pm by accident by using an old template, or not.

So like i said, i don't like being toyed and have my modding integrity put on a line in order to play along in a charade.

Nem it's you play now.
Do what u want, but use me again on private modding things,or quote me, and u'll be mod killed.

u keep trying to cross that line every time u play, and it's somehow always mod's fault right?

07-01-2014, 10:05 AM
Relativly certain I was right about him being mafia. That Cyber may have inadvertanly sent the flavor or some shit from another mafia member to him, so "technically" he made an error, but an error that does not affect the game or alter it in any way since all mafia know eachother and their roles anyways. He is making a mountain out of a mole hill to save his butt, as I said already, Nem likes to have red herrings that are based on something outside of the game.

- - - Updated - - -

well, it seems as if I am right.

07-01-2014, 10:06 AM
So this is a Yes, then. CYBER you fucked up. Mod kill me or replace me idgaf.

GG shitty game.

read my damn post. don't get your panties in a bunch. this game is working as intended, nemesis's shit keeps rattling people in every game regarding the mod ruligns.

play the game, nothing has been broken, nothing at this moment is considered an advantage to anyone.

stop making assumptions and just play the game when the mod says its all fine.

07-01-2014, 10:07 AM
So it's decided. Lynch Nemesis for being a faggot.

P.S.: You still fucked up Cyber.

07-01-2014, 10:10 AM
Relativly certain I was right about him being mafia. That Cyber may have inadvertanly sent the flavor or some shit from another mafia member to him, so "technically" he made an error, but an error that does not affect the game or alter it in any way since all mafia know eachother and their roles anyways. He is making a mountain out of a mole hill to save his butt, as I said already, Nem likes to have red herrings that are based on something outside of the game.

- - - Updated - - -

well, it seems as if I am right.

To be entirely frank, I never doubted nem being evil. You are wrong about your claim on me so I decided to push you further for a reasoning. You never provided evidence in your post when voting for nem. Tis all I wanted but it seem you get a scapegoat and a partial if you are right.

07-01-2014, 10:14 AM
As I have said, I believe Nem to be a goon, which would mean his willingness to kill you would at the very least mean you two are not on the same team, since the goon is the expendable one and would not go out of his way to kill a partner who presumably has a power. Does not mean you are cleared, just means you are not affiliated with Nem.

07-01-2014, 10:15 AM
Yo nem, who you working with?

07-01-2014, 10:16 AM
My absolute favourite part is Cyber bitching about me bending the rules when he actively cheated last game, that was my favourite part.

Yup, Cyber sent me Locust's role instead of mine, played half the first day without a role. There are definitely two mafias since there's only two of us, and What lied since I don't have a night action.

The whole point was to clear the investigative roles since there is most likely a Tracker/Watcher combo or something similar. I told Cyber to hold off for 10 minutes until I got home to put that into effect, however we all know how good he is at...anything.

oh well.

07-01-2014, 10:18 AM
I'm a genius, Nem is a prick and shouldnt be allowed in any future games.

All agreed vote Nemesis.

07-01-2014, 10:19 AM
I'm a genius, Nem is a prick and shouldnt be allowed in any future games.

All agreed vote Nemesis.

No you're just a nigger and voted for me before I even posted in the game, you have no idea what my role is and are STILL wrong about what happened at night.

07-01-2014, 10:19 AM
So this game is a wash.

Next game please.

07-01-2014, 10:21 AM
Vote Nem
Voteban Nem from future games

07-01-2014, 10:24 AM
Nem = biggest tantrum baby to ever disgrace these forums. Game technically isnt over yet since there is still unknown mafia, a 3rd party role. I say we continue just to gain experience and have fun, I'm sure there still are twists, and we shouldnt let one child ruin it for everyone.

Also like to point out, he completely validated what I said. He ALWAYS blames the mod or another player as a tactic that takes place outside of the game.

07-01-2014, 10:24 AM
Nah Don't ban Nem from future games, just vote lynch him day 1. Or kill him Night 1, since we should start all games on Night 1 anyway.

07-01-2014, 10:24 AM
not to mention he could be lying about Locust to throw us off, probably not since he is throwing a tantrum, but still a possibility.

07-01-2014, 10:25 AM
vote nemesis

I see no reason to ban him from future games.

07-01-2014, 10:25 AM
Vote Nem
Voteban Nem from future games

You don't even know how this game works.

I can claim Cyber told me anything I want as long as I don't quote him. I can claim he gave me a list of everyone's role and show you all a random list. It I never told him to speak, that was you guys. Whining. I even gave him a heads up after the fact to wait for me to post what had happened, but nope, had to open his mouth.

07-01-2014, 10:25 AM
So we voting nem? or is this game squashed?

07-01-2014, 10:26 AM
Hey Nem, take responsibility for your actions some time.

07-01-2014, 10:26 AM
So we voting nem? or is this game squashed?

Vote Nem you faggot.

07-01-2014, 10:27 AM
Hey Nem, take responsibility for your actions some time.

Which is what, exactly? not quoting a mod post and lying as mafia? or, you know, playing the game?

07-01-2014, 10:27 AM
vote him, the game isnt done yet. One child shouldnt ruin it for everyone.

07-01-2014, 10:27 AM
Vote Nem you faggot.
Dont tell me what to do, you're not my real mom.

Vote nem

I dont think nem should be banned from future games.

07-01-2014, 10:28 AM

Vote Nemesis

07-01-2014, 10:29 AM
Lets see, People were ready to leave, if Cyber never says anything you will say how shitty he is and fucked this up so that you could save your ass and throw the scent off of your trail, meanwhile people at a standstill waiting for him to respond to such an accusation, so yeah, you knew what you were doing and knew that there was notihng Cyber could do that wouldnt make you have a reason to say how shitty he is, so well done, you are a terrbile human being and an even worse player. Try playing the game sometime, instead of trying to dick around like a prick to get your way, wont be happening here of course.

07-01-2014, 10:29 AM
I told Cyber to hold off for 10 minutes until I got home to put that into effect, however we all know how good he is at...anything.

oh well.

this never happened.
and again, u make it look like im the bad guy when you tried to twist the mod into answering a Yes or No and make it look like something that it completely is not...

ANYWHO. i did not reveal you btw. i merely said u have a partner.
Whether nemesis's post is right or wrong , i cannot say bcos i don't even know what's going on in his head anymore.


AT this exact moment, that mod error is moot and meaningless as it has affected nothing in the setup or the information that players were SUPPOSED TO HAVE.

So tl;dr:
Close the subject, i consider this resolved, and nemesis was partially sanctioned for being an arrogant ignorant dick who cannot see the consequences of his words affecting the other players' willingness to play the game... just to stroke his own epeen in the game.

MOVE ALONG. RESUME THE DAY. This conversation never happened, go back to bickering, night analyzing and nigger callings. That's how it's supposed to have played out by now.

07-01-2014, 10:30 AM
One more vote. Mikey cast your vote back on Nemesis pls.

07-01-2014, 10:31 AM
Lets see, People were ready to leave, if Cyber never says anything you will say how shitty he is and fucked this up so that you could save your ass and throw the scent off of your trail, meanwhile people at a standstill waiting for him to respond to such an accusation, so yeah, you knew what you were doing and knew that there was notihng Cyber could do that wouldnt make you have a reason to say how shitty he is, so well done, you are a terrbile human being and an even worse player. Try playing the game sometime, instead of trying to dick around like a prick to get your way, wont be happening here of course.

this pretty much summed up my mental state when trying to figure out how i would respond to his statement... and to the 4 ppl threatening to leave the game if the setup was broken... which it wasn't... but i couldnt explain that it wasn't without revealing nemesis's storyline... which he knew that... hence forced my hand.

so yeah.

07-01-2014, 10:37 AM
before the lynch, clearly im amazing, so if anyone can provide me some protection, that would be great.

07-01-2014, 10:38 AM
before the lynch, clearly im amazing, so if anyone can provide me some protection, that would be great.

Nah, you just got really lucky, plus your role that allows your day investigation. Nothing but luck.

07-01-2014, 10:40 AM
Me <----------------------




dry your tears son, everyone meets their heroes someday.

07-01-2014, 10:40 AM
Me <----------------------




dry your tears son, everyone meets their heroes someday.

You are so black, even Oprah calls you a Nigger.

07-01-2014, 10:41 AM
dinner time, looking forward to a lynch scene when i get back.


07-01-2014, 10:42 AM

Vote Nemesis

Get the FUCK out!!!

07-01-2014, 10:48 AM
Really Cyber, you don't already have the scene written?

07-01-2014, 11:11 AM
What.. pure luck. Nothing special.

- - - Updated - - -

Are we not at max vote?


- - - Updated - - -

Omfg im about to destroy my phone.

vote nemesis

07-01-2014, 11:11 AM
Hm I'm gonna have to join in on this.

Vote Nemesis

07-01-2014, 11:14 AM
Hm I'm gonna have to join in on this.

Vote Nemesis

What.. pure luck. Nothing special.

- - - Updated - - -

Are we not at max vote?


- - - Updated - - -

Omfg im about to destroy my phone.

vote nemesis


Vote Nemesis

Get the FUCK out!!!

Dont tell me what to do, you're not my real mom.

Vote nem

I dont think nem should be banned from future games.


Vote Nemesis

Vote Nem
Voteban Nem from future games

vote nemesis

I see no reason to ban him from future games.

Cyber is having a hard time counting.

Add What and Sin.

07-01-2014, 11:15 AM
blah blah ... something something...

- fucking nigger jewbag cum swapper mexicant grave pisser...i mean: Fear the Void. (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/8/85/Khazix.move8.ogg)

"I was right all along, u should have listened to me and watched over me..."
yatta yatta

- You're a nigger and black and should get cancer. If I eat you, will I learn how to die? (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/0/0f/Khazix.taunt2.ogg)

"Squash that black bug. You don't belong in this world... or any world really..."

yatta yatta, pretend this is some fucking clever story line that u guys will completely ignore bcos that's what u always do, and i question why i even bothered to post clues or to make it all look so pretty for ur sorry asses in the first place...yatta yatta yatta...

oh look something happened:

Cunt-esis, aka Kha'Zix, Mafia Even-night Ninja has been lynched.

DAY 2 has ended.
NIGHT 2 has started.

Everyone shut the fuck up now.

Partners can talk now.

Submit to me all your actions, even if you don't want to do anything, ASAP.

07-01-2014, 11:15 AM
Hm I'm gonna have to join in on this.

Vote Nemesis

Why you no talk just vote? Are you a fish? Gem plea?

brett friggin favre
07-01-2014, 11:16 AM
***BAHAHAHAHA nem...throwing a hissyfit, someone get his baba for him. This makes me forget about dying on a 3rd straight night***

07-01-2014, 11:18 AM
too busy to post a picture vote count... but that's a lynch obviously...

MAYBE KNOW ppl will know why i was requesting from everyone to chill out about nemesis's accusation because i had to make a tough decision between ignoring accusations or explaining the fucking issue? because hands were forced by the fucknut who should have known that such claim would force an outrage that would put me in such accusation spot as opposed to be simply a fake claim?

07-01-2014, 11:54 AM
Well since Locust is MIA i guess Day 3 won't start til next month.

07-01-2014, 12:16 PM
Well since Locust is MIA i guess Day 3 won't start til next month.


07-01-2014, 12:39 PM
ZzzzZZZZzz*just woke up and didn't get in on the fun Q.Q*ZZzzZZZzzzz

07-01-2014, 12:53 PM
ZzzzZZZZzz*just woke up and didn't get in on the fun Q.Q*ZZzzZZZzzzz

Should be here sooner then :)

Trigger Unhappy
07-01-2014, 01:16 PM
Should be here sooner then :)

Zzzz...lol... Fucking work made me miss that....lol ...

07-01-2014, 01:50 PM
Typically, moss post alllllll roles at the start of the game. We are like the only fucking people who dont do that shit.

only in open games.

- - - Updated - - -

and in fact, closed setups tend to be the most common type. according to mafiascum wiki...

07-01-2014, 02:06 PM
Most setups on Mafiascum are Normal.

07-01-2014, 03:11 PM
Has it been a month yet?
Cyber, contact locust and tell him its been a month.

- - - Updated - - -


07-01-2014, 04:16 PM
zZzZz... I was traveling for about 10 hours yesterday got here at 2 am and was asleep until around 1 pm at which point I went and spent some time with my family. Sue me. zZzZz

07-02-2014, 03:13 AM
What a night it has been on summoner's rift.

***Hot on the trail! Bloody hell, how could I be this lucky and unlucky at the same time? I wonder what people are doing on this fine evening. Let's take a look here, shall we? Got them in my sights. So that's the source of this annoying voice. Ooouuh, shiny. I guess my work is done for the night, I could use a spot of tea.

"Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gems! Gem..."
- WOULD YOU SHUT UP! GOD you are annoying. The light here is harsh already, how am I supposed to conduct research properly?!
"But my gems are truly outrageous! And besides, I'm making all sorts of noise so that people take a closer look at my splendid gems... While I take a closer look at them, complements of a mysterious friend."
- My studies have concluded that you are a raging homosexual gem gobbler. At this rate, it seems your chances of survival are... less than zero.

The mysterious creature's eyes glowed hot in rage as it channeled its attack with pin-point accuracy on Taric. However, a shout was heard in the vicinity: "Stars hear me!!!! (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/5/58/Soraka.wish1.ogg)" , and a glorious light befell from the sky and Taric was saved from certain demise.

Before Taric could assess the situation, the mysterious creature had slipped away in the shadows.

"Soraka! You came through! Your ult saved me! Well I'll be damned, you actually did not fail horribly for once and protected my tiny stones, i mean my gems."
<< No problem, I lend my aid (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/3/31/Soraka.move10.ogg)when I heed their call (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/4/40/Soraka.move5.ogg). Our fate is bound now, be at peace (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/0/0f/Soraka.attack3.ogg).
"Well that ended up better than expected, wait until I tell you guys all that I have learned tonight!"

Taric had merely finished his sentence when soraka got struck in the chest with an acid shard from the fog of war.
She hit the ground, screaming in excruciating pain.
<< It seems that this is my path (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/7/77/Soraka.move1.ogg)...Never waste a breath (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/7/76/Soraka.move8.ogg) taric, you only have so few of them left. It's a shame. Such hatred in their hearts (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/7/71/Soraka.attack7.ogg), Violence cannot go unanswered (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/2/2a/Soraka.attack4.ogg)! I will be avenged!!

Minjae, aka Soraka, Town Babysitter has been killed.

As the last light faded away from soraka's toes, moving up her body, it suddenly grew stronger and stronger, concentrated at the tip of soraka's horn, and suddenly blasted out of her body in an immense lunar ray shaped like a banana, striking Taric in the chest, shattering his armor, and putting him down on his knees.
"My gems...gems?" were his last words before he collapsed next to soraka's cold body.

Yes, that was a banana. No one expects the banana...Not even Taric.
Mikey, aka Taric, Town Vanilla is dead.

How unfortunate these two were. Or were they fortunate to die quickly? Moving away from the stack of dead bodies, back to the point of origin of that mysterious acid shard, we follow the acid trail back into the fog of war:

>> CANNOT... REST! (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/e/ed/Urgot.move2.ogg)She had the gift of light? I have the gift of eternal pain (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/4/46/Urgot.move5.ogg)! I could not have allowed that! Eternal Life... Endless torture! (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/0/0f/Urgot_Select.ogg)

I wouldn't be so sure of that! Your time has come!

>> That light, it's too strong! What are you doing here?!

I came here to heal your wounds, but you killed her, and you remain. Now I must kill you! An eye for an eye!

>> I am not done yet! You cannot kill me, I am cursed! My existence is torment (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/d/d3/Urgot.move8.ogg)!!

Then come here! I'll teach you all about the afterlife!

>> End this misery! (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/2/2c/Urgot.move3.ogg)

Trigger, aka Urgot, Mafia Bus Driver has been killed!

Many events happened before and after this scene, but of little consequence.
One cannot be certain if this night favored town or scum. But one thing was left to notice: This was no ordinary game that the rift was accustomed to... This was no game at all...

NIGHT 2 has ended (thank u all for rapid role submissions)


With 9 alive. It takes 5 to lynch.
All partners, no talk-talk now.
Resume thread discussion.

07-02-2014, 03:31 AM
Cyber, you are just fucking with me, right? That shit was too ridiculous if I'm reading it right.

Taric got targeted by someone but was protected by Soraka.
Urgot swapped Soraka and someone else, the other person got targeted so Soraka and Taric both died, then someone killed Urgot.

By the by, Giant Enemy Crabgot is my favorite toon in LoL. I wish you could see the chick on his shoulder in game.

07-02-2014, 03:50 AM
Actually, Acid Hunter is Urgot's Q. He is likely Soraka's killer. So it probably isn't as crazy as I first thought.

The flavor in this is dropping a bunch of clues, when I get time tomorrow I'll try to figure some of it out.

07-02-2014, 06:35 AM
So, regardless of the scene, Nemesis' tantrum yesterday pretty much handed us Locust on a platter, so unless an investigative role has anything else to add here, we should probably just go with that for Today. Also, Nem's color was different from Trigger's so its clear they were not together, leading me to believe that either Trigger has no idea what he is doing, or that Locust is also a bus driver, we shall see. But if everything goes well today we will be down 3 mafia and 1 3rd party.

Also, good to see mikey was town and was just being unconsciously ignorant.

Vote Locust

- - - Updated - - -

apparenty Bouzolos uses Acid shards, while it definitly makes sense since they path back to the origin of the shard led to Urgot, its possible that the killer was not him, it is unusual to send a power role into combat like that, so perhaps Bouzolos is the goon for that side,

07-02-2014, 06:46 AM
fucking Bouzolos, always bouzoling people's money and shit.

(was that phone typo?)
sry... i had to ask :P

07-02-2014, 06:53 AM
It was a , "I don't play this game and don't care how to spell his name" typo.

07-02-2014, 07:12 AM
How the babysitter works by the way, and its very clear from the scene, is that he is essentially a doctor, but if he is targeted, then both he and the person he protected gets killed. So..... Minjae protected Mikey, Minjae was targeted, and they both died. Then, someone killed Trigger, who may or may not have been the attacker on Minjae. So, even though 3 deaths, it should be no more than 2 kills, which makes the first night scene more curious. Perhaps the same person was targeted by different attackers, or we had something like a 1 shot vig, etc. Or one of the attackers from the first night held off from killing this night for whatever reason, or were roleblocked, so if we do have a roleblocker, you may well have hit scum last night.

- - - Updated - - -

First part of the scene also looks like someone was either hunting Mikey or looking at him, then got a gem and went away, so perhaps our Gem giver is a roleblocker of sorts.

07-02-2014, 07:14 AM
It was a , "I don't play this game and don't care how to spell his name" typo.

i spent the better part of 10 minutes trying to match a league champion to ur "bouzolos" thing hahahaha... some heck of a typo lol?

sry this has nthn to do with the game im just trolling that u probably mixed up ur games and bouzolos or anything remotely close to that is nowhere near league of legends. thats all <3
i love u ?


*a summoner has disconnected*

07-02-2014, 07:21 AM
Bozolus, chaos mage, slut.

07-02-2014, 07:26 AM
Bozolus, chaos mage, slut.

hehehe... man, it's just a random 'race suggestion", one of a billion submitted to riot.. just like how we have our "race suggestion thread" for wcs, and yet it's all purely comical or fiction? well, same there :P

but sure, i still laughed.

USE THE LINK I POSTED AT THE START. it has the current league champions actually created :P :D

07-02-2014, 07:28 AM
Soooooo, he just confirmed I was wrong about that apparently. So then its far more likely that Trigger did attack Minjae, unless there are some other acid throwing characters.

07-02-2014, 07:36 AM
Yeah looks like we have 2 mafia parties against each other, I don't think we have another 3rd party in question, but it does make sense that one of the killers was roleblocked.

I'm thinking 2 Mafia/2 Mafia/1 3rd Party setup.

Nemesis could have been lying, but from the sounds of it he was just being a sore loser and outing his teammate. Kind of shitty of him, but oh well.


- - - Updated - - -

Kog'maw throws acid balls.

07-02-2014, 07:48 AM
Also want to point this out, between the babysitter, and the bodyguard, we may well not have any more protective roles.

07-02-2014, 07:49 AM
Kog'maw throws Acid
Cassiopeia throws Acid
Twitch throws Poison Casks

Caitlyn apparently got something?
Heimerdonger left Taric

Kayle appeared at end and killed Urgot. (Proof that it's Kayle according to Flavor Text. (http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/b/b2/Kayle.move3.ogg))
I want to say Kayle is a doctor / vigilante combo? She heals, can make target (or self) invulnerable, and kills things.

I'll be back later tonight.

07-02-2014, 07:50 AM
Can you translate that for people who dont play the game wolf.

07-02-2014, 08:00 AM
Can you translate that for people who dont play the game wolf.
Yes please.

Could it be possible that Nem was lying about Locust? And instead of switching roles with Locust, he actually switched the roles with Trigger? Possibility?

07-02-2014, 08:02 AM
Well fuck, just looked up Caitlyn. So she definitly is not mafia, which means that there is not a roleblocked kill referenced in the scene.

So, a gem giver is probably like a friendly neighbor or something of those lines, meaning whoever they gave a gem to last night in addition to themselves, can be relativly solidly town, in addition, I think we are all good on blade and phil not being mafia, so that brings up to 4 confirmed townies that that person should know. I hope I have shown myself Town enough, so that should be 5 people that that person can feel solidly about, perhaps then if the cop investigated someone night 1 that is not yet dead or phil/blade that could up the number to 6 more or less confirmed town, of which Locust should not be 1, so out of 9 people, that would leave 2 left as questionable, if that sounds logical to people, then perhaps the gem giver can reveal themselves since, essentially this can more or less wrap up the game.

- - - Updated - - -

Trigger is a different color than Nem was, indicating he was not likely on his team.

07-02-2014, 08:03 AM
Vote Locust
Yeah I don't see nem as doing that, he's a whiny bitch, but he tells the truth, especially while having a meltdown.

07-02-2014, 08:15 AM
on a side note, this doesn't matter right now whatsoever because brett died, but i promised to mention all modifiers : Brett would have turned into a VT if his unlynchee had died in any way OTHER than a lynch. (just because his winning path was insanely hard in this setup otherwise).

Reading back through the posts I remembered this one. Since this is confirmed as being the case, there is most likely another 3rd Party in the setup I believe.

What, there has to be another killer in play. As you stated, according to the flavor text, Mikey/Taric was saved by Minjae/Soraka. Just so happens that Trigger/Urgot targeted Soraka, which in turn killed Mikey as well. Then someone else (Kayle/Vig maybe) killed Trigger/Urgot.

So out of the 3 attempts, only 2 succeeded.

I do not think the gem giver should out yet, ESPECIALLY if we don't have any protection roles left.

- - - Updated - - -

Shit, I forgot about the Jester. That's the other 3rd Party. Nevermind the beginning of that post.

- - - Updated - - -

Also, whoever the Vig is, you're getting a little trigger happy with that pistol. You fucked up the first night and got lucky the second.

If you have any X-Shots left, save them for when we have a better idea of who is against town.

07-02-2014, 08:20 AM
There aee no gems in hell T.T

07-02-2014, 08:27 AM
assholes...I wanted to play longer...

Sigh...I'll just follow/read along as it goes.

07-02-2014, 08:27 AM
Reading back through the posts I remembered this one. Since this is confirmed as being the case, there is most likely another 3rd Party in the setup I believe.

What, there has to be another killer in play. As you stated, according to the flavor text, Mikey/Taric was saved by Minjae/Soraka. Just so happens that Trigger/Urgot targeted Soraka, which in turn killed Mikey as well. Then someone else (Kayle/Vig maybe) killed Trigger/Urgot.

So out of the 3 attempts, only 2 succeeded.

I do not think the gem giver should out yet, ESPECIALLY if we don't have any protection roles left.

- - - Updated - - -

Shit, I forgot about the Jester. That's the other 3rd Party. Nevermind the beginning of that post.

- - - Updated - - -

Also, whoever the Vig is, you're getting a little trigger happy with that pistol. You fucked up the first night and got lucky the second.

If you have any X-Shots left, save them for when we have a better idea of who is against town.

Then what's our game plan?

07-02-2014, 08:35 AM
I dont see why the gem giver wouldnt reveal. As I laid out, he can pretty much narrow it down to 2-3 people, and its not like he has a power to confirm anyone, its just a role, it appears, to give something to someone and thereby confirm themself as town, the only reason it works for whoever got a gem last night is that it looks like caitlyn got a gem last night and that person should pretty much be the cop, hence those 2 are cleared, blade/phil are clear, so thats 4 out of nine, I would like to think I have been cleared at this point, thats 5, if the cop got an innocent hit on someone alive who isnt any of those people, thats 6, Locust should be scum, so that would have 7 out of 9 essentially cleared.

- - - Updated - - -

eh not 7 cleared, 7 identified, obviously scum is not a clear.

- - - Updated - - -

I mean yes the gem fgiver would essentially out teh cop, so maybe let them decide if they come forward, ideally if they have usuable info, it appears they investigated mikey last night, so that was a bust, but night 1 is still a possibility.

- - - Updated - - -

but if cop comes forward so should the gem giver, as i said to narrow down the suspect pool.

- - - Updated - - -

this is also all provided that the first person in the scene, who checked out mikey, and got a gem, is caitlyn, which i think is what wolf was saying, likely due to her love of tea?

- - - Updated - - -

And the gem giver/cop will defintly want/need to speak up the next day if they are still alive, at that point there will be like 7 or less people remaining, and between the cop, giver, and masons, thats 4 people. Also if gem giver is a thing, trying to think of the mafia scum equivilent. I think its friendly neighbor.

07-02-2014, 08:45 AM
Why are we so quick to clear Blade/Phil? Granted they haven't been cc'd, but who's to say there even is Masons in the game. Furthermore, Blade/Mikey/BM tried this tactic in the last game and it worked.

If we have no protective roles anymore, then the cop/watcher/oracle shouldn't out. They are our only lead to any confirmed anti-town during the night phase. I would like to know who they investigated Night 1 though, as it would shed some actual evidence. There are no hidden modifiers this game.

I understand what you're trying to do in narrowing down the suspect pool, What, but you'd also be painting targets on people's backs. Maybe there is another 3rd Party in play.

I need some concrete proof that Blade/Phil are confirmed town though. Going off of their "word" is a little ridiculous, and I'm starting to have my doubts.

07-02-2014, 08:48 AM
I'm basing it off that we have 2 mafias already, which must consist of at least 2 people each, so = 4. Plus jester, plus Brett = 6/17 if we say that they are mafia (since they would have to be working together) that would be 7/17 if they are part of trigger or nem's mafia (if nem lied about locust) or 8/17 if they are their own thing, so I do not think we have 7 or 8 anti-town roles out of 17 people, maybe, but that seems like an awful lot.

07-02-2014, 08:53 AM
Before you guys decide to lynch me can you actually give me some time to respond this time around? That would be great. I'll be posting in a little bit.

07-02-2014, 08:55 AM
Also, if he wasn't lying about Locust, no chance in hell blade and phil are anti town.

But I will wait to see what Locust says.

unvote locust

07-02-2014, 08:59 AM
unvote locust

07-02-2014, 09:14 AM
The creature conducting research is Vel'Koz. I thought it was Heimerdinger also, however "Your chances for survival are.... less then zero" is a dead giveaway. He is also the ally of Kha'Zix so it makes sense.

07-02-2014, 09:18 AM
Okay this is what I think happened, Nem realized that he fucked up with the whole multiple roles shit and went into recovery to try and protect his real partner. Obviously, he needs to throw somebody under the bus to do so and who's better than the guy who's travelling at the time and is the least likely to respond to the accusations. Cyber only ever confirmed that he had a partner he never confirmed Nem's claim of it being me. It's pretty obvious why he would want to take me down with him I think. He needs to buy time for his real partner and I was the easiest target due to circumstances leading to me not being able to respond quickly. He even went and voted for himself to expedite the process of him getting lynched giving me less time to respond to his claims during that day. Now it looks to everyone like I'm scum and we're wasting time looking at me while Nem's partner is out there safe.

07-02-2014, 09:18 AM
Why are we so quick to clear Blade/Phil? Granted they haven't been cc'd, but who's to say there even is Masons in the game.

Claiming mason's is a prettyyy bold move, esp since there could be other masons. Seeing that no other masons counter-claimed us, it's safe to say we are in fact masons. Investigating me is a waste, since I am a miller, I will show up as anti-town anyways.

07-02-2014, 09:21 AM
What, I must be misreading. Where are you getting "gem giver" from?

07-02-2014, 09:24 AM
mikey got gems, the cop got something shiny, likely a gem.

And Locust, I would have thought so, but he didnt take time to think he seemed to just be having a tantrum and he outed you without much time to think. He has no real beef with you, and you, in my opinion, are an odd target to choose. I'm gonna need more from you than, "he was just covering for someone else." Since that is literally the only other thing it could have been.

07-02-2014, 09:31 AM
I'm Town Vouyer.

First night I watched Phil and nobody did anything to him.
Last night I watched you and nobody did anything to you.

07-02-2014, 09:32 AM
"Let's take a look here, shall we? Got them in my sights. So that's the source of this annoying voice. Ooouuh, shiny. I guess my work is done for the night, I could use a spot of tea."

Pretty sure she's just spying on them through her scope. ^_^

07-02-2014, 09:34 AM
We're going to need a claim here, Locust.

Re-reading through the flavor text, it seems Soraka's character was linked with someone else "It's a shame. Such hatred in their hearts, Violence cannot go unanswered! I will be avenged!!"

In which Kayle then stepped in and killed Soraka's killer. Maybe Kayle isn't a Vig, maybe they're some kind of Vengeful/Vig combo? IDK I'm just speculating but it makes sense to me that Soraka had a Partner at night, who most likely covered her while she Protected someone else. Maybe Templars?

And Phil, you're just reiterating what Blade said Day 1.

07-02-2014, 09:38 AM
I'm Oriana Town Vouyer.

07-02-2014, 09:38 AM
Ok, Locust, I can not quibble with that claim at this point, perhaps you can add your character's name though.

So then I'm looking at 4 people I feel good about being cleared, and 1 that I'm very suspicious of.

07-02-2014, 09:39 AM
I'm Oriana Town Vouyer.

You know why I believe this? Because Cyber would spell "voyeur" incorrectly, and Locust most likely copy/pasted.

07-02-2014, 09:41 AM
I would say that if locust is telling the truth, that opens it up for phil/blade being on either sides mafia, but again, that would make 7 anti-town in a 17 player settup. I have a gut instinct on who to lynch next, but gonna need to see if people are down with that or not.

07-02-2014, 09:42 AM
I'm going to claim in a second, but I'm trying to think of how to word my reasoning for doubting Phil. Give me a few.

07-02-2014, 09:47 AM
Ok then, you all can kill either me or phil to prove the others innocence.

- - - Updated - - -

Granted, it would probably be a better idea to lynch me since I have -1 to lynch because fucking Teemo.

- - - Updated - - -

Honestly, I don't think Locust is Mafia. I bet Nem intentionally planted a persons name in there to implicate them.

07-02-2014, 09:47 AM
I'm interested to see what Sin's claim is and what his reasoning is.

07-02-2014, 09:47 AM
What I don't think that phil and blade could be mafia. Looking back at the color of the text of the mafia we have killed Nem was red and Trigger was pink. That makes there being 2 mafias there and I don't think there would be more than 2 involved. For Phil and blade to have made that claim together on day 1 they would've had to known each others role from day 1. But, considering there being 2 mafia, with what I assume is 2 people in each, they could not have been partners if they were mafia.

07-02-2014, 09:48 AM
Locust, can you at least try to read what I have been posting.

07-02-2014, 09:54 AM
I did. But if they were on either sides of the mafia how would they have been able to make the mason claim day 1?

07-02-2014, 09:56 AM
I didn't know phil's modifier at the time, which was Miller, and phil didn't know mine, which was Hated. I had to wait until Night 1 to find out. I only claimed because phil's a dumbass and almost got himself lynched.

Unless there are 3 Mafias (If that's the case, Cyber you are the dirtiest fuckwad out there), then it's pretty safe to assume that the layout is 2 Mafia / 2 Mafia / 1-2 Third Party (More than likely 1) / 12 Town.

07-02-2014, 09:56 AM
Jesus, Locust, take 10 minutes, go back through the pages and read the posts.

And being able to make a claim is easy. Why only 2 and not 3 of them? Because that would not fuck them all over if they were lying and got caught. I do not have a strong mafia feeling from them now, but i will see what Sin has to bring to the table.

07-02-2014, 09:58 AM
I'm going to claim in a second, but I'm trying to think of how to word my reasoning for doubting Phil. Give me a few.

Wait, you're doubting phil, but not me?

- - - Updated - - -

Jesus, Locust, take 10 minutes, go back through the pages and read the posts.

And being able to make a claim is easy. Why only 2 and not 3 of them? Because that would not fuck them all over if they were lying and got caught. I do not have a strong mafia feeling from them now, but i will see what Sin has to bring to the table.

That's reasonable enough to assume.

- - - Updated - - -

Like I said, you can lynch me to prove phil's innocence. Eventually it may come to a point where I lose usefulness because I'm Hated.

07-02-2014, 10:01 AM
Welp, sin logged off.

07-02-2014, 10:03 AM
Okay So... I am Heimerdinger - Town Inventor. Night 1 I visited Mikey and gave him a gadget. Night 2 I visited Phil and gave him a gadget. Now these Gadgets are RNG on what that person gets. I will not state what the possibilities are, as I'm the only one that knows them and I can use them to figure out if someone is lying.

That being said, the flavor text shows Caitlyn as receiving my little present. If Phil is "supposedly" Lulu, then he was bussed Night 2 with whoever Caitlyn is. If this is the case we need whoever received my gift to out and out WHAT they received exactly.

If anyone wants to counter-claim me go right ahead, with Mikey dead it would be a bold move.

Phil, now it's your turn.

- - - Updated - - -

Wait, you're doubting phil, but not me?

Yes. Maybe Phil is a Traitor.

07-02-2014, 10:04 AM
There was at least 1 busdriver in play, and I think still another can well be in play, so it is a possibility, but that also requires the cop to out himself now, but again, along my original line of thinking, this is going to drastically narrow down the possibilities.

07-02-2014, 10:05 AM
Okay So... I am Heimerdinger - Town Inventor. Night 1 I visited Mikey and gave him a gadget. Night 2 I visited Phil and gave him a gadget. Now these Gadgets are RNG on what that person gets. I will not state what the possibilities are, as I'm the only one that knows them and I can use them to figure out if someone is lying.

That being said, the flavor text shows Caitlyn as receiving my little present. If Phil is "supposedly" Lulu, then he was bussed Night 2 with whoever Caitlyn is. If this is the case we need whoever received my gift to out and out WHAT they received exactly.

If anyone wants to counter-claim me go right ahead, with Mikey dead it would be a bold move.

Phil, now it's your turn.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes. Maybe Phil is a Traitor.

That's......um......interesting I suppose. I could see Cyber adding that.

- - - Updated - - -

Well then, kill phil. He really is Lulu. Cyber's difficulty was set to 8/10. Having a Traitor would jack that shit up to a 9.

- - - Updated - - -

ESPECIALLY with a Traitor Mason.

07-02-2014, 10:06 AM
So for arguments sake, Sin and Locust are clean, then lets say Phil and Blade still are, thats 4 out of 9, Cop makes 5, and I'm throwing myself in there at least for my own reasoning, that makes 6/9 leaving 2 mafia and a jester left to make 9, so yeah, that would be everyone.

07-02-2014, 10:07 AM
Why are you so quick to lynch Phil? I want answers.

- - - Updated - - -

We need whoever received my gadget to out and out what they got, before moving forward.

07-02-2014, 10:08 AM
So for the record then: Assassin, Wolf, Pass, and Scribble as the suspects, with 1 being the cop

07-02-2014, 10:10 AM
These fuckers are always so slow and quiet.

07-02-2014, 10:19 AM
assassin's online, hasnt claimed cop. Essentially thats what we are waiting for, since thats gonna essentially finish this game off, provided we dont lynch the jester, and that its reasonable to assume that phil got bussed with someone. Why is a big question though, since a bus driver cant self target. Did phil have the modifer that if investigate he came up scum? cause that would mean he was being bussed with the cop to make the cop look guilty.

I believe Locust's claim even more now sense he could have fucked up big time claiming that with Sin's powers, plus, the only reason to have a ninja is if a voyeur or the like is in play.

- - - Updated - - -

well, im off to dinner. Hopefully this gets summed up in couple hours.

07-02-2014, 10:29 AM
Why are you so quick to lynch Phil? I want answers.

- - - Updated - - -

We need whoever received my gadget to out and out what they got, before moving forward.

Because we are kinda useless now that you all know our full roles.

- - - Updated - - -

Although.....a Mason Jester......ok, I'm kinda curious.

07-02-2014, 10:29 AM
Because we are kinda useless now that you all know our full roles.

How does that make you useless? You're both still potential Town votes.