View Full Version : Standin.NajibRazak

05-14-2016, 03:12 PM
Name in Game: Standin.NajibRazak
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76842713
Link to ban: http://www.ibisgaming.com/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=Standin.NajibRazak&Submit=
Reason for perma ban: Upside down aimbot
GG Demo: 10302
Tick: 36500
WCS demo: 10301
Tick: 70000

Came in GG, spouting something that seemed like it was from a bot. Went upside down, aimbotting.

In a series of unfortunate events, avery kicked him before I could finish the ban in the menu.

Had to search through literally like 35 "Standin.NajibRazak"'s on steam, found one in CSS, joined game, it was our WCS server, where he once again went upside down against bots.

@tick 70000 WCS you can see him saying the same thing, and then going upside down.

This better please the RawR!@

05-14-2016, 03:36 PM
you just copied my last post huh...two steam id's? alt account? lol

- - - Updated - - -

Can someone please inform Avery on how we deal with hackers. They should be banned, not kicked :banghead:

05-14-2016, 04:11 PM
The dude in the demo is using upside down aimbot, but unless we know for sure that the person in the gg demo is the same as the steam id you got from the wcs server we can't know for sure.
If you can provide the wcs demo we can ban him that way.

Is there anyone who knows how to get a steam id from a demo if it didnt show in chat to make sure its the same guy?
Also, I already checked psychostats and the dude wasn't in game long enough to have been recorded.

I'm a zambi
05-14-2016, 05:27 PM
Is there anyone who knows how to get a steam id from a demo if it didnt show in chat to make sure its the same guy?
Also, I already checked psychostats and the dude wasn't in game long enough to have been recorded.
I thought all people who joined a server had their Steam IDs posted to chat. (so far I haven't had any issues with SourceTV not displaying IDs)
I also thought PsychoStats updated the moment you joined lol. Guess not ... hmm ...

05-14-2016, 08:31 PM
It posts to chat if hes there at the start of the round. He joined during the round and Avery kicked him before the next round started so it wasn't recorded

05-14-2016, 10:14 PM
Check consol, everything 30 seconds or so it posts the steamID's and the ip addresses of everyone in the server. When you're watching the demo that is.

05-14-2016, 10:49 PM

Under game sessions it shows he was in game for 38 seconds on 2016-05-14 @ 15:42 - 15:42 the map was gg_fy_funtimes. Ip adress is Steam id U:1:153685427

If this isn't the same person then disregard.

05-14-2016, 11:28 PM
His steam id was not posted, as i said before, Joker. I watched the demo twice...

Also, the "WCS" demo you posted is the funtimes demo from gg and it doesnt work, so blood you got to figure this shit out.

05-15-2016, 12:56 AM
I watched the GG demo as well. As Rawrr posted, i couldnt see the steam id and/or ip address. (Although i am kinda rusty at using the controls) It wasnt posted/logged into server yet. Nevertheless, upside down hacking is obvious but due to mistakes of the admin, can not verify the steam id and/or ip address, cant do anything. ULA, feel free to step in.

05-15-2016, 03:10 AM
According to psychostats he came in to the server at 15:40:37 (first time) played for about a minute and 10 seconds left then came back in at 15:42:49 and played for 38 seconds. During that time he killed {cDS} Master Gates, 1-SFOD-D, Avery C and ViRuSTriNiTy. With an ak47, scout, famas and galil.

The only demo during that time would be ftp://gg.ibisgaming.com/auto-20160514-153304-gg_fy_funtimes.dem which ended at 5/14/16, 3:48:00 PM. Map before this ended at 5/14/16, 3:3 3:00 PM so he should of came into the server just under 8 minutes of the funtimes map.

If psychostats is correct then this is his steam id: STEAM_0:1:76842713
And steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198113951155

I did not watch the demo, just going on what psychostats says.

Edited to fix emoticon from coming up

05-15-2016, 04:38 AM
The steam ID that blood got from the wcs server matches the U ID kasper got from the GG psychostats.
It is the same person.

Upside down aimbot

05-15-2016, 05:49 AM
It's like blues clues.

05-15-2016, 10:22 PM
Go on Vacation and miss all the fun :(