View Full Version : My official race thread

04-01-2010, 03:12 PM
all races i make will be posted on here in hopes that one may be assimilated onto ibis wcs servers

for now here is my 1st finished race

Flash (untested)

"name" "Flash"
"author" "Callo"
"required_level" "210"
"maximum_level" "0"
"allow_only" "0"
"teamlimit" "0"
"preloadcmd" "0"
"player_spawn_cmd" "0"
"round_start_cmd" "0"
"round_end_cmd" "0"
"numberofskills" "4"
"numberoflevels" "8"
"skillnames" "run|dash|Flash Whirl|ultimate speed"
"skilldescr" "passive speed bonus(1.3 to 2)|long jump (1.2 to 2)|Flash spins very quickly knocking people back(higher levels equal larger range and longer knockback)|run at blinding speeds(higher levels increase duration)"
"skillcfg" "player_spawn|player_spawn|player_ability|player_ul timate"
"skill1_setting" "es_set Flash_speed 1.3|es_set Flash_speed 1.4|es_set Flash_speed 1.5|es_set Flash_Speed 1.6|es_set Flash_Speed 1.7|es_set Flash_Speed 1.8|es_set Flash_Speed 1.9|es_set Flash_Speed 2"
"skill1_cmd" "es es_xkeygetvalue wcs_tmp WCSuserdata event_var(userid) speed;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_speed) > server_var(wcs_tmp)) then es est_Speed event_var(userid) server_var(wcs_speed);es es_xif (server_var(wcs_speed) > server_var(wcs_tmp)) then es_xkeysetvalue WCSuserdata event_var(userid) speed server_var(wcs_speed);wcs_getlanguage wcs_lng wcs_lng_r_unholyact;es es_xtell event_var(userid) #multi server_var(wcs_lng)"
"skill1_cmd" "es wcs_setfx speed event_var(userid) = server_var(Flash_speed)"
"skill1_sfx" "0"
"ultimate_cooldown" "1"
"skill2_setting" "es_xset wcs_multiplier 1.2|es_xset wcs_multiplier 1.3|es_xset wcs_multiplier 1.4|es_xset wcs_multiplier 1.5|es_xset wcs_multiplier 1.6|es_xset wcs_multiplier 1.7|es_xset wcs_multiplier 1.8|es_xset wcs_multiplier 2"
"skill2_cmd" "es es_xkeysetvalue WCSuserdata event_var(userid) longjump server_var(wcs_multiplier);wcs_getlanguage wcs_lng wcs_lng_r_longjump;es es_xtell event_var(userid) #multi server_var(wcs_lng)"
"skill2_sfx" "es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 server_var(wcs_userid);es est_effect 10 #a 0 dev/ocean.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 60 70 3 30 100 0 255 100 100 255 10"
"skill3_setting" "es_xset wcs_radius 16;es_xsetinfo kback 16;es_cexec +left|es_xset wcs_radius 18;es_xsetinfo kback 18;es_cexec +left|es_xset wcs_radius 20;es_xsetinfo kback 20;es_cexec +left|es_xset wcs_radius 22;es_xsetinfo kback 22;es_cexec +left|es_xset wcs_radius 24;es_xsetinfo kback 24;es_cexec +left|es_xset wcs_radius 26;es_xsetinfo kback 26;es_cexec +left|es_xset wcs_radius 28;es_xsetinfo kback 28;es_cexec +left|es_xset wcs_radius 30;es_xsetinfo kback 30;es_cexec +left"
"skill3_cmd" "es_cexec +left;if (server_var(wcs_radius) >= server_var(wcs_radius)) then (kback)"
"skill3_sfx" "0"
"ability_cooldown" "10"
"skill4_setting" "es_xset wcs_duration 5|es_xset wcs_duration 8|es_xset wcs_duration 11|es_xset wcs_duration 14|es_xset wcs_duration 17|es_xset wcs_duration 20|es_xset wcs_duration 23|es_xset wcs_duration 26"
"skill4_cmd" "es est_playplayer server_var(wcs_userid) ambient\explosions\explode_7.wav;es_xtell server_var(userid) #multi #lightgreen : Got a #green speed boost #lightgreen for #green(wcs_duration) seconds.;es est_speed server_var(wcs_userid) 3.0;es es_xdelayed server_var(wcs_duration) est_speed server_var(wcs_userid) 1.0;es_xmath wcs_duration - 1;es es_xdelayed server_var(wcs_duration) es_xtell server_var(wcs_userid) #multi #lightgreen : becoming #green slow #lightgreen again ...;racealias_invspb4"
"skill4_sfx" "es est_effect 4 #a 0 sprites/tp_beam001.vmt server_var(wcs_userid) 3 3 3 50 255 0 25 255;es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 server_var(wcs_userid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 340;es est_effect 10 #a 0 models/effects/splodecard2_sheet.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 550 100 5 750 200 0 155 115 100 200 30"
"ultimate_cooldown" "30"

this is a race that i am currently working on. im posting this part here jsut so people can see the basis for his moves

Thief (unfinished subject to changes)

"name" "Thief"
"author" "Callo"
"required_level" "210"
"maximum_level" "0"
"allow_only" "0"
"teamlimit" "1"
"preloadcmd" "0"
"player_spawn_cmd" "0"
"round_start_cmd" "0"
"round_end_cmd" "0"
"numberofskills" "6"
"numberoflevels" "5"
"skillnames" "sneak(recommended)|quick get away|that's mine|and that's mine|and that's mine|homefree"
"skilldescr" "invisible while walking(20-100%)|run at double speed for a short period of time5-10 seconds|steals gold|steal players weapon|return to your base"
"skillcfg" "player_spawn|player_ability|player_spawn|player_sp awn|player_ultimate"



that is all for the time being . also have more ideas but will not start another project till i finish the one im working on.

please keep spam to a minimum if you are going to ask me to make a certain race post it on my profile and ill take a look at it when i get to it

04-01-2010, 04:00 PM
I would love to see a real profession race up there....hmm how about

Funeral Director:
1) Transportation - Teleport somewhere?
2) Removal - Immobilize the body for 1/2/3 seconds
3) Embalming - Inflict damage to a body 10/30/45 ??
4) Ultimate - Burial.. 40/80/120 Damage

Not a bad idea? Can be mixed around but that has to be the skills lol

04-01-2010, 04:48 PM
we need a deagle only class and a tmp/mac10 only class. just want 2 throw that out there, they're classes that have been requested for a rather long time now, the deagle class more so.

04-01-2010, 07:54 PM
I would love to see a real profession race up there....hmm how about

Funeral Director:
1) Transportation - Teleport somewhere?
2) Removal - Immobilize the body for 1/2/3 seconds
3) Embalming - Inflict damage to a body 10/30/45 ??
4) Ultimate - Burial.. 40/80/120 Damage

Not a bad idea? Can be mixed around but that has to be the skills lol

please keep spam to a minimum if you are going to ask me to make a certain race post it on my profile and ill take a look at it when i get to it

can you at least try to read my post?

04-01-2010, 07:59 PM
ummmm...i think that race is legit

04-02-2010, 08:55 AM
can you at least try to read my post?

i can but when i send a PM my screen freezes up for some reason

04-02-2010, 10:56 AM
i can but when i send a PM my screen freezes up for some reason

just post it on my profile

04-03-2010, 12:21 AM
once i commit to coding thief it shouldnt take more than a couple of hours im just too out of it atm to do anything

04-03-2010, 08:25 AM
I know a perfect deagle race
Faceless Void

Time warp: Teleportation but half of human's(ability 1)
Time dodge: Evasion 25%
Bullet Warp:45% more damage to an enemy
Chronosphere: Everyone in the range of a bombsite is frozen and the faceless void then has a knife (no deagle) to stab people, stun should only last for 5 or 3 secs(ultimate)

04-03-2010, 03:19 PM
I know a perfect deagle race
Faceless Void

Time warp: Teleportation but half of human's(ability 1)
Time dodge: Evasion 25%
Bullet Warp:45% more damage to an enemy
Chronosphere: Everyone in the range of a bombsite is frozen and the faceless void then has a knife (no deagle) to stab people, stun should only last for 5 or 3 secs(ultimate)

I didn't know we were playing DotA....

My idea for a race:

Skill1: Chance to spawn with all nades, deagle, and m4/ak, maxed out yeilds 100%
Skill2: Critical Strike
Skill3: Extended mags, applies to both deagle and m4/ak
Skill4 (Ultimate): Berserk, increase speed and unlimited ammo for a short time

04-04-2010, 02:44 AM
if people continue to post idea's here i will just insult them no matter how good the race is

04-05-2010, 11:42 AM
I know a perfect deagle race
Faceless Void

Time warp: Teleportation but half of human's(ability 1)
Time dodge: Evasion 25%
Bullet Warp:45% more damage to an enemy
Chronosphere: Everyone in the range of a bombsite is frozen and the faceless void then has a knife (no deagle) to stab people, stun should only last for 5 or 3 secs(ultimate)

this race is right from the azeroth server instead the extra damage is a stun