View Full Version : new CSS beta open again

05-19-2010, 06:21 PM

get it while you can.

05-19-2010, 06:36 PM
Downloading! I might only be home for today and tomorrow, but I can try it for a couple hours at least to see the differences..

05-19-2010, 07:26 PM
They gimped the p90 the bastards!

05-19-2010, 07:27 PM
They gimped the p90 the bastards!

wait what? how?

05-19-2010, 07:29 PM
Idk but I was getting odd numbers, nothing was blocking my shots yet

Damage Given to "^1Sp^5ace^1d" - 118 in 7 hits

Damage Given to "^1Sp^5ace^1d" - 84 in 7 hits

05-19-2010, 07:32 PM
This is an outrage! They make you reduce the sizes of your sprays now! You can't just pick a spray and import it anymore! F*** you Valve!

And everything has purple checkered patterns..

And they're breaking all the mods..

And this is total bullshit..

05-19-2010, 07:34 PM
I agree. We should be able to import any freaking spray we want.

05-19-2010, 08:50 PM
yeah... this change is really not needed.... I don't like the kill cam or any of the shit they added.

05-19-2010, 08:54 PM
yeah... this change is really not needed.... I don't like the kill cam or any of the shit they added.

Kill cam can be disabled by the user.

The game is so dark, I almost had to turn my gamma all the way to light so now all the color is muted :/

05-19-2010, 08:54 PM

05-19-2010, 08:56 PM
don't betas normally involve...feedback?

valve is fucking up big time here.

i only hope that they manage to optimize running css on servers, so that you can load plenty of mods on (when they get made) to change it all back the way it was.

05-19-2010, 08:57 PM
Thank fucking GOD! I got it, so this week end I can start testing and getting things working in the beta. Hopefully I can fix everything in advanced next week.

05-19-2010, 09:11 PM
Thank fucking GOD! I got it, so this week end I can start testing and getting things working in the beta. Hopefully I can fix everything in advanced next week.

zero, i think i speak for everyone when i say, all hail.

seriously, if you can get wcs running on the beta (zm and gg will be updated on their own i'm sure) i'll most definately try to send you some cookies this summer when i get a job.

05-19-2010, 09:15 PM
thaz maynard! i registered on my steam account! cant wait!

05-19-2010, 09:26 PM
I have to ask.. Is Steam fu**ing retarded?.. Sure, they'll keep their fan base.. But all the fans will also be pissed off.

05-19-2010, 09:44 PM
Well plan B then, trick steam into thinking the old version is a mod.

the UI I can understand updating but CC:S? thats fucking preposterous.

They should have listened to my fucking advice: you wanna do this, make it a separate game, but dont fuck us old css players over with this bullshit.

so to sum up it looks like I'll be saying the same thing about this game that I do about left 4 dead: I miss the old version before valve fucked it up.

FYI the only feedback they've been listening to on the steam forums is people sucking there dick and if you even bring up a negative the tf2 fan boys try and flame the hell out of it so even if you raise hell about it there not going to listen, hell one of the moderators called my idea of just making it a separate 2 - 10 dollar game insane for fucks sake.

so the best bet is to send all of your complaints to either erik or gabe from here

and after that let you walet do the talking when it comes to valve products and dont buy ep3, if you have to see what happens just watch it on you tube.

05-19-2010, 10:26 PM
Actually I do not think making it a separate game is a good idea as it will just split the community. However I do believe that they need to fix a lot of stuff in this update.

So far I have liked that it appears that the names on the score board scale to fit everyone I also like that it shows if the player talking on mic is dead or not.

I really do not like the server browser, it is a clusterfuck.

05-19-2010, 10:38 PM
I can see where this BETA is going:


05-19-2010, 10:50 PM
Kill cam can be disabled by the user.

The game is so dark, I almost had to turn my gamma all the way to light so now all the color is muted :/

you sure you didn't have your gamma boosted way high in regular CS:S? CS:S Beta looks about the same to me, with a bit more contrast and saturation. Brightness is the same as regular CS:S.

05-19-2010, 11:02 PM
I can see where this BETA is going:


ummm...what? unless you're implying that it contributes to global warming, or that you can dual wield p90 and m4 in the beta (2 hands each wtf? must have a vector or something.)

05-19-2010, 11:07 PM
Or that the players are mutants?

05-19-2010, 11:08 PM
Or that the players are mutants?

...i personally prefer the diclonus theory.

05-19-2010, 11:14 PM
I like the scoreboard idea. its like DoD. they changed the reg and the how the bullets effect your health...im not too keen on it but it seems to have helped the bullshit "OMG I JUST JUMPED AND HS YOUT WITH A GLOCK".

I think we can all agree that it needs more work.

05-19-2010, 11:23 PM
you sure you didn't have your gamma boosted way high in regular CS:S? CS:S Beta looks about the same to me, with a bit more contrast and saturation. Brightness is the same as regular CS:S.

I had to boost it yes, just not nearly as high as the Beta

its almost a 6 year old LCD monitor, do they just get dimmer as they get older? I dont really know.
It is a Benq fp731

I like the scoreboard idea. its like DoD. they changed the reg and the how the bullets effect your health...im not too keen on it but it seems to have helped the bullshit "OMG I JUST JUMPED AND HS YOUT WITH A GLOCK".

I think we can all agree that it needs more work.

Im fine with most of the changes but to change the way the bullets effect your health, even minutely, completely changes the game. It should NOT take 7 shots from a p90 to kill someone, no mater where you shoot the person from.
87 in 7 shots, even I hit the guy in the damn foot, he should have died unless something blocked the way, and you know what? NOTHING WAS.

05-19-2010, 11:56 PM
I like the scoreboard idea. its like DoD. they changed the reg and the how the bullets effect your health...im not too keen on it but it seems to have helped the bullshit "OMG I JUST JUMPED AND HS YOUT WITH A GLOCK".

I think we can all agree that it needs more work.

personally, i like the "OMG I JUST JUMPED AND HS YOUT WITH A GLOCK"

i find that shit entertaining. it's why i play. because you can pull off more stuff in css than in any other game.

and now it's ruined

05-20-2010, 07:52 AM
And you can't customize your name in-game anymore!

And you come to a complete stop when you're shot once..

And people only drop one weapon?..

And the grenade throws are screwed up.. You have to look at the ground for it to go straight almost..

And it's a hell of a lot harder to know if you got a kill or not.. Doesn't seem to play the same sounds for me.

And there are hackers already..

The hell man..

05-20-2010, 07:58 AM
And you can't customize your name in-game anymore!

The hell man..

ok, that's bullshit. i change my name in game based on what pron i'm watching atm. (brandiBelle, tannerMayes, brookeSkye, loreliLee...)

admins can probably still use ma_cexec though right?

05-20-2010, 08:12 AM
ok, that's bullshit. i change my name in game based on what pron i'm watching atm. (brandiBelle, tannerMayes, brookeSkye, loreliLee...)

admins can probably still use ma_cexec though right?

I don't know.. I haven't met any admins to ask them yet.. Honestly I doubt any of the mods will work.. So Mani Admin is probably out of the question for awhile.. There goes all server's way of functioning. Congrats Valve! You've managed to dewm us all..

And you can't walk into someone without being pushed back with the screen being all shaky.. I hate the new engine..

05-20-2010, 08:48 AM
I don't know.. I haven't met any admins to ask them yet.. Honestly I doubt any of the mods will work.. So Mani Admin is probably out of the question for awhile.. There goes all server's way of functioning. Congrats Valve! You've managed to dewm us all..

And you can't walk into someone without being pushed back with the screen being all shaky.. I hate the new engine..

no, mani is working on updateing pretty much constantly, they already have something out for the beta.

so now you're telling me that stacking doesn't work? it's tf2 style noblock? that blows. that completely kills jailbreak

05-20-2010, 09:05 AM
You can stack, it's just really shaky when you're trying to do it. Currently I'm emailing Gabe.



05-20-2010, 12:41 PM
valve = fail.....

05-20-2010, 12:51 PM
I think I downloaded it the second they sent me the message about open beta.

I am fairly disappointed about the results. My framerate has gone to shit because of the graphical update and I really don't feel like going out to get an expensive graphics card.

05-20-2010, 01:07 PM
get the 9800 GT. it's not that exspensive and good.

05-20-2010, 01:08 PM
Yeah I know

I'm going to hold onto a backup version of the old one just incase they fuck this up as badly as its currently indicated so hopefully someone can figure out how to rig it up as a mod.

if they do fuck us over this bad, speak with you wallet and let gabe know your not buying ep3 just because of how badly they've fucked us over with the css beta and this mac update bullshit.

05-20-2010, 02:39 PM
I think I downloaded it the second they sent me the message about open beta.

I am fairly disappointed about the results. My framerate has gone to shit because of the graphical update and I really don't feel like going out to get an expensive graphics card.

on source i run about 85fps average.

on the beta im touchin 30fps.....

05-20-2010, 03:59 PM
Well if css gets wrecked what game should we look forward to next?

05-20-2010, 04:00 PM
Well if css gets wrecked what game should we look forward to next?

battlefield 2!! come play w/ me, i'm getting better!

05-20-2010, 04:01 PM
....i hate that game right now lol.

05-20-2010, 04:01 PM
battlefield 2!! come play w/ me, i'm getting better!

Well my comp can handle it on minimum. I guess I'[ll buy it in the summer.

05-20-2010, 04:13 PM
spend 70 bucks on a new card instead of a game o.O

05-20-2010, 05:15 PM
I'm leaning towards ArmA 2 if CS:S dies.. Lots of mods, and lots of people can play.

05-20-2010, 05:20 PM
Dont like it... TF2 killcam hate it, hate the small font for the stats, nothing else....

this is a FAIL update and should be rethought until fully released.


05-20-2010, 05:28 PM
Dont like it... TF2 killcam hate it, hate the small font for the stats, nothing else....

this is a FAIL update and should be rethought until fully released.


YOU can turn off the tf2 kill cam, just go into options.

05-20-2010, 05:33 PM
lol. You guys are in no position to bitch about how games get wrecked. They get wrecked by demands of other players. Most of you have only played CS since it was CS:S which is kind of redundant considering you probably haven't played the other types of CS on other engines. I've only been playing CS since 1.5 using WON. Then 1.6 on Steam. CS:S is a noobs dream world of easy headshots and easy kills. 1.6 was and always will be the favorite CS game that was played when steam was launched. Let them use this beta. They already ruined it... what? 3-4 times? lol.

05-20-2010, 05:52 PM
lol. You guys are in no position to bitch about how games get wrecked. They get wrecked by demands of other players. Most of you have only played CS since it was CS:S which is kind of redundant considering you probably haven't played the other types of CS on other engines. I've only been playing CS since 1.5 using WON. Then 1.6 on Steam. CS:S is a noobs dream world of easy headshots and easy kills. 1.6 was and always will be the favorite CS game that was played when steam was launched. Let them use this beta. They already ruined it... what? 3-4 times? lol.

then get out and join a community about your favorite version loka. we didn't ask you to play css, so shut the fuck up.

05-20-2010, 07:51 PM
then get out and join a community about your favorite version loka. we didn't ask you to play css, so shut the fuck up.

Maybe you should re-read my post you dumb fucking inbred. There were so many versions of CS in "beta" form. I don't have a favorite version of CS at all or for that matter a favorite game. I said THE favorite is 1.6 in general. Please read, reread, and re-reread again. Reading is knowledge, and knowledge is power.

05-20-2010, 08:37 PM
I figure ill go for obisidian conflict once the 1.35 update comes out, I should be able to use the last V8 in it with the new garrysmod like addon system being implemented.




RIP Valve With A Brain:
1996 - November 17th 2008

Questionable Things Done By Valve Since Then:
Holding back the SDK for Left 4 Dead so it would work in the sequel by about 8 months when it was promised to come out right after the game came out, strangling the Left 4 Dead fan and mod community.

Fucking up the malay system by putting in a malay metter you can't turn off and rigging it up so the zombies stop you dead in one punch.

Preventing one of my most epic moments of gaming from ever happening again where I survived by the skin of my teeth all alone for 10 minutes in Dead Air by the baggage carousel just rescuing all of my teamates by seconds before getting knocked out in the rescue room

Never fixing it so that it auto dl's custom campaigns in the game like CS:S instead of forcing you to get out of the game and go to an outside website just to dl it

The release of Left 4 Dead 2 as a full game without fixing the above issue and constantly updating the code so moddings impossibile along with making VS mode suck more

Changing the end of Portal, instead of tacking on the new ending to the credits as to preserve the old ones originality and properly lead into the new one with whats called a stinger at the end of the credits they added it directly on (I oughta ask yahtzee what he things of BS like that)

The switch over to a new UI out of the blue without giving the user a choice in the matter between the two, with no valve made skins to choose from as well and without explaining how to modifiy it to make it look like the old one

Granted this one was somewhat warrnted but they really needed to properly label everything and streamline it as described

Suddenly out of the blue an update for a SIX YEAR OLD game that changes the engine and how the basic combat works where a single round stops you dead just like in the left 4 dead update that killed that too.

So anyone else get the feeling that Gabe is the new George Lucas of the gaming world, so big that no one in his company questions his decisions anymore?

granted he hasn't reached that level of fail yet but I think its going to come to ahead at the release of EP3, with that and the source engine running out of steam.

05-20-2010, 08:47 PM
Kavinsky, you may have some points, but you bitch about everything.

The steam UI was in BETA for 2 months before you got it.

What the hell is wrong with updating your code? Nothing.

05-20-2010, 08:54 PM
Valve wants to offer it's products on OSX.

CounterStrike's engine is TOO OLD to port.

Thus Counterstrike got an update. No need to read any more into it than that.

05-20-2010, 08:59 PM
Well I dont take George Lucas levels of dickishness from a company that used to be far more modder friendly lightly

Especally when they openly lie about there intentions for one of my favorite games for 8 months, ruin it for me in an update and then tell me oh yeah we've been working on a sequel to this from release day, have a nice day.


and I said the UI was SOMEWHAT warranted , but not very user friendly. like I said theres alot of things I had to read about just to learn what they do in the UI and thats never a good thing. It should have been as clearly labled and easy to use as the original with some valve made skins included with it.

and I still insist that this "beta" should just turn into CS:S 2 and leave the original alone. This is the one place they should follow tradition and leave our fucking game alone.

05-20-2010, 09:53 PM
Maybe you should re-read my post you dumb fucking inbred. There were so many versions of CS in "beta" form. I don't have a favorite version of CS at all or for that matter a favorite game. I said THE favorite is 1.6 in general. Please read, reread, and re-reread again. Reading is knowledge, and knowledge is power.

i did read it loka. now i ask you, what about those for whom css is their favorite? why should we let them ruin it?

05-20-2010, 10:06 PM
spend 70 bucks on a new card instead of a game o.O

see spending the money for the card, gives you then a wider variety of games you can play on your PC:wtg:

05-20-2010, 10:32 PM
Because that's the evolution of these games. CS is trying to compete with other FPS's. It was THE game when it came out back when i was 14. IT changed the way we see FPS today. Half-Life alone wasn't what intrigued players to play the CS mod. It WAS the game play of CS. Now it is a dinosaur and it's once legacy is what it is, a legacy. It's such a dinosaur right now that players complained it never took advantage of using the HL2 engine the way it should have. Now in this beta it is trying to take that advantage of what it lacked when TF2 and HL2 were more advanced in the advantages of the HL2 engine.

For example, they ruined DoD:S. Not the same game play as DoD 1.3. In fact you can see how badly they ruined DoD to the point where no one plays it anymore because it's so terrible. Completely ruined the hit boxes and ruined the weapon damage. Same can be said for 1.6 and CS:S. That alone is Valve's fault. Reason for the game play being so terribly inconsistent? Engine change. And they are doing it again. So I have gone through this about 4 times. It's not going to appease to anyone's liking. And trust me. You will not play it for 3 months, and then give in to it. That's just how it is with these video games. Which is why I find the whole "fuck the beta" argument so funny.

05-20-2010, 11:24 PM
see spending the money for the card, gives you then a wider variety of games you can play on your PC:wtg:

yea a 4850 is what 90$? that thing will easily pull over 300 fps in CSS, and probably this beta to. If you have a slimline case, get a 5570 and ill bet you can do 200 with that.

05-20-2010, 11:27 PM
yea a 4850 is what 90$? that thing will easily pull over 300 fps in CSS, and probably this beta to. If you have a slimline case, get a 5570 and ill bet you can do 200 with that.

i does has a laptop :cry cry:

05-20-2010, 11:31 PM
i does has a laptop :cry cry:

oh can I build you a computer then? I love doing that :)

I can say this though, try to see if you can update your drivers if you havent ever done that, if you havent you should be able to get an extra 10 FPS just doing that. What do you have in it?

05-21-2010, 12:06 AM
oh can I build you a computer then? I love doing that :)

I can say this though, try to see if you can update your drivers if you havent ever done that, if you havent you should be able to get an extra 10 FPS just doing that. What do you have in it?

well, my laptop runs css beautifully as is. it runs oblivion medium settings absolutely no problem, mass effect 1 high settings fine too.

but it has a discrete gfx card inside, ati Radeon Mobility HD 3650. very sweet card for a laptop.

05-21-2010, 12:11 AM
well, my laptop runs css beautifully as is. it runs oblivion medium settings absolutely no problem, mass effect 1 high settings fine too.

but it has a discrete gfx card inside, ati Radeon Mobility HD 3650. very sweet card for a laptop.

so about equal to an 8600GT or a 6800 GT
That thing has aged quite a bit, CSS I can see no problem running but ME1 on high? obviously not a 60 fps. what Resolution you playing at?

05-21-2010, 01:12 AM
so about equal to an 8600GT or a 6800 GT
That thing has aged quite a bit, CSS I can see no problem running but ME1 on high? obviously not a 60 fps. what Resolution you playing at?

always 800*600 windowed. i have gmail chats in the background. only games i play full screen now-adays are battlefield 2 (not bad company 2), natural selection, and oblivion.

05-21-2010, 01:30 AM
so about equal to an 8600GT or a 6800 GT
That thing has aged quite a bit, CSS I can see no problem running but ME1 on high? obviously not a 60 fps. what Resolution you playing at?

my resolution is 1600x1200

and running the 9800 GT I run bad company 2 on ultra graphics, strarcraft 2 on ultra, Aion on ultra... and everything is amazing. wicked card for a decent price.

05-21-2010, 04:24 AM
Well if that get hit by one bullet and stop dead shit isn't fixed I can Guarantee you I won't fold.

05-21-2010, 08:31 AM
yea a 4850 is what 90$? that thing will easily pull over 300 fps in CSS, and probably this beta to. If you have a slimline case, get a 5570 and ill bet you can do 200 with that.

Except you forgot i don't where to buy a card and how to install it.

05-21-2010, 08:34 AM
It's easy, you just open the case, remove the Ion Flux Generator, install the card, reroute the 733 circuits, and boom, you're done.

On a serious note though:

I already got rid of es_tools on the other servers and eventscripts and so their transition will be very smooth. The real risk is if people will be able to find us in this shit can of a server browser. Also this tag thing looks promising but I am not sure how it is to be used.

Looks like ZM won't be dying! In your face Valve!

05-21-2010, 08:35 AM
It's easy, you just open the case, remove the Ion Flux Generator, install the card, reroute the 733 circuits, and boom, you're done.

Wait wut? I think i should google this.

05-21-2010, 08:43 AM
on wcs site, they were discussing if es will break. if it doesn't it looks like wcs will transition pretty smooth. some races will have to be re-worked, but the mod should remain playable

05-21-2010, 09:15 AM
on wcs site, they were discussing if es will break. if it doesn't it looks like wcs will transition pretty smooth. some races will have to be re-worked, but the mod should remain playable

That sounds good. I look forward to playing some new races possibly

05-21-2010, 10:36 AM
What about GG?

05-21-2010, 04:17 PM
GG works im playing a GG server in Beta right now

05-22-2010, 08:50 PM
So far gg and zm do not work. The gg that does work is the old one that crashed all the time. But zm should be updated in the next few days and hopefully gg will be fixed.

05-23-2010, 03:46 PM
i know you all are going to hate me for this but i am loving this beta but for only one reason only the achievements lol i have 36 other that that they should just keep it the same and for want a new game to play seach "tactical interventions" it is the guy who made the original cs mod he used synonims to change the name lol becouse no longer with valve but this game looks like cs s to the extream i even read there are going to be npc citizen that the terrist can use a human shields oor just them getting in the way lol i am exited for this game

oh and i have the 9800gt and it is a great card for the price i got mine at best buy on sale for 50$

05-26-2010, 08:16 AM
i think moto summed up my thoughts and feelings towards css in his 2006 interview about cgs and source...

this game has changed so many times tho it was only a matter of time until they updated it again. the last time was the dynamic pricing update that flopped big time, but that was a choice you had -- this update isnt. similar to the old cs updates.

the competitive community will split again but the pub/casual communities will thrive and thats what valve really cares about which has become apparent over the years -- shame.

05-26-2010, 08:23 AM
i think moto summed up my thoughts and feelings towards css in his 2006 interview about cgs and source...

this game has changed so many times tho it was only a matter of time until they updated it again. the last time was the dynamic pricing update that flopped big time, but that was a choice you had -- this update isnt. similar to the old cs updates.

the competitive community will split again but the pub/casual communities will thrive and thats what valve really cares about which has become apparent over the years -- shame.

but they're making it more like tf2

05-26-2010, 08:37 AM
and thats just the natural evolution of the game. the orange box engine/episode 1 engine is the most uptodate source engine -- meaning you had to know sooner or later this was coming. this being valve and all. only looking out for that bottom line which has declined exponentially over the years especially after the fall of cpl/cal/cgs. popularity fell.

but it is a beta and normally many changes happen in on-going betas, but again -- this is valve/gaben were talkin about. -.-

there will be a vast decrease in current players, but an even bigger increase in new players that come into the fold. the only good thing about this update is hitboxes actually being accurate and not far ahead of the moving toons. them adding a dual-wielding option without a way to change it will break the competitive game though. we'll see.

05-26-2010, 08:57 AM
and thats just the natural evolution of the game. the orange box engine/episode 1 engine is the most uptodate source engine -- meaning you had to know sooner or later this was coming. this being valve and all. only looking out for that bottom line which has declined exponentially over the years especially after the fall of cpl/cal/cgs. popularity fell.

but it is a beta and normally many changes happen in on-going betas, but again -- this is valve/gaben were talkin about. -.-

there will be a vast decrease in current players, but an even bigger increase in new players that come into the fold. the only good thing about this update is hitboxes actually being accurate and not far ahead of the moving toons. them adding a dual-wielding option without a way to change it will break the competitive game though. we'll see.

wait, what?

dual wielding? oh fuck no

05-26-2010, 11:39 AM
? wtf

05-26-2010, 03:36 PM
Oh gawd duel wielding deagles,

05-26-2010, 04:38 PM
Devour your a fool for thinking that and your not helping us any.

You know Valve has shot themselves in the foot by listening to these TF2 fans right? There all biased towards there favorite class so you have to switch every fucking class every 2 minutes because the battlefield just changed and that class doesn't work against the current tide anymore.

Really valve should just leave CSS alone and rebalanced all of the classes in TF2 the way they see fit rather than constanly fucking with it, I mean they've had what 119+ fucking updates to TF2 since then over 3 years because of this.

and they fucked up and over left 4 dead as well by doing the same god damn thing to it.

When a car becomes outdated you don't force all of the owners back to the factory for a mandatory update, you make a new car for them to buy if they want to update to it and that should apply here with css and should have with left 4 dead.

The right thing they should be doing is restoring left 4 dead to its original pre fucked up melay system state with an auto custom campaign dl'er from css and make a new game called css 2 insted of forcing everyone to update.

Theres a reason why other gaming companies after 6 years make a sequel and dont overhaul the original out of nowhere.
It's to preserver the integrity of the original and build on it without ruining it for the fans of the original who might prefer the old one over the new one, like us.

I mean can you imagine what HL1 would be like if out of the blue they just gutted it with a new engine... oh wait they already did that and it SUCKED!!!

05-26-2010, 06:49 PM
Additional: May 7, 2010 is the offcial release date of the beta

05-26-2010, 06:51 PM
...kav, you're a fucking retard.

05-26-2010, 07:04 PM
I stick behind my opinion.

You keep trying to apease the masses by constantly tweaking a game instead of making a good game in your eyes your just going to make the game weaker as a result of that.

hell even yahtzee agrees with me on tf2, he stopped playing it before the medic update 2 years ago

Almost all of these unlockables for tf2 have far too many drawbacks and could have been easily fit into the current weapons set without any issue, instead of being one trick ponies like they are now (the direct hit and the backburner come to mind immediately)

So if HL2 had been made now it would have been a far more fucked up game, not a better one.

05-26-2010, 07:12 PM
i was talking about the fact that you are saying it'll be released on may 07 2010, when it is currently may 26 2010

05-26-2010, 10:10 PM
Oh sorry I got the months mixed up again.

05-26-2010, 10:10 PM
Oh sorry I got the months mixed up again.

well, where does it say june 7th? that'd be a horrible birthday present. or do you mean you read it wrong and there is no date yet?

05-27-2010, 01:39 PM
Yeah I read it wrong.

05-27-2010, 03:53 PM
I wonder if now would be the time to have a sm conversion of WCS made. I mean if wcs has to be totally reprogrammed why not just have it done in SM!>?

I am actually doing some research now to see if I can get any programmers interested with some incentives. $$

Possibly we could have a public sm version of wcs .77 created that works way better and is easier to create races for! This may cost us hundreds of dollars but I think it could be worth it if I can get some programmers interested.

05-27-2010, 04:14 PM
I wonder if now would be the time to have a sm conversion of WCS made. I mean if wcs has to be totally reprogrammed why not just have it done in SM!>?

I am actually doing some research now to see if I can get any programmers interested with some incentives. $$

Possibly we could have a public sm version of wcs .77 created that works way better and is easier to create races for! This may cost us hundreds of dollars but I think it could be worth it if I can get some programmers interested.

and then, we become famous and sought-after by distibuting this new and imporved WCS sm!!!

05-27-2010, 04:39 PM
I could care less about that I just want one that has better support for races and does not crash...

05-27-2010, 04:58 PM
I could care less about that I just want one that has better support for races and does not crash...

oh, well that too!

make sure we can have as many skills per race as we want though.

05-27-2010, 05:38 PM
I wonder if now would be the time to have a sm conversion of WCS made. I mean if wcs has to be totally reprogrammed why not just have it done in SM!>?

I am actually doing some research now to see if I can get any programmers interested with some incentives. $$

Possibly we could have a public sm version of wcs .77 created that works way better and is easier to create races for! This may cost us hundreds of dollars but I think it could be worth it if I can get some programmers interested.

!!!! :mini yeah:

05-27-2010, 07:38 PM
Zero I just read there was a major update for the beta, in particular for the menus and bumping into people problems do you think its gotten any better?

05-27-2010, 07:43 PM
I stick behind my opinion.

You keep trying to apease the masses by constantly tweaking a game instead of making a good game in your eyes your just going to make the game weaker as a result of that.

hell even yahtzee agrees with me on tf2, he stopped playing it before the medic update 2 years ago

Almost all of these unlockables for tf2 have far too many drawbacks and could have been easily fit into the current weapons set without any issue, instead of being one trick ponies like they are now (the direct hit and the backburner come to mind immediately)

So if HL2 had been made now it would have been a far more fucked up game, not a better one.

Well kavinsky your right, valve did fuck up tf2, this new update has everyone complaining.

Mrs. Xen_Warrior
05-29-2010, 06:19 PM
I don't feel like reading through ten pages of reviews lol but in my opinion, there is a lot of not needed shit that I will be disabling :cough: kill cam...

05-29-2010, 08:05 PM
god if the engine update of HL2 is any indication I'm going to be busy filling out bug reports and sorting out about 1000 screens showing them in action and I'm only up to the midsection of the damn coast!

AI Triggers are off a touch, texture gaps and problems, weird draw distance problems and weird ass things poping up (a dock, powerstations, building interiors, boats and foliage)

could be worse though, could be this guy:

05-29-2010, 08:27 PM
Yea if your running msi afterburn...

05-29-2010, 09:56 PM
could be worse though, could be this guy:

He's Neo! As he breathes the world changes around him.

06-01-2010, 12:48 PM
Found something interesting on the steam forums, it might be possiblile to apply this to css to bypass the ep2 engine update:

and considering all the damage control I've had to do it'd be worth it just to have something to hold us over for a year till they straighten all of this shit out:


06-02-2010, 01:50 AM
Well unfortunately, since my FPS drops well below the acceptable range (15 FPS), once they force the update, I will no longer be playing CS.

06-02-2010, 02:28 AM
Well unfortunately, since my FPS drops well below the acceptable range (15 FPS), once they force the update, I will no longer be playing CS.

or you could spend like 70 bucks on a vid card that can run it.

06-02-2010, 02:29 AM
or you could spend like 70 bucks on a vid card that can run it.

Or I could use that $70 to buy a fricken Sega Genesis and 10 games.

06-02-2010, 02:32 AM
pff I don't get you ppl who use crap pc's and are beyond against upgrading them. not only does upgrading let you still play with us, but it gives you wider variety of games you can play... quit being a noob and upgrade!

imma be mad if you don't play anymore

06-02-2010, 06:43 AM
pff I don't get you ppl who use crap pc's and are beyond against upgrading them. not only does upgrading let you still play with us, but it gives you wider variety of games you can play... quit being a noob and upgrade!

imma be mad if you don't play anymore

Valve has officially activated their trap card!

06-02-2010, 08:45 AM
I'm not one to upgrade.. But every 6 years I'll get together a nice comp for around a thousand bucks.. Every computer I've gotten for the last 12 years has been 90% better than the last.

My next computer in like 4 years will probably have around 5 TB X_X..

06-02-2010, 12:22 PM
Have you tired turning multi core support on?

06-02-2010, 02:42 PM
I'm not one to upgrade.. But every 6 years I'll get together a nice comp for around a thousand bucks.. Every computer I've gotten for the last 12 years has been 90% better than the last.

My next computer in like 4 years will probably have around 5 TB X_X..

that's the thing though, I buy a PC like once every 5 years, for about the same price as you, and for those 5 years I'm able 2 play like every game that comes out... it's not that bad. any 1 with a job should be able to do this no problem.

but Ill seriously be bummed out if you don't play anymore, blade.

06-09-2010, 10:33 AM
what a dissapointment...SERVE OUR NEEDS STEAM!!!! use some gamers advice..cause its the only one that counts and makes it THAT much better:hammer:

06-10-2010, 07:53 AM
Have you tired turning multi core support on?

I only bothered with that for BFBC2. Didn't need it for anything else really, until that game.