View Full Version : anyone play nationstates?

06-24-2010, 10:37 PM
ever since the e-fuck valve hath dawned upon us, I have been playing some older online games. www.nationstates.org is one of them.

Anyone else play this?

Mine is The Great Empire of Axelphoria

06-25-2010, 03:40 AM
I'm currently looking into team fortress forever

the old cs which knowing valve if it excedes CS:S in the stats they might unleash another bad update upon it, css is 5,000 people down from where it was yesterday.

Then theres the obisidian conflict mod which will be getting steam support with the next update in 2012:

Then some of the games I havent played in quite some time in my steam profile: quake 3 arena, evil genius and il2, been meaning to get a joystick for it for quite some time.

and then theres resistance and liberation and black mesa if they ever come out.

06-25-2010, 06:11 AM
I'm currently looking into team fortress forever

the old cs which knowing valve if it excedes CS:S in the stats they might unleash another bad update upon it, css is 5,000 people down from where it was yesterday.

Then theres the obisidian conflict mod which will be getting steam support with the next update in 2012:

Then some of the games I havent played in quite some time in my steam profile: quake 3 arena, evil genius and il2, been meaning to get a joystick for it for quite some time.

and then theres resistance and liberation and black mesa if they ever come out.

I've played obsidian conflict and it was pretty fun. Its just that half of the time non english speaking people are playing it.

06-25-2010, 03:31 PM
Well x that one off that list. fortress forever is dead

06-25-2010, 04:49 PM
Well x that one off that list. fortress forever is dead

Thats sad why not just play tf2 like regular people.

06-25-2010, 06:56 PM

ok, i definately need to get obsidian conflict.

what exactly is it? and yes, the only reason is because that little teaser started with the song of storms from ocarina of time

06-25-2010, 09:15 PM
That looks fun as all hell Kav.

06-26-2010, 06:51 AM
Because tf2 is designed in such away that any class that has an advantage from an unlock or just general weapons loses it in the name of game balancing from valve.

What's the fucking point of playing as a specific class if you have to switch to another one every 5 fucking seconds just to even make a difference in the battlefield.

hell you could just give the player a choce between the weapons of all the classes it'd be a better game to boot if they did, except the pyro which needs to be made all around more effective like it was supposed to be int he first place

I mean I'd love to be a sniper if he had the sawn off shotgun of the scout as his sidearm and the bow if was made to shoot just as straight as the sniper rifle instead of having the arc of the pyros flaregun even when fully charged.

06-26-2010, 12:16 PM
Because tf2 is designed in such away that any class that has an advantage from an unlock or just general weapons loses it in the name of game balancing from valve.

What's the fucking point of playing as a specific class if you have to switch to another one every 5 fucking seconds just to even make a difference in the battlefield.

hell you could just give the player a choce between the weapons of all the classes it'd be a better game to boot if they did, except the pyro which needs to be made all around more effective like it was supposed to be int he first place

I mean I'd love to be a sniper if he had the sawn off shotgun of the scout as his sidearm and the bow if was made to shoot just as straight as the sniper rifle instead of having the arc of the pyros flaregun even when fully charged.

for the record, after hearing you bitch and bitch and bitch, i've gone bback and begun playing tf2 again. and it's incredibly fun. shut the fuck up kav. all you do is complain and complain. yes, the update fucked everything up. go ahead and complain about that. but last night, i went on zm and had the most fun since zero updated the zombieMod version and neutered the zombies. it's back to normal pretty much. and tf2 is so incredibly fun, i'm going to start playing that more and more. the fact that you can't just take a single class the whole battle makes it awesome. there's so much more strategy involved.

so kav go play your games, and stop bitching about the ones you don't like. you're never going to get any changes made, so give up, and spare us the commentary.

06-26-2010, 01:12 PM
Fuck you I'll say the way I fucking feel regardless of whatever you say.

06-26-2010, 01:38 PM
Fuck you I'll say the way I fucking feel regardless of whatever you say.

In the words of the heavy, "WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH WAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, heh heh, cry some more."