View Full Version : Zombiemod server needs a reset.

01-27-2011, 08:52 AM
zm_horror_hotel fucked it up pretty good. The servers been stuck on that map for like 2 hours. An admin who joined earlier couldn't change the map he said, the server still says that there's 24 minutes left until next map. People rtv'd but that didn't work. Hmmm... why is it that the worst most boring maps are the ones that fuck up the server the most? o_O

EDIT- Nevermind, the RTV finally kicked in and the map changed to roy highway. zm_horror_hotel needs to go, lol. Someone should remove it from the map rotation.

01-27-2011, 11:28 AM
Would you please clarify in more detail of what was going on. It would be helpful if you would post what time this was happening, and what was going on.


01-27-2011, 12:09 PM
Would you please clarify in more detail of what was going on. It would be helpful if you would post what time this was happening, and what was going on.

-RezelJust read my other topic in this part of the forum - "Very bugged map. Read inside. zm_horror_hotel." It's in the same forum as this topic, "< Zombie MOD >"