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02-02-2011, 01:54 PM
Zombie MOD Rules v3.1

Warning: This may change

Admins it is highly suggested that you login to the IBIS Ventrilo for better communication.

Ventrilo Information
Port: 3426

Note to players: Admins abusing their rights should be reported in the forums immediately with a demo. If you believe an admin is abusing his powers, please report that individual here (http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/forumdisplay.php/7-Admin-Abuse).

Note to admins: If there is a general consensus (3 or more admins), you are allowed to operate with "temp" or "unwritten" rules for a short period of time. (Approx one week). During that time, you must bring that rule to our attention so that we can make it official. It's to protect you guys from frivolous abuse threads and help flex your ban hammer. This is not a blessing to go rule happy. Don't be that admin. (Example: No more than three per platform)

GENERAL SERVER RULES ALSO APPLY (http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/showthread.php/495-General-Server-Rules-1.7)

First and foremost to all zm players, don't be a cunt

Console – This pertains to all players

Using any console command to commit suicide

Zteleing & Console –This only pertains to humans

Attempting to flee from a zombie.
Disconnecting then rejoining to avoid getting tagged
Using the "Change teams" command to avoid getting tagged
Joining spectator to avoid getting tagged

Barricading - Regarding illegal barricading / God items

Barricading an illegal barricade (as deemed in the illegal barricade sub section)
Barricading all entrances to a crouched spot
Illegal props and/or items

Money crate, Heavy Shelves (Being used as barricade support for other props)

Barricade Breaking – Whoever gets into the room first is the sole proprietor of that room, and has the freedom to do whatever he deems necessary to survive. Cade ownership is taken away once the current cade owner leaves the cade and enters another or turns into a zombie. Owners that leave, a short distance, to retrieve additional barracading items, still retain their ownership rights.

Taking props forcefully from another persons cade without consent is prohibited
Attempting to destroy a barricade regardless of intent:

To get into the users barricade
To get out of the users barricade
Throwing a grenade at the users barricade to spite them, or for personal entertainment. (This does not include accidental grenades; punishment will be left up to the admin to decide)


Not Allowed

– Using a players body to deny players access to a certain area

Preventing other zombies to tag a human(s) by blocking.
Players may not block if the end result is the death of another player(s) -IE World Damage, Map Kills box.

Allowed - As a human, this does not apply to zombies

An area when its player limit has been exceeded (Admins use discrection for places not listed)

Only two people are allowed per tube
Only two people are allowed per vent opening
Only two people are allowed per van

Sabotage – Killing other players by in game map tricks, bugs, and purposeful tagging

Using map triggers to kill team mates (IE Blowing up the bridge)
On escape maps, shooting map made barricades that were designed to hold zombies (IE Doors on Mines of Moria)
Sitting in a spot to purposefully get tagged and kill the rest of your barricading group.

Glitching – When a player has, through some means, made a prop cease its function or exploit a map bug

Spectator Glitch
Hiding in a spot which is supposed to kill the player.
Prenuking an escape map before the objective is complete: (zm_atix_helicopter)
Glitching a barricading item into part of the map so that it will not move.

Doors & Gates

Map Specific - Pertains only to certain maps


Parachutes are allowed only on Sorrento, Mario, Paradise (Place request in config map section)


No more than four inside the vent near the staircase (the floor right below the deck)


Humans may not use any vent as a holding/camp point


No more than three per platform in the water area
No more than three per crouched spot in the basement

ZE_VOODOO_ISLAND (all versions)

Humans are not allowed to shoot at zombies while they are in the cages.
Cading the box is allowed.
Players are allowed to use the !ztele on the first island

Other - Rules that have no particular grouping but needed

First Zombie(s) must tag someone or make a valid attempt
Spectating or AFK players must, if over 5 minutes, must join the game or leave the server if under 5 slots available.
During escape maps, humans must leave the spawn area and complete the map objective. Humans that stay in spawn with the intent on killing the first zombie is prohibited.
Zombies and Humans can not coexist. Zombies must tag or !ztele no matter the circumstances
A player may not, by any means, bypass the tagging process to continually play as a zombie
Any form of rank manipulation will not be tolerated
Delaying on any ZE maps will result in a slay

Restricted Weapons – Buying weapons which are restricted - Only Clan and ULA are allowed to unrestrict weapons

Auto Snipers
Smoke Grenades
Flash Grenades

Restricted Admin usage - Note to players: Admins abusing their rights should be reported in the forums immediately with a demo. Admins are here for the people on the server, not for themselves. If you believe an admin is abusing his powers, please report that individual here (http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/forumdisplay.php/7-Admin-Abuse) so that individual can be held accountable.

Admins may not use commands excessively oneself (EX. slapping)
Using the slap command to get an unfair advantage
Changing the gravity settings (Unless reverting back to normal gravity of 800)
Unrestricting restricted weapons (see Restricted weapons section)
Turning players into freeze bombs/firebombs against players consent
Admin chat should be reserved to convey messages to players and other admins. Do not abuse it.
Obsessively beaconing a barricading group.
If beacons start lagging up the server, issue no more than one per cade. (No mass beaconing)


Ban Criteria
Cade breaking | -Zteleing | Blocking

I. Freeze the user
II. Kick with a warning in admin chat.
III. Ban – May resort to this depending on severity (Etc: Purposefully cade breaking)

a. 5 minute ban
b. 30 minute ban
c. 1 hour ban
d. 24 hour ban

Blocking - Admin may resort immediately to a short ban depending on severity.

a. Kick after verbal/written warning
b. 5 minutes
c. 2 hours
d. 24 hours

02-02-2011, 01:54 PM
Lets work on the draft in a separate thread.

02-02-2011, 02:02 PM
I was actually hoping to make the zm rules official for now, just to get it out there then create a thread, like this, to debate about current or new rules.

But this works too. We shall keep drafting until we have a final version that everyone agrees with.

02-02-2011, 02:05 PM
Zombie MOD Rules v1.0

Warning: This may change

Admins it is highly suggested that you login to the IBIS Ventrilo for better communication.

Ventrilo Information
Port: 3426

Note to players: Admins abusing their rights should be reported in the forums immediately with a demo. If you believe an admin is abusing his powers, please report that individual here.

Barricading - Regarding illegal barricading / God items

Barricading a Illegal barricade (as deemed in the illegal barricade sub section)
Barricading all entrances to a crouched spot.
Illegal props and/or items

Money crate
God items (IE MP5 Urban Downtown v2 only not the final)

Zteleing –This only pertains to humans

Attempting to flee from a zombie.

Cade Breaking – Whoever gets into the the room first is the sole proprietor of that room, and has the freedom to do whatever he deems necessary to survive.
Attempting to destroy a barricade with regardless of intent:

To get into the users barricade
To get out of the users barricade
Throwing a grenade at the users barricade to spite them, or for personal entertainment. (This does not include accidental grenades; punishment will be left up to the admin to decide)


Not Allowed – Using players body to deny players access to a certain area

Preventing other zombies to tag a human(s) by blocking.
Humans may not block if the end result is the death of another player(s) -IE World Damage, Map Kills box’s.

Allowed - As a human, this does not apply to zombies

Crawl Spaces
An area when its player limit has been exceeded

Team killing – Killing other players by in game map tricks, bugs, and purposeful tagging
Using map triggers to kill team mates (IE Blowing up the bridge)
Sitting in a spot to purposefully get tagged and kill the rest of your barricading group.
Exploiting the grenade glitch to purposefully killing your barricading group.

Restricted Weapons – Buying weapons which are not restricted

Picking up weapons which you are not supposed to be using.

Auto Snipers
Smoke Grenades
Flash Grenades

Using console to buy weapons

Auto Snipers
Smoke Grenades
Flash Grenades

Restricted Admin usage

Slapping themselves to gain an unfair advantage.
Changing the gravity settings
Using Noclip
Unrestricting restricted weapons (see Restricted weapons section)
Turning players into freeze bombs/firebombs against players consent
Obsessively beaconing a barricading group
Giving health to themselves or others


Ban Criteria

Cade breaking | -Zteleing | Blocking

I. Freeze the user
II. Kick with a warning in admin chat.
III. Ban – May resort to this depending on severity (Etc: Purposefully cade breaking)

a. 5 minute ban
b. 30 minute ban
c. 1 hour ban
d. 24 hour ban

Blocking - Admin may resort immediately to a short ban depending on severity.

a. Kick after verbal/written warning
b. 5 minutes
c. 2 hours
d. 24 hours

Restricted Weapons –Depending on severity will more than likely lead up to

a. Kick after verbal/written warning
b. 5 minutes
c. 30 minutes
d. 2 hours
e. 24 hours
f. 48 hours

-Modified the Font size so it was more legible of the subsections
-Moved the barricading allowed, and disallowed into a sub section under barricading rules:
-Fixed list issue with To get into the users barricade
-Re sized the Ban Criteria, and sub sections
-Indented everything under ban Criteria.

02-02-2011, 02:20 PM
If anybody else has things they want to add or remove, please let us know because as it stands right now, this is what we are going to propose as the official rules.

02-02-2011, 02:24 PM
Lets work on the draft in a separate thread.

whats that thing about the weapon in urban downtown v2 i dont get it

02-02-2011, 02:26 PM
whats that thing about the weapon in urban downtown v2 i dont get it

Its a God item that makes the human carrying it, immune to being tagged.... unless they drop it.

02-02-2011, 02:29 PM
Its a God item that makes the human carrying it, immune to being tagged.... unless they drop it.

wrong. it's a god item that makes the human carrying it immune to being tagged. even after they drop it.

02-02-2011, 02:58 PM
^just when you thought it could not get any worse

02-02-2011, 03:16 PM
You should add the big vending machine and shelves, or simply anything that is heavier than regular vending machine.

Also, you should clarify that it cannot be use at all or there are exceptions such as; using a money crate to block an entrance that zombie can still crouch through, or putting it next to a book shelf so it cannot move sideways.

As for the tubes, though some might not agree, but I think it should be limited to 2 people per tube. Reason, only two people in the front will be able to see and shoot at zombies, anyone else behind will just waste the space and get tagged without being able to fight back against zombie train.

Humans may not block if the end result is the death of another player(s) -IE World Damage, Map Kills box’s.
This should apply to zombies as well. Yes, there is the !ztele, but newcomers don't know about it and often get screwed over by bored zombies that can't break human's cade.

Admins should be restricted from using team switch on anyone in the middle of a game. For example, changing from CT to Ts so they cannot get tagged by zombie, or vice versa, to avoid taking damage from humans.
Also, they should not be allowed to give themselves extra weapon or grenade, reloading is one of the things that make our ZM server unique, and being able to just change weapons after the clip is empty or spamming grenades would kill this part of the game. Plus, more guns will lag the hell out of the server, imagine 2 admins gave themselves 20 P90 each.

That's all I got for now.

02-02-2011, 03:47 PM
^just when you thought it could not get any worse

do what i do on urban downtown restrict mp5 they get inmunity buth they still need to go to the vault and caznt pick it up and share it then that makes it fair and another rule dont command spam

02-02-2011, 03:55 PM
1. There are some thing that are heavier than machines that can be used. I get what you are saying though. For instance that place in snoopy with the shelves. I was hoping to get all that mess fixed with the illegal cade portion of that sub forum.

2. For the money crate, who uses it to so that zombies can still get in? I have never seen the money crate be used as you describe. We can take it off the list but we will have to be explicit about how people can us it. I'll change the wording of it. Tell me if you agree with it.

3. I think everyone will agree with you on the tubes. It has been around for a long time. You won't have any arguments here. But we thought we had that covered in the blocking area. It should really be upon the people in the tube to block people from entering. If you want only two, have the second guy block. If the other player gets mad that you won't let him and does constant knife to try to get you guys killed, then it falls under the team killing area.

Sitting in a spot to purposefully get tagged and kill the rest of your barricading group.

4. That should applies to zombies as well. Fixed.

5. Admins can not do that anymore. It automatically kills them since the update happened. However we will add that to the list just in case an admin decides to use that power to evade, or rather anyone uses the change team command to get away from a zombie.

Zombie MOD Rules v1.0

Warning: This may change

Admins it is highly suggested that you login to the IBIS Ventrilo for better communication.

Ventrilo Information
Port: 3426

Note to players: Admins abusing their rights should be reported in the forums immediately with a demo. If you believe an admin is abusing his powers, please report that individual here.

Barricading - Regarding illegal barricading / God items
Barricading a Illegal barricade (as deemed in the illegal barricade sub section)
Barricading all entrances to a crouched spot.
Illegal props and/or items

Money crate (IE Being used as cade support for other props)

God items (IE MP5 Urban Downtown v2 only not the final)

Zteleing –This only pertains to humans

Attempting to flee from a zombie.
Disconnecting then rejoining to avoid getting tagged
Using the "Change teams" command to avoid getting tagged
Joining spectator to avoid getting tagged

Cade Breaking – Whoever gets into the the room first is the sole proprietor of that room, and has the freedom to do whatever he deems necessary to survive.

Attempting to destroy a barricade with regardless of intent:

To get into the users barricade
To get out of the users barricade
Throwing a grenade at the users barricade to spite them, or for personal entertainment. (This does not include accidental grenades; punishment will be left up to the admin to decide)


Not Allowed – Using players body to deny players access to a certain area

Preventing other zombies to tag a human(s) by blocking.
Players may not block if the end result is the death of another player(s) -IE World Damage, Map Kills box’s.

Allowed - As a human, this does not apply to zombies

Crawl Spaces
An area when its player limit has been exceeded

Tubes have reached player limit with two people

Team killing – Killing other players by in game map tricks, bugs, and purposeful tagging

Using map triggers to kill team mates (IE Blowing up the bridge)
Sitting in a spot to purposefully get tagged and kill the rest of your barricading group.
Exploiting the grenade glitch to purposefully killing your barricading group.

Restricted Weapons – Buying weapons which are not restricted

Picking up weapons which you are not supposed to be using.

Auto Snipers
Smoke Grenades
Flash Grenades

Using console to buy weapons

Auto Snipers
Smoke Grenades
Flash Grenades

Restricted Admin usage

Slapping themselves to gain an unfair advantage.
Changing the gravity settings
Using Noclip
Unrestricting restricted weapons (see Restricted weapons section)
Turning players into freeze bombs/firebombs against players consent
Obsessively beaconing a barricading group
Giving health to themselves or others

02-02-2011, 05:00 PM
id like to argue that we set what we have now as official rules and that once they become active ZM rules they do not change from what they are now. I do agree that suggestions for add ons is fine but only added on after anex and rezel pass them threw Zero. for the sake of the server and those who play i personally think that a nice generalized Rules page is the best way to go instead of digging deeper into schematics of each topic. If somebody misunderstood our ZM MOTD then we can insure they do understand after giving them there inital warning for there offense. (this ends up being an admins responsibility to issue warning before kicks or bans)

02-02-2011, 05:33 PM
for the sake of the server and those who play i personally think that a nice generalized Rules page is the best way to go instead of digging deeper into schematics of each topic.

Haha we could keep going if we wanted to, just adding stupid stuff, changing the wording and minor shit. But as of right now we should wait a couple more hours to see if anybody has anymore input. After that time expires then we should make it official and add the minor shit as we move along.

02-02-2011, 05:46 PM
Also what about people moving to spec or DCing to not get tagged by Zombies?

And what about someone who is one of the 1st zombies not tagging anyone?

02-02-2011, 06:01 PM
Also what about people moving to spec or DCing to not get tagged by Zombies?

And what about someone who is one of the 1st zombies not tagging anyone?

We added the spec and using the kill command to avoid zombies. We are also adding objectives for zombies to take care of the player that doesn't want to be the first zombie. Rezel is compiling it now.

02-02-2011, 06:28 PM
Zombie MOD Rules v1.0

Warning: This may change

Admins it is highly suggested that you login to the IBIS Ventrilo for better communication.

Ventrilo Information
Port: 3426

Note to players: Admins abusing their rights should be reported in the forums immediately with a demo. If you believe an admin is abusing his powers, please report that individual here.

Barricading - Regarding illegal barricading / God items
Barricading a Illegal barricade (as deemed in the illegal barricade sub section)
Barricading all entrances to a crouched spot.
Illegal props and/or items

Money crate (IE Being used as barricade support for other props)

God items (IE MP5 Urban Downtown v2 only not the final)

Zteleing & Console –This only pertains to humans

Attempting to flee from a zombie.
Disconnecting then rejoining to avoid getting tagged
Using the "Change teams" command to avoid getting tagged
Joining spectator to avoid getting tagged
Using kill or Explode in console to avoid getting tagged

Barricade Breaking – Whoever gets into the the room first is the sole proprietor of that room, and has the freedom to do whatever he deems necessary to survive.

Attempting to destroy a barricade with regardless of intent:

To get into the users barricade
To get out of the users barricade
Throwing a grenade at the users barricade to spite them, or for personal entertainment. (This does not include accidental grenades; punishment will be left up to the admin to decide)


Not Allowed – Using players body to deny players access to a certain area

Preventing other zombies to tag a human(s) by blocking.
Players may not block if the end result is the death of another player(s) -IE World Damage, Map Kills box’s.

Allowed - As a human, this does not apply to zombies

Crawl Spaces
An area when its player limit has been exceeded
Tubes have reached player limit with two people

Team killing – Killing other players by in game map tricks, bugs, and purposeful tagging

Using map triggers to kill team mates (IE Blowing up the bridge)
Sitting in a spot to purposefully get tagged and kill the rest of your barricading group.

Restricted Weapons – Buying weapons which are not restricted

Picking up weapons which you are not supposed to be using.
Auto Snipers
Smoke Grenades
Flash Grenades
Using console to buy weapons

Auto Snipers
Smoke Grenades
Flash Grenades

Glitching – Using spots which are unintended to be used in a map.

Attempting to glitch through the wall to get under the map
Hiding in a spot which are supposed to kill the player.
Exploiting the grenade glitch
Prenuking a escape map before the objective is complete: (zm_atix_helicopter)
Glitching a barricading item into part of the map so that it will not move.

Doors & Gates

Restricted Admin usage Note to players: Admins abusing their rights should be reported in the forums immediately with a demo. Admins are here for the people on the server, not for themselves. If you believe an admin is abusing his powers, please report that individual here so that individual can be held accountable.

Slapping themselves to gain an unfair advantage.
Changing the gravity settings
Using Noclip
Unrestricting restricted weapons (see Restricted weapons section)
Turning players into freeze bombs/firebombs against players consent
Obsessively beaconing a barricading group
Giving health to themselves or others
Admin chat should be reserved to convey messages to players and other admins. Do not abuse it.


First Zombie(s) must tag someone or make a valid attempt.
Spectating or afk Players must leave the server if over 5 minutes must join the game, or leave the server


-added Joining spectator to avoid getting tagged to zteling, and console commands.
-added Using kill or Explode in console to avoid getting tagged zteling, and console commands.
-added glitches section to cover map bugging
-added Admin chat should be reserved to convey messages to players and other admins. Do not abuse it. to Restricted admin usage section.
-added Other Category
-added First Zombie(s) must tag someone or make a valid attempt to other
-added Spectating or afk Players must leave the server if over 5 minutes must join the game or leave the server to other

02-02-2011, 06:33 PM
-added Zombie Objectives
First zombie letting himself get killed because he does not want to be zombie.
-added Joining spectator to avoid getting tagged to zteling, and console commands.
-added Using kill or Explode in console to avoid getting tagged zteling, and console commands.
-added glitches section to cover map bugging
-added Admin chat should be reserved to convey messages to players and other admins. Do not abuse it. to Restricted admin usage section.

for the first zombie rule, maybe making it like so "First zombie must tag someone or make a valid effort to tag a human"

theres times when zombies just epicly fail at getting into cades or when people zombie hunt ect.

02-02-2011, 06:42 PM
"First zombie must tag someone or make a valid effort to tag a human"

*added, in rezels post above

02-02-2011, 07:05 PM
Looks awesome guys.

If I can think of add ons, I'll post some, but at the moment, it looks perfect to me.

Great work Anex and Rezel.

you're the bestest<33

02-02-2011, 07:12 PM
good work guys.
i honestly tried to drill my brain for new stuff to add, and i didnt find anything else new... so till then, nice work!
and if u need anything, do tell, always happy to give a hand to someone.

02-03-2011, 05:19 AM
so can i restrict mp5 on urban downtown v2 or not

02-03-2011, 10:29 AM
so can i restrict mp5 on urban downtown v2 or not

Yes. V2 only, not the final version

02-03-2011, 02:49 PM
Yes. V2 only, not the final version

oke in the final it only works for 30 sec

X 1 Viper1
02-05-2011, 12:28 PM
Do smoking duelies count as god weapons?

02-05-2011, 12:52 PM
Do smoking duelies count as god weapons?

they shouldnt as they only let you run fast and drop mines you can still die and be tagged when you use them

02-05-2011, 02:22 PM
why cant we team kill i mean there are some maps where a zombie is right after that person and if i happen to set off a trap that slows the team and zombie down which lets me win i think that's a good idea. its kinda like if a bear is chasing us im gana trip your ass so that i live.

02-05-2011, 02:27 PM
I have updated it.

X 1 Viper1
02-05-2011, 07:03 PM
why cant we team kill i mean there are some maps where a zombie is right after that person and if i happen to set off a trap that slows the team and zombie down which lets me win i think that's a good idea. its kinda like if a bear is chasing us im gana trip your ass so that i live.

This is an old one that even you should know...

For example if we are playing lost world and there are humans on the bridge, if there is also a zombie on the bridge then you are allowd to blow up the bridge, so teamkilling technically is allowd if there is impending trouble like a zombie approaching.

02-05-2011, 07:43 PM
why cant we team kill i mean there are some maps where a zombie is right after that person and if i happen to set off a trap that slows the team and zombie down which lets me win i think that's a good idea. its kinda like if a bear is chasing us im gana trip your ass so that i live.

....teamwork.. thats why....

02-05-2011, 09:43 PM
This is an old one that even you should know...

For example if we are playing lost world and there are humans on the bridge, if there is also a zombie on the bridge then you are allowd to blow up the bridge, so teamkilling technically is allowd if there is impending trouble like a zombie approaching.

i know that but im saying like some escape maps where there are buttions that you hit that start traps behind you to go off to slow people down. which in turn would slow down the zombie b/c he would keep being shot. it wouldn't kill them it would just slow them down and most likely get them turned to zombies.

X 1 Viper1
02-06-2011, 10:56 AM
i know that but im saying like some escape maps where there are buttions that you hit that start traps behind you to go off to slow people down. which in turn would slow down the zombie b/c he would keep being shot. it wouldn't kill them it would just slow them down and most likely get them turned to zombies.

No....for those maps its supposed to be the last person hits those traps, i guess you are thinking about grid, this is because if the first person hits them then the people after him will simply shoot through them which won;t slow down the zombie at all.

....But i still always hit them cause no one is pro enough to keep up with me.:violin:

02-06-2011, 12:06 PM
why cant we team kill i mean there are some maps where a zombie is right after that person and if i happen to set off a trap that slows the team and zombie down which lets me win i think that's a good idea. its kinda like if a bear is chasing us im gana trip your ass so that i live.

If you are thinking of a bridge like scenario in Jurassic park, you can simply shoot the zombie off or put the zombie under heavy fire power until others make it safely. Like Mikey said, teamwork.

X 1 Viper1
02-06-2011, 01:09 PM
If you are thinking of a bridge like scenario in Jurassic park, you can simply shoot the zombie off or put the zombie under heavy fire power until others make it safely. Like Mikey said, teamwork.

Whats teamwork? LOL

That definatly doesn't exist on zmod.

02-06-2011, 01:51 PM
Whats teamwork? LOL

That definatly doesn't exist on zmod.

it does when you take a leadership position. i.e. admins

Or letting others know in a respectful way that you know what you are doing.

X 1 Viper1
02-06-2011, 02:14 PM
Or letting others know in a respectful way that you know what you are doing.

This part is hard for me, when people don't know how to think or listen...

02-06-2011, 02:25 PM
This part is hard for me, when people don't know how to think or listen...

well it dosnt matter, we are trying to promote teamwork to avoid some of the confrontation that goes on in the server.
do you understand that at all?

X 1 Viper1
02-06-2011, 02:31 PM
well it dosnt matter, we are trying to promote teamwork to avoid some of the confrontation that goes on in the server.
do you understand that at all?

I understand that it will never happen...

02-06-2011, 02:39 PM
I understand that it will never happen...

pessimistic people are wasting valuable oxygen for those who have self motivation.

your response clearly states that you had no idea what i said, so i will spell it out for you.

If there are admins in the server acting a specific way, most people recognize the behavior and begin to learn that this particular behavior is accepted in the server. If admins help promote teamwork by enforcing the rules we have put forth then the goal here is that more and more people will begin to recognize that teamwork will help them survive each round. A perfect example of this is when you make a kick ass cade and survive the round, everyother noob follows to that spot the following round.

Im asking you now to not respond to this thread with negativity. We are trying to make a difference in the zombie mod server, not criticize our efforts.\

This all starts with respect. Without it ZM will never change.

X 1 Viper1
02-06-2011, 09:50 PM
pessimistic people are wasting valuable oxygen for those who have self motivation.

your response clearly states that you had no idea what i said, so i will spell it out for you.

If there are admins in the server acting a specific way, most people recognize the behavior and begin to learn that this particular behavior is accepted in the server. If admins help promote teamwork by enforcing the rules we have put forth then the goal here is that more and more people will begin to recognize that teamwork will help them survive each round. A perfect example of this is when you make a kick ass cade and survive the round, everyother noob follows to that spot the following round.

Im asking you now to not respond to this thread with negativity. We are trying to make a difference in the zombie mod server, not criticize our efforts.\

This all starts with respect. Without it ZM will never change.

Look i understand what you are saying, but alot of people don't stay around long enough to learn there are some that do and it makes it a bit better but half the time the server is first timers and i has been like that for a while so the learning process is a never ending cycle. It sounds all fine and dandy, but when put to the test doesn't work how it should...

02-06-2011, 10:21 PM
Teamwork is only obtainable if we are willing to teach the new players how to be good players, instead of yelling at them for being stupid... This is what we USED to do, but a lot has changed since then.

02-07-2011, 12:52 AM
This all starts with respect. Without it ZM will never change.

Teamwork is only obtainable if we are willing to teach the new players how to be good players, instead of yelling at them for being stupid... This is what we USED to do, but a lot has changed since then.


02-07-2011, 01:34 AM
Now official. You can edit it to make changes as needed as you should have mod powers. If anything appears to be big enough to need my approval pm me to ensure that I check it first. Logically I can remove and make edits as needed if things get put in there that should not be.

Also be sure to update the version number and make a post noting the changes like I do for the wcs races. This way it is easy to track what is being changed.

02-14-2011, 11:45 AM
-Idea: Admin Human Skins
- Description: A specific new admin skin for admins when they are in the ZM server. Im beginning to think people need an actual in game visual of who they are near and around. I would like to belivive that haveing a special skin for admins would actually lower the amount of cade breaks, blockers, and anything else thats done IN game. Reason being the player would be able to see the skin of the admin near by and think (maybe i wont get away with this)

There would be no skin applied to being a zombie, There would be no need.

02-14-2011, 02:28 PM
It's really starting to piss me off when we play a 40 second round of an escape map because assholes camp spawn and kill the first zombie. I request that there should be a rule that makes it kickable/slayable to kill the first zombie.

02-15-2011, 05:37 AM
I agree. We could add something like, "In escape maps, players must leave the spawn area within 10-15 seconds." "Staying at spawn with the intent to kill zombie, during an escape map, will result in that player being frozen and getting turned."

02-15-2011, 10:35 AM
I agree. We could add something like, "In escape maps, players must leave the spawn area within 10-15 seconds." "Staying at spawn with the intent to kill zombie, during an escape map, will result in that player being frozen and getting turned."

the worst is voodoo islands. when there's like 6 zombies after first island, and someone is good enough to throw a nade INTO the cage just as they're warped...then the team has paras...


02-15-2011, 12:07 PM
I agree. We could add something like, "In escape maps, players must leave the spawn area within 10-15 seconds." "Staying at spawn with the intent to kill zombie, during an escape map, will result in that player being frozen and getting turned."

It's really starting to piss me off when we play a 40 second round of an escape map because assholes camp spawn and kill the first zombie. I request that there should be a rule that makes it kickable/slayable to kill the first zombie.

This I can agree with.

I also still believe that the number of initial spawn of zombies should increase. So we don't have admins who HAVE to leave their cade to get tagged so the game can carry on.

I don't know if this was addressed, but I will go back and look again as I didn't see it was.

02-15-2011, 12:11 PM
I also agree with that Blade, anex and acco said. On escape maps its the objective to 'ESCAPE' it would be similar to a regular CS when someone camps for the round instead of doing or at least trying the objective.

On Escape maps, I don't want people cading, or hiding they are supposed to be trying to escape said area. (except something like ATIX helicopter)

On survival maps players are allowed to do whatever it takes to Survive.

Like I said in my original post about ZM server going down hill is that on ZE maps its to easy to kill a zombie. They either need to have normal speed or normal health, not both reduced.

02-15-2011, 11:15 PM

02-16-2011, 03:55 PM
Rules updated to v1.1

OTHER: During escape maps, humans must leave the spawn area and complete the map objective. Humans that stay in spawn with the intent on killing the first zombie is prohibited.

02-21-2011, 10:06 PM
another idea..

-Players can not leave the game then rejoin to become a zombie with out being tagged.

we have some people that do this for escape maps.

also jsut to clear it up, ness im tellnig you im right, right now.

Is this crouch spot illegal..with the vending machine where it is.
He asked me to ask here so i am (;


p.s. Barricading - Regarding illegal barricading / God items

* Barricading a Illegal barricade (as deemed in the illegal barricade sub section)
* Barricading all entrances to a crouched spot.
* Illegal props and/or items

02-22-2011, 12:32 AM

unless there is some other way to get in there, he is barricading all entrances to that crouch spot.

03-05-2011, 07:52 AM

1. After doing some testing with some willing regulars in the ZM server i found that on the map Urban_downtown_v2 you dont even need to pick up the mp5 to be invic. all you need to do is walk near it, i wish to propose a rule regarding the mp5 room on this specific map, illegal and that no one is to enter it. (rather then getting rid of a good map to begin with)

2. It dosnt happen much now and it never happened before the rules. I see an increasing amount of people taking advantage of the "Cade propriety" rule. What i see is players nadeing there own cades because its "thre room" which i guess is fine but i propose a secondary rules stating something along the lines of. (If x player destroys his cade/cadespot he loses cade ownership) <---- this is an incentive NOT to break your own cade for those players who enjoy that bit of "control."

We reallly need to take in consideration the type/age of people we have in the server.. Dumbing down some parts of the rules might be necessary.

03-05-2011, 04:03 PM
Would you not technically be "Team Killing" if you destroyed your own cade with fellow ct's in there?

Something to think about...

03-06-2011, 01:00 AM
Uhm, was there not a rule against breaking cades... if your breaking that rule it does not matter who the cade belongs to. Sort of like if there is a law that says you can not shoot a dog with a gun, it does not matter if it is my dog or not it is still against the law...

03-06-2011, 01:51 AM
I feel as though it should be illegal to even cade yourself inside the MP5 room. The axes are basically insta-kill and if you get 4 competent people in them, it's impossible.

03-06-2011, 03:11 AM
blade we found even standing beside the mp5 would also give you the invincibility so it should definitely be illegal.

03-06-2011, 04:28 AM
Uhm, was there not a rule against breaking cades... if your breaking that rule it does not matter who the cade belongs to. Sort of like if there is a law that says you can not shoot a dog with a gun, it does not matter if it is my dog or not it is still against the law...

i understand completly. Considering the general audience in the server though dumbing down the rules might be nessecary, that was all i was trying to stress.

03-08-2011, 01:20 PM
That spot isn't actually a crouch spot until you get under the landing. So he is cading the front of a crouch spot? So this spot might not clearly be illegal or not.

---------- Post added at 01:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 PM ----------

another idea..

-Players can not leave the game then rejoin to become a zombie with out being tagged.

we have some people that do this for escape maps.

also jsut to clear it up, ness im tellnig you im right, right now.

Is this crouch spot illegal..with the vending machine where it is.
He asked me to ask here so i am (;


p.s. Barricading - Regarding illegal barricading / God items

* Barricading a Illegal barricade (as deemed in the illegal barricade sub section)
* Barricading all entrances to a crouched spot.
* Illegal props and/or items

That spot isn't actually a crouch spot until you get under the landing. So he is cading the front of a crouch spot? So this spot might not clearly be illegal or not.

03-09-2011, 07:31 PM
Yea it looks like you can get on top of that object thus allowing you to throw it so it should be fine.

03-09-2011, 09:55 PM
another idea..

-Players can not leave the game then rejoin to become a zombie with out being tagged.

we have some people that do this for escape maps.

also jsut to clear it up, ness im tellnig you im right, right now.

Is this crouch spot illegal..with the vending machine where it is.
He asked me to ask here so i am (;


p.s. Barricading - Regarding illegal barricading / God items

* Barricading a Illegal barricade (as deemed in the illegal barricade sub section)
* Barricading all entrances to a crouched spot.
* Illegal props and/or items

LAWL an admin is cading a crouch spot and yelling to another its not?:lmao:

03-09-2011, 09:58 PM
LAWL an admin is cading a crouch spot and yelling to another its not?:lmao:

it's iliegal only if the machine is farther back. as it is, it is possible to get on top and flip it out.

it's much MUCH harder once it gets pushed back against the wall

03-16-2011, 07:18 PM
So I came across a good question today. Under the rule Barricade Breaking – Whoever gets into the the room first is the sole proprietor of that room, and has the freedom to do whatever he deems necessary to survive. Should the person lose his right after he left or still retain the right under some circumstances like grabbing another vending machine or trying to fix the cade from outside?

03-18-2011, 11:44 AM
That is definitely a good question, I would probably guess that if he leaves it for a certain amount of time (Dis including trying to get other items from other rooms) that yes it could change to whoever went in next. Though the problem with this rule would be that it could get harry trying to figure out who got it next. Your question needs to be debated for sure, I think we need some more input from everyone before we set it in stone though.

03-18-2011, 06:24 PM
Good find Kaew. We should have it so that if first person officially leaves to go to another cade then its free game. If he leaves to go get a vending machine but is coming back then it should still be his cade.

03-18-2011, 07:11 PM
Yea, it hit me when certain players were having argument after the owner of the room decided to break the cade from outside, I don't want to name names but I don't want to take all the credit either.

In my opinion, there is no need for 2nd owner since it will be a hassle to figure out and it'd save us from the "I was the 2nd one in here" argument. It will just be a cade without ownership, with all the standard rules applied of course.

03-19-2011, 02:16 AM
I am liking that idea quite a bit kaew, the simpler the rule is the less people have to argue over the issue. I think having the barricade as free game for all who is in it is definitely a good idea. I also think that we need to probably define a minimal time that you need to be in a barricade to have ownership over it, It gets rather annoying when people walk into a room, leave, and then come back randomly and claim ownership.

03-19-2011, 02:49 AM
I am liking that idea quite a bit kaew, the simpler the rule is the less people have to argue over the issue. I think having the barricade as free game for all who is in it is definitely a good idea. I also think that we need to probably define a minimal time that you need to be in a barricade to have ownership over it, It gets rather annoying when people walk into a room, leave, and then come back randomly and claim ownership.

another problem is people who enter a cade and do nothing but block people out of it. best example is dessert_fortress, the room w/ the door and teleporter. sinister sith especially likes to wait for someone to open the door, then stop in the entrance and not move. sometimes he'll let one or two others in. but the clusterfuck of people trying to get in prevents the door from closing, and him blocking everyone gets the entire group tagged. could we add a clause to the end of the rules that goes something like "thou shalt not use these rules to act like a douchebag"?

04-03-2011, 11:27 PM
we should add this to the rules section of the forums so that people can find this easier and we need to add a rule that you cant kill people of your own team with canon or put something of the kind in here so that people quit yelling at me when i do. b/c i don't see it here.

Tickle Me Emo
04-04-2011, 12:40 AM
we should add this to the rules section of the forums so that people can find this easier and we need to add a rule that you cant kill people of your own team with canon or put something of the kind in here so that people quit yelling at me when i do. b/c i don't see it here.

Using map triggers to kill team mates (IE Blowing up the bridge)

You might not realize this, but the cannon is a map trigger. Still, it wouldn't hurt to explicitly mention it since it seems to be an issue.

04-04-2011, 12:46 AM
ZERO, does the web MOTD go to these rules? If not, I think they should.

04-04-2011, 06:49 AM
we should add this to the rules section of the forums so that people can find this easier and we need to add a rule that you cant kill people of your own team with canon or put something of the kind in here so that people quit yelling at me when i do. b/c i don't see it here.

you...you are retarded

Team killing – Killing other players by in game map tricks, bugs, and purposeful tagging
Using map triggers to kill team mates (IE Blowing up the bridge)
Sitting in a spot to purposefully get tagged and kill the rest of your barricading group.

04-06-2011, 12:30 AM
Take that off topic shit else where. This is to duscuss rules, not bitching about each other. If you guys have a problem with an admin, make an abuse thread. simple. Off-topic deleted.

Taz, the rules are going to stay under the zm thread, just like the wcs rules stay in the wcs area. It would make more sense to do what you proposed if shit was scattered at random, but its not. All the rules section for the different servers have their respectable place. Also, with the cannon, it is considered using a map trigger to kill team mates if that is what you do with it. We don't want to have to put every little detail in the rules, they should be self explanatory. 90% of the problems that you might occur in zm with rule breaking or just douche baggery, is listed in some format under in the current rules.

Added claus about cade ownership.

On a lighter note, things have slowed down to a crawl on a my end so I hopefully will be able to sit down and sort zm shit out quicker. Aco, douche baggery makes the zm moments that are awesome. If you have a player blocking like in sinisters scenario, just don't open the door for him.

04-06-2011, 10:58 AM
Thanks for the rules update, now we just need MOTD to direct people to this new rules page.

04-06-2011, 07:26 PM
Take that off topic shit else where. This is to duscuss rules, not bitching about each other. If you guys have a problem with an admin, make an abuse thread. simple. Off-topic deleted.

Taz, the rules are going to stay under the zm thread, just like the wcs rules stay in the wcs area. It would make more sense to do what you proposed if shit was scattered at random, but its not. All the rules section for the different servers have their respectable place. Also, with the cannon, it is considered using a map trigger to kill team mates if that is what you do with it. We don't want to have to put every little detail in the rules, they should be self explanatory. 90% of the problems that you might occur in zm with rule breaking or just douche baggery, is listed in some format under in the current rules.

Added claus about cade ownership.

On a lighter note, things have slowed down to a crawl on a my end so I hopefully will be able to sit down and sort zm shit out quicker. Aco, douche baggery makes the zm moments that are awesome. If you have a player blocking like in sinisters scenario, just don't open the door for him.

if you would read my post i said this wasnt the place for him to keep trolling and if he had a problem then he could pm me or bring it in game.

04-06-2011, 08:44 PM
I didnt read all 8 pages to find if it was said but,

for beacons i think only 1 should be given per cade since EVERYONE asks for 1 once 1 is given. It just gets really annoying when everyone in a small room is blinking red

04-06-2011, 11:05 PM
i agree. with a room of beeping flahing room makes it hard to hear where the humans that are still alive are at.

04-06-2011, 11:54 PM
Actually, we can just write it in that if it starts lagging up the server, then it shouldn't be allowed. If its not, then if people want beacons, give them beacons. Ill add a minor note. :)

Actually dark it could have been defined under "Obsessively beaconing a barricading group." under the Admin Restricted Usage section. I just fine tuned it to if it starts lagging the server then only one per cade. But "obsessively beaconing" can be interpreted in different ways.

04-07-2011, 11:15 AM
awesome sounds good

04-07-2011, 05:14 PM
Actually, we can just write it in that if it starts lagging up the server, then it shouldn't be allowed. If its not, then if people want beacons, give them beacons. Ill add a minor note. :)

Actually dark it could have been defined under "Obsessively beaconing a barricading group." under the Admin Restricted Usage section. I just fine tuned it to if it starts lagging the server then only one per cade. But "obsessively beaconing" can be interpreted in different ways.

i consider beacoining people in a specific cade every round because they're in THAT cade, or always beaconing someone even if they don't request it to be 'obsessively beaconing'

if i'm in a cade, i will beacon anyone else in there. never hurts anything

04-08-2011, 01:29 AM
ZERO, can you make it so that humans and zombies CANNOT use kill or explode to commit suicide? I'm getting really tired of people bypassing that.

04-13-2011, 08:44 PM

Disallow proping of spawn & single entrance teleporter spots so humans can't glitch you into an object and rape your face... It's very annoying.

04-13-2011, 08:55 PM

Disallow proping of spawn & single entrance teleporter spots so humans can't glitch you into an object and rape your face... It's very annoying.


i...kinda agree...although it is a blast to do this on 4corners

04-14-2011, 02:40 PM
ive broken it on penumbra and raped the humans faces, it just takes the right strategy, although there was only 2-3 people in there. but yes it is very annoying when there is more than 3 people raping your face.

04-15-2011, 09:25 AM
4 Corners is a bastard. I !ztele'd the second I teleported in there, apparently it said that I lost 95% of my health while it loaded the area and all the shit I was stuck in.

04-27-2011, 08:13 PM
dunno what the fuss is on 4 corners can understand blue building entrance being a no now, but cading blue teleport can be broken all zambie gotta do is crouch jump at the right time and there out of it.

05-03-2011, 08:34 PM
idk what it is with the new settings but as a zombie you get stuck to the ppl you knife more than half the time now and you cant get away from it unless one of u ztele's away.. same thing sometimes happends when you spawn in the beginning of teh game, players spawning too close an getting stuck together, only you cant really ztele away cuz ull just spawn back where you alraedy were inside of another person :(

an idk if this was already altered or not but i feel we should go back to only 1 zombie spawning in zm maps, you should keep the x/10 ratio for escapes but on zm maps its terrible imo..

05-03-2011, 09:40 PM
This is b/c previously we had auto anti stuck. This allows players to have no block for a short time in order to prevent them from being stuck. However this causes the bouncing physics glitch that now no longer occurs and crashes the server as a result. So basically your trading a large problem for a smaller one :smirk:

05-03-2011, 11:20 PM
This is b/c previously we had auto anti stuck. This allows players to have no block for a short time in order to prevent them from being stuck. However this causes the bouncing physics glitch that now no longer occurs and crashes the server as a result. So basically your trading a large problem for a smaller one :smirk:

well, the bouncy physics was fixed w/ a simple restart.

we see it happen, we restart, all is well. with the players being stuck, we can't individually fix it...so they're fucked until the next round.

really, what we need is the random !ztele we used to have.

05-03-2011, 11:41 PM
dunno what the fuss is on 4 corners can understand blue building entrance being a no now, but cading blue teleport can be broken all zambie gotta do is crouch jump at the right time and there out of it.

So cading the big front door is a no no in the blue building?

05-04-2011, 09:26 PM
Is the No Parachute Command eligible for escape maps or is it against the rules someone said it was but I don't see it in the rules?

05-04-2011, 10:39 PM
Is the No Parachute Command eligible for escape maps or is it against the rules someone said it was but I don't see it in the rules?

it's eligible for maps that require it.

any map that does should be reported for changes

05-04-2011, 10:45 PM
it's eligible for maps that require it.

any map that does should be reported for changes
So like mines of moria and maps where the parachutes make it too easy to win.

05-05-2011, 01:17 PM
So for zm_hell_escape (or something like that) someone would have to post in the config section?

05-08-2011, 05:08 PM
Yes. You can do that here. http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/showthread.php/2027-Official-ZM-map-settings-thread

05-17-2011, 09:53 AM
Updated to 2.0 to include a sub on Cade Breaking

Taking props forcefully from another persons cade without consent is prohibited

08-13-2011, 12:23 PM
Updated to version 2.1

08-19-2011, 04:30 PM
Two Per Vent Opening - Only two people allowed per opening. Two opening means Four people are allowed.

Re-word suggested as rule can be misconceived to mean two at the opening and as many as you want shooting from the back.

Two Per Vent - Only two people allowed per crouched vent opening.

Two openings means four people are allowed, etc.

08-19-2011, 06:02 PM
Two Per Vent - Only two people allowed per vent per opening.

Two openings means four people are allowed, etc.

So on Highschool does that mean Max 4 people under the stage. Or since the one opening gets blocked with the moneycrate does it mean just 2. I hate playing that map just for that spot. If it limits the number to 2 or 4 that is fine. Its when there are 10 that it sucks.

08-23-2011, 10:58 AM
We are definitely going to have to look over that particular rule Rosie, As some of the sizes of the vents are different. As to how to word that, lets see if we can refine it down more so it makes less trouble for the admins and the players in terms of its clarification.

08-24-2011, 03:29 AM
Okay, maybe it is just all the other zombie servers I have played on, but if a spot is a crouch spot with only one way to get to it, even if it does not look like a vent, it is vent like in how it works, so rules that apply to vents would apply to that spot. If that is how it works here, then on the map pulse_templeofdoom, there is a platform that can only be reached by a narrow ledge against a wall, but the entire thing is a crouch spot, the platform and the ledge. Zombies can reach players that get too close to the edge of the platform, but providing people are not stupid, 3 people can sit on the platform fine, and this would go against the rules for vents. So would the 2 person rule apply for these spots, it is already hard enough to get to them because it is actually harder than a vent, you can fall off into water, so trains are a lot harder. Plus the humans can see the zombies clearly as they jump their way up to get to that ledge on the wall.

08-24-2011, 07:23 AM
Okay, maybe it is just all the other zombie servers I have played on, but if a spot is a crouch spot with only one way to get to it, even if it does not look like a vent, it is vent like in how it works, so rules that apply to vents would apply to that spot. If that is how it works here, then on the map pulse_templeofdoom, there is a platform that can only be reached by a narrow ledge against a wall, but the entire thing is a crouch spot, the platform and the ledge. Zombies can reach players that get too close to the edge of the platform, but providing people are not stupid, 3 people can sit on the platform fine, and this would go against the rules for vents. So would the 2 person rule apply for these spots, it is already hard enough to get to them because it is actually harder than a vent, you can fall off into water, so trains are a lot harder. Plus the humans can see the zombies clearly as they jump their way up to get to that ledge on the wall.

that spot never survives. never. besides, creative zombies will have a poison stand on another's head in the water and jump straight up

08-30-2011, 11:11 AM
i want a clarification on what a vent spot is. im pretty sure it does not have to look like a vent to be considered a vent spot, but maybe thats asking too much.

vent = crouch spot with usually a narrow 1-2 person opening

so if a spot allows humans to move around on the inside while standing but the opening requires crouching, how many are allowed inside. i would assume only 2 still. but thats just me. people are taking advantage of spots like that because they are not technically vents but have the same properties of a vent.

the map that was just played with an abused spot like this was on toxic west, 6-8 people are in a little shack with the only opening a crouch area wide enough for 2 zombies, but trying to get even one training into the shack was impossible. and i know there is far too many people for spots like that when a 12k deformed (alpha zombie) could not even get in while mouse wheel jumping and trained by other zombies. WT was on, an admin and did nothing, so obviously im the only one that thinks crouch spots need to be treated just like vents, because they are the same essentially.

08-30-2011, 01:06 PM
not really cause once you can manage to get it, all you have to do is stand up and run

08-30-2011, 04:40 PM
I guess you missed the part where i said I WAS THE ALPHA ZOMBIE WITH 12K HP AND COULD NOT GET IN WHILE BEING TRAINED BY OTHER ZOMBIES AND JUMPING. With 8 people in there, 4 against the wall, and then 4 stacked on their heads, it is impossible for any amount of zombies to get in. That was proven on several rounds.

08-30-2011, 05:32 PM
sorry i did not really read that, but yes that is for the event of 8 people. 8 guns hitting you will take away all of a deformed's health as they do not get knockedback, so it can be a continuous stream of headshots from 8 guns.(however i have seen places like that been killed, it is not impossible, if you are fast enough standing up and running.) If that spot had 2 people in it, then it would never work unless the zombies were complete retards. beside if you can get that many people in there without someone fucking up or alpha spawning in there, you do kinda deserve it. However, i do think that places like the stage on highschool, where it is a entrance to a larger crouch spot, that we should limit the number of zombies.

08-31-2011, 11:09 PM
even though there usually are a lot of stupid people online, you shouldnt take that into consideration. if there is 8 people in a room that they can run around in normally, but the only way to get in is a crouch opening 2 people wide, no zombie is going to get in if everyone is playing properly. obviously if you have a couple stupid people in the room, someone might go look out through that crouch opening for zombies and get infected, or someone of the 8 might turn into a zombie, but neither case will happen often enough to make spots like that completely unfair and almost impossible to get into even with an alpha deformed.

10-05-2011, 10:59 AM
Zombie mod Rules 1.7 Linked from original zm section to rules so that its easier to find.

10-06-2011, 04:18 PM
Pl@Y as a deformed, try again an quit ur bitch'n

moral of the (short) story; no matter what the scenario with vent campers, they can be taken down in one way or another. its not as impossible as ppl make it out to be

ok bye

10-06-2011, 05:31 PM
Banned.. No matter.

11-19-2011, 07:55 PM
Can we please add a section that states all the locations deemed illegal into the official rules? Just that way there would a proper place to check for reference and to deem them actually official.

11-19-2011, 08:16 PM
Can we please add a section that states all the locations deemed illegal into the official rules? Just that way there would a proper place to check for reference and to deem them actually official.

ther eis the list in the ZM section. We need final say on most of the submitted spots. When Zero isn't jumping through hoops to fix everything, maybe he will get a chance.

11-20-2011, 12:57 AM
I just meant to include it with the official rules, and try to get it more solidified so we all know what the actual rules state, not a thread that is mostly an argument about what spots should be illegal.Mostly just to make it simpler and to stop arguments about it in-game. That thread could be more of a work in progress, but we could just to put the few confirmed locations in with the rest of the rules on this thread.

12-12-2011, 10:35 PM
Would it be possible to update the zm Motd page to include the rules, and some illegal cading locations. Several times players have asked why the rules are not actually very accessable to the newer players. This would also clear up arguments with regulars and admins having the rules at hand 24/7.

12-13-2011, 07:28 PM
isn't there a command for it? I think Mikey used it all the time

12-14-2011, 12:14 AM
isn't there a command for it? I think Mikey used it all the time

he just posted a link to the rules.

12-14-2011, 01:41 PM
All I did was bind the link to my x key

01-07-2012, 05:34 PM
v2.2 Anex

Glitching - When a player has, through some means, made a prop cease its function or exploit a map bug
Console – This pertains to all players
Using any console command to commit suicide

Admin Restrictions - Changing the gravity settings (Unless reverting back to normal gravity of 800)

02-14-2012, 08:02 PM
I was wondering about the !block command, people seem to be using it A LOT lately, I've seen it used and people either get tagged or causes mass suicide. Can we add it to the do not use

P.S. everyone can use it, not just admins

02-29-2012, 05:49 PM
I was wondering about the !block command, people seem to be using it A LOT lately, I've seen it used and people either get tagged or causes mass suicide. Can we add it to the do not use

P.S. everyone can use it, not just admins

People using it to get others tagged or cause mass suicide is already against the rules per the "blocking" section.

Updated to 2.4 to include the "Map Specific" section along with the specifics for the map ZM_PULSE_TEMPLEOFDOOM_FINAL. Hopefully this section will help curtail unwritten rules and help protect you guys when it comes to regulating the server.

You guys are allowed now, if three or more admins agree, to create "temp" or "unwritten" rules to ensure the server is run smoothly if a rule does not currently exist for it. (For one week) You must let us know so we can make it official. This is by no means a blessing to create anything you want and go rule happy. Don't be that admin.

03-24-2012, 05:47 PM

Zombies that are teleported in the cage cannot be shot at by humans.

The reason for this is that if enough ct's shoot at the zombies in the cage the round can be won before going to the 2nd island and the zombies in the cage are basically free kills.
Tick 8000 sows one incident where not much can be done about it ingame

03-24-2012, 05:52 PM

Zombies that are teleported in the cage cannot be shot at by humans.

The reason for this is that if enough ct's shoot at the zombies in the cage the round can be won before going to the 2nd island and the zombies in the cage are basically free kills.

I have seen this enforced by several admins, so I assumed it was a rule already.
There are several maps where zombies are forced into cages, and like you mention fallen, if enough ct's blast at them they will surely die and map is over.

03-24-2012, 06:24 PM
Well not entirely all weapons can blast trough but most use the Machine gun which can. Problem with this new set rule is going to be especially on island 3 and when allot of zombies are already on low hp is that everyone passing by is going to shoot them and there will be deaths there always is.

This rule will be tricky when it comes down by enforcing it where do we draw the line what can and what can't in my opinion every admin can in participate this differently that way it will be hard to draw one constructive line that will be clear enough for all players. Normally what I do is asking people to stop or slap them slaying them for something that isn't really punishable is just unfair. Also there are just too many people who never read the rules and just do monkey see monkey do as admin do we have to slay everyone who attempt this? then we basic can slay half the amount of people.

03-24-2012, 06:32 PM
Well not entirely all weapons can blast trough but most use the Machine gun which can. Problem with this new set rule is going to be especially on island 3 and when allot of zombies are already on low hp is that everyone passing by is going to shoot them and there will be deaths there always is.

This rule will be tricky when it comes down by enforcing it where do we draw the line what can and what can't in my opinion every admin can in participate this differently that way it will be hard to draw one constructive line that will be clear enough for all players. Normally what I do is asking people to stop or slap them slaying them for something that isn't really punishable is just unfair. Also there are just too many people who never read the rules and just do monkey see monkey do as admin do we have to slay everyone who attempt this? then we basic can slay half the amount of people.

i view it as violating the 3rd rule in the 'other' category.

"During escape maps, humans must leave the spawn area and complete the map objective.Humans that stay in spawn with the intent on killing the first zombie is prohibited"

and yes, i do enforce it. if told to stop by anex or rezel, i will. but i feel it quite clearly violates the above rule. perhaps the rule could be ammended to "in escape maps, the CT's must GET ON WITH IT!! staying back with the sole purpose of killing zombies is prohibited."

03-24-2012, 07:38 PM
When i was admin i enforced this rule, a round or two of being frozen and awaiting the horde is a good deterrent for this.

03-25-2012, 02:00 AM
i view it as violating the 3rd rule in the 'other' category.

"During escape maps, humans must leave the spawn area and complete the map objective.Humans that stay in spawn with the intent on killing the first zombie is prohibited"

and yes, i do enforce it. if told to stop by anex or rezel, i will. but i feel it quite clearly violates the above rule. perhaps the rule could be ammended to "in escape maps, the CT's must GET ON WITH IT!! staying back with the sole purpose of killing zombies is prohibited."

But at box 3 everyone walks past the box so they shoot anyway how do we want to stop that then?

03-25-2012, 10:05 AM
But at box 3 everyone walks past the box so they shoot anyway how do we want to stop that then?

i watch, warn, then slay.

03-26-2012, 12:28 PM
Added, just to make sure.

Chef C Green
04-07-2012, 11:52 PM
New Map Specific Rule:

Map: ze_Paranoid_Ultimate_v10_4
Rule: Do no shoot starter zombie(s) in the cage
Reason: Depending on the zombie, they can kill the starter zombie(s) and/or diminish their health to where they are easy kills when going through the maze and before they tag others.

04-08-2012, 02:15 AM
were getting pretty fcking anal about all these rules why dont we just give zombies more health on these given maps instead like we did on little town? it would deffinetly save us all the hastle of having to babysit these cages :banghead:

Chef C Green
04-08-2012, 08:19 PM
were getting pretty fcking anal about all these rules why dont we just give zombies more health on these given maps instead like we did on little town? it would deffinetly save us all the hastle of having to babysit these cages :banghead:

As much as I hate to admit it, the prospect of having to go into spectate and looking for the individuals that will undoubtedly shoot the zombies does sound rather tedious and inefficient...

I take back that paranoid cage map specific stuff, it really is stupid to expect people to follow any kind of rule passed on not shooting them :doh:. As for the more health bit, a bit would probably help, but too much and what's the point of trying to shoot them = \ (some of their knock backs are already pretty poor).

04-08-2012, 08:31 PM
guys...if you give the zombies too much...and the mapmaker was a tard when they made the escape map...well...some don't use point.kill effects to take out any leftover players...they just deal a messload of damage

more health and the zombies could potentially survive...which is BAD

T3h tyrant
04-08-2012, 09:15 PM
either way there is usually more then one zombie in the cade at the beginning and you dont even hit 100's or even 50's when you shoot at them in the cage.. i mean unless ever single humans opens fire and hits then in the head everytime they most likely wont die. and also since the zombies are infront of everyone to shoot at good luck trying to stop a whole bunch of people from doing it that could be quite difficult

Bane of Soldiers
04-08-2012, 09:26 PM
The difference between the cages on Paranoid and Voodoo is that on Voodoo, you can sit at point blank range and open fire on the zombies as you please. On paranoid, you'll never get close enough to the cage to really do significant damage.... plus, the map whisks you away and into the maze after a set amount of time

T3h tyrant
04-08-2012, 09:30 PM
the map whisks you away and into the maze after a set amount of time

another great point :wtg:

04-09-2012, 10:09 AM
Don't shoot them, throw nades at them. Basketball :D

06-01-2012, 10:41 AM
updated to prohibit the !block command on all ze maps. Players that use the !block command must be slayed immediately by an admin.

06-01-2012, 01:21 PM
Just freeze the players who shoot the cages, u don't really have to go to spec to find out who shooting em because u can just check it when people pass trough the next tele porter while still have enough time to get out there alive yourself. Slaying would work but freezing them on voodoo works much better for me because they get tagged and die at the end of the round sounds fitting punishment for me.

Bane of Soldiers
06-01-2012, 05:10 PM
updated to prohibit the !block command on all ze maps. Players that use the !block command must be slayed immediately by an admin.

Finally, a concrete rule against poor teammates. It certainly wouldn't be at the top of ZERO's to-do list, but why not ask to have the command removed all together if it's an all-player inclusive rule? It's not like !block does anything on zm

06-04-2012, 05:53 AM
The only use of !block in ze is to help some people when they cannot climb a box because there just newbs, I do use block sometimes so people can get over them when we just rly lack the amount of people otherwise to hold the zombies off. But although I don't mind it being removed.

07-02-2012, 11:54 AM
Updated to 2.6 to include the map specific rule with ZE_SAW: Humans may not use any vent as a holding/camp point

Pootie Too Good
08-05-2012, 05:52 PM
I have a question regarding rank manipulation. It is clearly not allowed that a player may join as a zombie by skipping the tagging process with the intentions of racking up free kills, but i must ask, is it legal for you to sit in spawn, wait for a zombie to tag you as soon as they all turn, and then attack the humans to rack up kills with a +1 death added to it? I would like to point out that this should be considered rank manipulation, because there are certain maps that i see players doing it all the time on, such as ze_Jurassic_Park_Story_v0_9, ze_jurassicpark_v2_7_OB, ze_PotC_v3_4fix, and any escape map in general that the terrorists have a higher win percentage due to the ability of a strong zombie player to catch them.

Recently I've seen players with scores such as 35-6, 34-7, 34-8 and plenty more in that region, because the player was getting tagged as soon as the zombie spawned and then bunny hopped their way to the front of the pack to obtain cheap kills. Very rarely on some of these more challenging escapes can we beat a strong bhopper, but when they intentionally become zombies to go for it, it ruins everyone elses experience. I'd like clearity of this, and if it is considered rank manipulation and or breaking any rules.

08-05-2012, 05:58 PM
I have a question regarding rank manipulation. It is clearly not allowed that a player may join as a zombie by skipping the tagging process with the intentions of racking up free kills, but i must ask, is it legal for you to sit in spawn, wait for a zombie to tag you as soon as they all turn, and then attack the humans to rack up kills with a +1 death added to it? I would like to point out that this should be considered rank manipulation, because there are certain maps that i see players doing it all the time on, such as ze_Jurassic_Park_Story_v0_9, ze_jurassicpark_v2_7_OB, ze_PotC_v3_4fix, and any escape map in general that the terrorists have a higher win percentage due to the ability of a strong zombie player to catch them.

Recently I've seen players with scores such as 35-6, 34-7, 34-8 and plenty more in that region, because the player was getting tagged as soon as the zombie spawned and then bunny hopped their way to the front of the pack to obtain cheap kills. Very rarely on some of these more challenging escapes can we beat a strong bhopper, but when they intentionally become zombies to go for it, it ruins everyone elses experience. I'd like clearity of this, and if it is considered rank manipulation and or breaking any rules.

Its easy remove all escape maps :icon_mrgreen:

But seriously for us to ban for this, what should the critera for this be, its easy to go afk stay in spawn and come back as a zombie. Should we handle cases like this by simply collecting evidence over an extended period of time, cause unlike with other servers this really takes more than one map to add up for rank manipulation, cause that is a very serious offence to tag on to simple retardation or afk.

Bane of Soldiers
08-05-2012, 06:38 PM
I have a question regarding rank manipulation. It is clearly not allowed that a player may join as a zombie by skipping the tagging process with the intentions of racking up free kills, but i must ask, is it legal for you to sit in spawn, wait for a zombie to tag you as soon as they all turn, and then attack the humans to rack up kills with a +1 death added to it? I would like to point out that this should be considered rank manipulation, because there are certain maps that i see players doing it all the time on, such as ze_Jurassic_Park_Story_v0_9, ze_jurassicpark_v2_7_OB, ze_PotC_v3_4fix, and any escape map in general that the terrorists have a higher win percentage due to the ability of a strong zombie player to catch them.

Recently I've seen players with scores such as 35-6, 34-7, 34-8 and plenty more in that region, because the player was getting tagged as soon as the zombie spawned and then bunny hopped their way to the front of the pack to obtain cheap kills. Very rarely on some of these more challenging escapes can we beat a strong bhopper, but when they intentionally become zombies to go for it, it ruins everyone elses experience. I'd like clearity of this, and if it is considered rank manipulation and or breaking any rules.

Its easy remove all escape maps :icon_mrgreen:

But seriously for us to ban for this, what should the critera for this be, its easy to go afk stay in spawn and come back as a zombie. Should we handle cases like this by simply collecting evidence over an extended period of time, cause unlike with other servers this really takes more than one map to add up for rank manipulation, cause that is a very serious offence to tag on to simple retardation or afk.

Yeah, ever since the first case there has been a lot of people throwing around "rank manipulation" accusations... but in all honesty, the first case was settled because it was proven that the defendant was knowingly using a loophole in the system to farm a large amount of kills and/or farm a lot of skill points without dying.

I'm gonna say this for future prosecutors: look at a potential defendant over a period of time to see if it's an exploit that's truly intended... or a player that was just afk

Pootie Too Good
08-05-2012, 07:04 PM
Yeah, ever since the first case there has been a lot of people throwing around "rank manipulation" accusations... but in all honesty, the first case was settled because it was proven that the defendant was knowingly using a loophole in the system to farm a large amount of kills and/or farm a lot of skill points.

I'm gonna say this for future prosecutors: look at a potential defendant over a period of time to see if it's an exploit that's truly intended... or a player that was just afk the situation i describe is blantantly obvious though, players constantly going "afk" in spawn, or even walking towards the first zombie, then coming back to destroy the humans. i dont like giving names, but the other day i was playing and a player who had great bunny hopping skills kept walking in the middle of the 3 pathes on Jurassic Park 2_7, and then continued to kill the humans multiple 4-5 straight rounds, granted that he did recieve first zombie twice in those rounds, but the ones that he didnt, he still got tagged by the first zombie and racked up a ton of kills and won every round before the doors leading to the truck had opened. I have the demo if the example would like to be seen. My arguement towards this is could you imagine the server if every round, pooter and holy sh** would do this? the game would be broken until this was changed.

08-06-2012, 12:40 PM
It would be categorized under attempting your part on the server though It would be seriously redundant we can't keep adding rules for little things or anything on that matter. The fact of the matter is the more rules we add the more confusing and anarchic it is to enforce them making it extremely hard to have any fun. I do not see how getting yourself tagged on purpose has any downfall other than you have to wait for the first zombie to come by and tag you, it has no extra merits other than your a zombie. I do not understand how your trying to classify this as "Rank Manipulation".... I do not understand either your idea on having to put rules on everything, first it was bunny hopping now its this... Have you ever considered learning to play? There is no reason for you to die to a person who sits back and waits until you get tagged, only other reason i can think of is you don't know how to play or the map sucks.

08-06-2012, 12:44 PM
Lending my 2 cents here, I had a problem with this before. It is quite obvious when this happens as if the player in question is doing it to gain a higher rank then he will not just do it in one round. There are maps that favour zombies sure, but taking advantage of this by intentionally getting tagged is surely rank manipulation

08-06-2012, 12:57 PM
How is it rank manipulation You have yet to explain to me the benefits of getting yourself tagged by a zombie and then getting other people? Are we going to start classifying getting accidentally tagged by a zombie and then killing your entire rank manip too? Point blank if you wait for a zombie to tag you then your letting the ct's ahead and if your purposely getting tagged while with others more than likely they are going to shot you out.

08-06-2012, 01:00 PM
How is it rank manipulation You have yet to explain to me the benefits of getting yourself tagged by a zombie and then getting other people? Are we going to start classifying getting accidentally tagged by a zombie and then killing your entire rank manip too? Point blank if you wait for a zombie to tag you then your letting the ct's ahead and if your purposely getting tagged while with others more than likely they are going to shot you out.

Some people do it on some maps because they know shortcuts wich get them ahead of the humans, like black message escape, and then u got a rape.

08-06-2012, 01:10 PM
It's more of a disadvantage then it is an advantage, every time you get killed by a zombie you are loosing the points especially if its from a lower player. Really? Shortcuts? Even if the person wasn't to get tagged the zombies who were turned might already know it so your already at a disadvantage anyway.

08-06-2012, 01:13 PM
It's more of a disadvantage then it is an advantage, every time you get killed by a zombie you are loosing the points especially if its from a lower player. Really? Shortcuts? Even if the person wasn't to get tagged the zombies who were turned might already know it so your already at a disadvantage anyway.

I know, just saying what reasing some use so they get tagged.

08-07-2012, 03:29 AM
It's more of a disadvantage then it is an advantage, every time you get killed by a zombie you are loosing the points especially if its from a lower player. Really? Shortcuts? Even if the person wasn't to get tagged the zombies who were turned might already know it so your already at a disadvantage anyway.

Not at all, purposely getting tag is going against the rules already. It is not only rank manipulation, but its also not the right way to play the game. If I purposely got tagged every round on escapes, I could easily rack anywere from 8-25 kills depending on the map. Not only that, I could end up 100-7 at the end of a map if it was 7/8 rounds. So 7 taggs would make me lose probably 20 rank points, 100 zombie tags though would mean a positive netscore of 80. It should be illegal and people found going around it should be dealt with appropriately.

Bane of Soldiers
08-12-2012, 08:05 PM
Whenever someone has some free time, please add a rule like this:

Map Specific - ZM_ROY_THE_SHIP- No more than four inside the vent near the staircase (the floor right below the deck)

Area in question:

Reason being the same as keeping two in a pipe or three on a platform.

08-13-2012, 10:17 AM
^ Agreed.

Pootie Too Good
09-14-2012, 02:51 PM
In the addition of the rule 2.6, where it says "•During escape maps, humans that stay in spawn with the intent on killing the first zombie is prohibited", i believe that should be updating to say "•During escape maps, humans that discontinue towards their objective with the intent on killing the first zombie is prohibited", because on maps such as Ze_Saw, you see a lot of people staying back at previous hold points to try and get those zombie kills that were being worked towards when the entire CT team was defending that position. Just a :chillpill: thought

Bane of Soldiers
09-14-2012, 05:18 PM
In the addition of the rule 2.6, where it says "•During escape maps, humans that stay in spawn with the intent on killing the first zombie is prohibited", i believe that should be updating to say "•During escape maps, humans that discontinue towards their objective with the intent on killing the first zombie is prohibited", because on maps such as Ze_Saw, you see a lot of people staying back at previous hold points to try and get those zombie kills that were being worked towards when the entire CT team was defending that position. Just a :chillpill: thought

Map Specific - Pertains only to certain maps

Humans may not use any vent as a holding/camp point

This covers most circumstances for that map. I bet v2.6 can be interpreted in the way you suggest, so that it applies for all maps, but I'm not entirely sure on that because...

The problem, I think, in a rule like that, is that it would discourage any type of solo "holding out." Although there's a very obvious line between buying time for your teammates and trying to farm that lonely classic zombie, it might not be worth it because of some affluent but misconstrued views of butthurt players.

Selfless and helpful holding out = near the end of deathstar, several players camp the ladder with nades and paras, buying a lot of time through fire damage
Type of holding out I discourage = staying behind with a pump or a para+dualies, and relentlessly raining fire onto the zombie(s). Shows no intent of moving/stopping until a kill is earned, even if a door ahead closes (a door designed to close in order to stall the zombies so the humans can run...). I can't think of any examples where this happens frequently. More of a player to player basis rather than a map specific condition

If such a rule is written and clarified on the forums, users will take it from the forums to the server, and within a month, everybody will be running with their backs to the zombies; if not, they will risk retribution, at the hands of sometimes frustrated and raging admins, for trying to help the team. My $0.02 on the matter

09-14-2012, 07:41 PM
Well good admin can spot the difference between solo holding and true camping, i also hold vents a couple of seconds so newbies get trough. It's just diffecult to sell this story to the retards who if they cannot camp include everything under this. Normmaly I do not invoke or eforce this rule litterly unless it really has to be done, with campers ofc who do not stop.

09-14-2012, 07:43 PM
Well good admin can spot the difference between solo holding and true camping, i also hold vents a couple of seconds so newbies get trough. It's just diffecult to sell this story to the retards who if they cannot camp include everything under this. Normmaly I do not invoke or eforce this rule litterly unless it really has to be done, with campers ofc who do not stop.
This is for when people are staying way to far from the herd. Not simply holding it for a few seconds. The point of an escape is to escape, not hide at the beginning.

12-10-2012, 04:11 PM
Rule have been updated to 2.7


Map Specific - ALL ESCAPE MAPS - If parachutes are enabled, they must be turned off (rcon_parachute 0)
Map Specific - ZM_ROY_THE_SHIP - No more than four inside the vent near the staircase (the floor right below the deck)

12-10-2012, 06:56 PM
Rule have been updated to 2.7


Map Specific - ALL ESCAPE MAPS - If parachutes are enabled, they must be turned off (rcon_parachute 0)
Map Specific - ZM_ROY_THE_SHIP - No more than four inside the vent near the staircase (the floor right below the deck)

Should violation of the chute rule be filed under admin abuse?

Seems like chutes would be handled through the map configuration. I suppose a rule would then be needed such that admins should not turn on chutes on ze maps. At least with it that way an admin would have to actively abuse or disobey the rules.

01-08-2013, 12:36 AM
See this thread for suggested change to the phrasing: http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/showthread.php/10414-Verdict-for-ze_lotr_mines_of_moria_v6_3?p=151678#post151678

Bane of Soldiers
01-08-2013, 01:24 AM
See this thread for suggested change to the phrasing: http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/showthread.php/10414-Verdict-for-ze_lotr_mines_of_moria_v6_3?p=151678#post151678

Does anyone want to brief the underprivileged users? o__o

01-08-2013, 01:34 AM
Does anyone want to brief the underprivileged users? o__o

teamkilling without using map triggers, specifically on escape maps. map being examined as impetus behind this proposed change is ze_mines of moria. humans currently shoot the doors on balins tomb, thus resulting in a total team kill. this is equivalent to cade breaking on ZM map, but we don't currently have a rule for such ZE analogues. proposed change is to broaden the 'Team Killing' rules to include 'Sabotage' , in the form of destroying/wasting resources given to the CT's on ZE maps necessary to the continued survival of the team.

01-08-2013, 02:05 AM
It is already covered by the existing rule on team killing but it is not clear so the suggestion is to change the phrasing.

01-09-2013, 11:40 AM
Got it. I'll update it in a few minutes. Just got off of work and eating food/watching dailyshow.

01-09-2013, 02:18 PM
teamkilling without using map triggers, specifically on escape maps. map being examined as impetus behind this proposed change is ze_mines of moria. humans currently shoot the doors on balins tomb, thus resulting in a total team kill. this is equivalent to cade breaking on ZM map, but we don't currently have a rule for such ZE analogues. proposed change is to broaden the 'Team Killing' rules to include 'Sabotage' , in the form of destroying/wasting resources given to the CT's on ZE maps necessary to the continued survival of the team.

Good idea. Been a long time coming.

01-10-2013, 11:15 AM
Done. I reworded it and added an example for the doors on mines of moria. Also the change log has been moved to the bottom.

01-10-2013, 01:15 PM
so last night the zombie started to do a glitch i have not seen since cs 1.0.5 when we shot at them they flashed a red orb that looked a lot like the old heal skin in half life.. i restarted the server and it fixed it but I wanted to give you guys a heads up so you could look into what happend just to be safe that the server does not have a corrupted code.

01-10-2013, 02:22 PM
"First and foremost to all zm players, don't be a cunt". I love this shit hahahaha

03-04-2013, 10:38 PM
The !BLOCK rule on escape maps has been removed as the command no longer works.

Updated to 2.9 to reflect this change.

03-05-2013, 03:13 PM
Woot thx a lot, this will make life just a little easyer on us now when trolls try to block hehe.

Mad Maxx
09-02-2013, 02:57 PM
Hi Zero and Anex,

I was wondering what if any ruling you would have on ze_jurassic_park_story_v1. bchhog had brought up a good point on players using the back of the helicopter to avoid being tagged. Is there a specific rule on it, or does it fall under map glitching? Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. \


:headache: Maxx :headache:

09-02-2013, 03:29 PM
Hi Zero and Anex,

I was wondering what if any ruling you would have on ze_jurassic_park_story_v1. bchhog had brought up a good point on players using the back of the helicopter to avoid being tagged. Is there a specific rule on it, or does it fall under map glitching? Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. \


:headache: Maxx :headache:

Are the humans glitched to the back of the helicopter? Or do they jump there?

Mad Maxx
09-02-2013, 04:57 PM
Hi Phil, Shanghai kid jumped up on there. My concern is, if zombies take over the heli they cannot jump back there to get at the cts. I think it could be considered an exploit, which is why I wanted to get your opinion on it.

09-02-2013, 05:09 PM
If he jumped back on there, other zombies can jump after him and tag him. If he is the only one who makes the jump, and the rest of humans fails inside the chopper, he escaped and survived. IMO, no exploit.

09-02-2013, 05:12 PM
I think what they are doing is using the lag created by the movement of the chopper to get back there thus exploiting the map. Given that this was something clearly not intended in the map and is caused by a glitch that is not allowed.

Glitching – When a player has, through some means, made a prop cease its function or exploit a map bug

Mad Maxx
09-02-2013, 05:16 PM
Understood Thank you for clarifying as it is right now he jumped on, thus allowing for zombies to jump on. Though if like Zero states, they glitch on through the heli then it's an exploit and as per server rules punishable. Thank you for clarifying I will let others know.

09-02-2013, 06:01 PM
I think what they are doing is using the lag created by the movement of the chopper to get back there thus exploiting the map. Given that this was something clearly not intended in the map and is caused by a glitch that is not allowed.

Glitching – When a player has, through some means, made a prop cease its function or exploit a map bug

This is def a glitch/exploit we are aware of. I think what they are talking about is, instead of jumping into the chopper cabin, few humans takes the risk jumping onto the tail of the chopper to avoid a possible fail inside the cabin.

jeb the hick
11-27-2013, 10:25 AM
Clarification or rule change needed for ze_sorrento. When the first player to the secret boat presses the lever with the knowledge that it fucks over people behind them. When a player does this despite repeated requests to wait for people behind. Does this count as sabotage? I know being an asshole isn't against the rules, but there must be some rule against doing this with the knowledge that your teammates are probably going to then die.

It's especially frustrating knowing that the first person to the boat is riding the coattails of players who had to shoot out the doors/windows to get there.

11-27-2013, 02:48 PM
The proper thing to do is, if you're the first person, let the last person or near the last person trigger off the switch. Kind of hard to rule on this especially when it happens a lot, like in ze_licciana.

11-27-2013, 03:48 PM
Well with switches like that where everyone is rushing to try to get there asap its rather hard to pick out in a crowd who actually pushed the lever. In sorrento its always crowded as everyone there is trying to get on the boat before it leaves. Its hardly sabotage anyways, no one pulls the lever for the boat to kill the people behind them, they do it to ensure the boat leaves quickly so they can defend the gates. If you are not fast enough its kind of your own fault, it is similar to not opening a barricade to let someone who was too slow into your cade.

12-28-2013, 07:55 AM
I was wondering if it is possible to leave rcon_alltalk off during escape maps, because first off for some maps it is better to communicate while zombies don't know what ur planning. secondly the last 2 days i literally went to bed with a headache because 6/8 people are talking to eachother. ofc it is very easy to mute, but most people are discussing about tactics and if we hear both sides, it's meh not working and a hell for your ears.

12-30-2013, 04:37 AM
Maybe a way to have a vote for it come up automatically on escape maps?

12-30-2013, 04:56 AM
Maybe a way to have a vote for it come up automatically on escape maps?

yes please

Also can u see if there is a way to force drop nades, i tought this up yesterday after the another fail nade.

12-30-2013, 12:44 PM
Yeah nades should just be disabled for ZE maps. They always lead the team to fail round after round. It also causes people to crash their games if too many people are nading close to each other.

12-30-2013, 01:37 PM
Vote at the start of ze maps for alltalk, yes. Please.
We need nades in ze. People have to learn to throw correctly (throw slightly on the ground, throw at angle against walls etc) so it's not a fail nade.

Because humans cannot throw nades correctly and defend properly, we should not take out nades in ze.

12-30-2013, 05:19 PM
Vote at the start of ze maps for alltalk, yes. Please.
We need nades in ze. People have to learn to throw correctly (throw slightly on the ground, throw at angle against walls etc) so it's not a fail nade.

Because humans cannot throw nades correctly and defend properly, we should not take out nades in ze.

Zero is already working on the knockback i believe.

12-31-2013, 05:13 AM
Yea I just made it so you can not fail nade in ze, problem solved...

01-01-2014, 08:27 AM
Thanks Zero, it makes it a lot better for cts.
Sucks being a zombie when you could count on a fail lol

Mad Maxx
01-02-2014, 01:58 AM
Phil, you were talking earlier about team killing with switches. I have seen many players on maps like Sorrento hit the switch in order to team kill other players. is it possible to have a rule that only Admins hit the buttons to maps like sorrento? wishful thinking I know, but unless we can see in script what players activate the switches that cause a team kill, admins are going to have a difficult time differentiating the perpetrators from others rushing through the door. I usually go through the replays to verify, but that process is long, tedious and not 100% accurate.

01-02-2014, 08:08 AM
We cannot establish a rule stating "only admins can do 'x' action", that just wouldn't be fair. And some admins would also kill using the switch in sorrento.
My best bet to tell you is keep an eye out, warn before the start of round, and if someone does kill a teammate with the switch, then sit in spec. Follow everyone, and follow to that spot in free-mode and just keep on that 1 guy who is around the switch.

It can happen quickly, and that's why there is SourceTV. If it seems to tedious of a process, let me know the day/time and i'll take a look at the demo.

Mad Maxx
01-02-2014, 04:29 PM
Understandable, and just to clarify it's not the process that is tedious, I am just not the fastest when it comes to the replays and by the time I find out who it is, when I return to the server the player left. Though I still keep tabs on who did in the event they try it again. I understand that as admins we have to ensure that server rules are followed.

01-02-2014, 04:58 PM
You know we have the command to ban disconnected players. If their name is not on the list, you can always make a ban via sourcebans.

01-03-2014, 04:01 AM
Wanna ask a question, we had this duscussion about ztele in voodoo and where people used the boat too early, can anyone canform ztele is forbidden in voodoo as human. because i see this happening while knowing in the past this was certainly not aloud.

01-03-2014, 07:34 AM
The use if !ztele is allowed in the first island, as long as you are not escaping a zombie tag.

01-03-2014, 08:04 AM
The use if !ztele is allowed in the first island, as long as you are not escaping a zombie tag.

Hmmm i hope for anser of anex because I'm certain there where issue's with it. i know people got slayed in the past for doing so.

01-03-2014, 08:33 AM
I have spoken with anex with this, and with maynard, and with clan. It has been in discussion and we just await for it to be listed on the rules.
But, if anex wants to chime in on it for confirmation.

01-03-2014, 10:16 AM
Ok it seems i was wrong, Sometime in the past i got warned but i guess it never was meant to be punishable. Well then i got my answer.

jeb the hick
01-03-2014, 02:29 PM
With voodoo, some of the barricades people construct make it difficult to get to the next island or boat in a timely fashion. For instance, in the 2nd floor room with the boxes and vendis that get stuffed in the stairs, people get stuck in objects all the time. Getting out of that room is difficult to do quickly. If everyone bound ztele to something there would never be a problem with the boat in the first place.

01-03-2014, 02:39 PM
!ZTELE on Voodoo is legal. People have brought it up and we decided to not put it in the rules. It's a smart tactic to be honest. When people were complaining that The Holy Shit was doing it (a long time ago), I was like, "Oh that's some smart shit". We purposefully did not add it to the rules but it seems like I will have to specifically say what is legal in the rules to stop Admin-isms.

I'll compile a list and will update the ZM rules later on tonight.

Also, a big NO to trying to monitor people who press the secret lever on sorrento. They don't have to wait. It says the boat is leaving in chat. If the boat is leaving in 3 seconds and its been 3 seconds, don't try to jump on the boat. Anyways you can run through the map, shoot all three gates, get to the main gate and jump into the boat as it passes underneath.

Tickle Me Emo
01-03-2014, 03:40 PM
Also, a big NO to trying to monitor people who press the secret lever on sorrento. They don't have to wait. It says the boat is leaving in chat. If the boat is leaving in 3 seconds and its been 3 seconds, don't try to jump on the boat. Anyways you can run through the map, shoot all three gates, get to the main gate and jump into the boat as it passes underneath.

I believe the switch they were talking about is the one that closes the door on the second story of the house after you get off the secret boat. People will frequently rush in and try to close it immediately without making sure it's clear and kill a teammate trying to run through (or will intentionally try to kill a teammate running through, depending on how much of a dick they are).

01-03-2014, 04:06 PM
Ah your right. I thought they were talking about the boat. Using the door to kill team mates is totally illegal as fuck.

01-03-2014, 05:56 PM
I'll compile a list and will update the ZM rules later on tonight.

Finally, thank you!!

01-07-2014, 04:29 AM
Got a Question for you guys,

On Voodoo, you're not allowed to shoot zombies in the cage. How about when zombies are in the cage on ShroomForest? Illegal or not?

01-07-2014, 04:58 AM
Got a Question for you guys,

On Voodoo, you're not allowed to shoot zombies in the cage. How about when zombies are in the cage on ShroomForest? Illegal or not?

They got 50k hp it will take a large amount of firepower to take em down, the time u need to kill 1 zombie equals or takes even more time to kill the boss before he explodes and blow you all up. so say u need 8 people from a pool of 15 to shoot the zombies you will never see the end of it because u die by the blast. The only thing u do is preventing the team from finishing the level.

01-07-2014, 04:58 AM
It should be since you're not helping your team when doing so and it's the same principle as the voodoo rule. let's see what a clan/zero says.

01-07-2014, 08:02 PM
Personally if I am on the server, if the map gets swapped to Sorrento I warn players that if they close the back door on team-mates and it results in a team death I will slay them. However if the door closes and no deaths that's fine because you can just go around the side of the house and jump over.

As for Shroom, if you shoot the zombies in the cage is doesn't actually achieve anything as the zombies get 10,000 - 50,000 HP and it actively regenerates however you're not helping your team which could really if you think about it be classed as sabotage.

jeb the hick
01-07-2014, 08:08 PM
It should be since you're not helping your team when doing so and it's the same principle as the voodoo rule. let's see what a clan/zero says.

Maybe we should also punish people with scouts since it doesn't help the team on boss battles, hmm???

01-09-2014, 09:38 AM
Alright guys, keep that shit out of this thread. This thread is for ZM ruling, questions/concerns; not about what guns everyone is using.

Also, read this http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/showthread.php/9208-Escape-Map-Info-(Guides-and-Tips) made by aNex. Sometimes scout is good to have in ZE. But if scout is going same speed as someone with a knife out and strafe-running...

02-28-2014, 05:48 PM
Hello all,

I just heard from some admins in-game that, despite what the latest version of the rules say (3.0), that you can't block someone from entering a cade or crouch spot unless you declare out-loud or in-chat that the person you're blocking is tribute. And that anex was responsible for this tomfoolery.

The rules state:


Not Allowed
– Using a players body to deny players access to a certain area
Preventing other zombies to tag a human(s) by blocking.
Players may not block if the end result is the death of another player(s) -IE World Damage, Map Kills box.

Allowed - As a human, this does not apply to zombies
Crawl Spaces
To offer someone as tribute
An area when its player limit has been exceeded
Only two people are allowed per tube
Only two people are allowed per vent opening
Only two people are allowed per fucking van or any other place where more than two people fail (Big thank you to irishrush for this one)

Can someone, preferably anex, weigh in on what sounds like the dumbest rule I've ever heard of?

02-28-2014, 10:59 PM
Updated to Rule to 3.1. Got rid of old rules that don't apply anymore and did some tweaking.

03-03-2014, 05:19 AM
Hello my fellow .... everyones?

This morning i bring to all of you a proposal to which i believe would solve a painstaking problem i think we may have. This problem goes by many names but most are familiar with "mic spam." However, im not bringing up just any mic spam but more specifically mic spam in the form of players playing songs and music via HLDJ.

Before i continue i would like to make clear that i personally have no significant quarrels with players enlightening the masses with a joyous tune but i cannot speak on behalf of every individual who plays in the server. That is why i am posting here today! My proposal would drastically change the way in which players abuse the microphones by not only eliminating the need to mass mute half the server but also allowing players the afforded option of deciding what they wish to listen too. Below you will find my well thought out and full proof plan on combating this craziness! *this plan has been tested and proven to work for years under my command* (it started as a "DJ" game)

*note: these rules would only apply to Zombie mode and only when all talk is enabled. (as to avoid mic clutter when all talk is off and players are actually trying to win rounds)

-Hldj can be used by any and all players if said player abides by the following criteria.
1. Only one player may play a joyous tune at any given time.
2. A player may not play joyous tunes back to back, unless no other player has followed up with in 60 seconds of your last showcase.
3. Any and all players in the server can veto a song stopped by typing "Stop," "Please Stop," "This song sucks" ect. If a player conveys an obvious disdain for the song currently being played, the "DJ" must halt musical progression.
4. Song quality must be satisfactory i.e. (no streaming songs from your speakers through your headset)
A. admins, ULA, and Clan reserve the right to pass judgment on your audio quality (NOTHING MORE) (Apart from following rule 3 above)

Rules not added to my post but are ideas i suggest or otherwise think can help make this overall rule work flawlessly.
- these rules only take effect at certain times of the day (i had in mind, more in the evening)
- these rules only apply on weekends coupled with the suggested rule above.

Anyways, im proposing this because players of all shapes, colors, and culture... attempt to play music via HLDJ. However, there is so many that at somepoints if rules were followed by the letter, half the server would be muted on a regular basis. I feel mas muting takes away from the whole team work side of ZM alot of us are working on building and it would be counter productive to do as such. Thus me providing this suggestion that would allow players to have a fun time, while having rules in place to regulate what seems to be a chaotic use of HLDJ.

03-03-2014, 07:15 AM
Hello my fellow .... everyones?

This morning i bring to all of you a proposal to which i believe would solve a painstaking problem i think we may have. This problem goes by many names but most are familiar with "mic spam." However, im not bringing up just any mic spam but more specifically mic spam in the form of players playing songs and music via HLDJ.

Before i continue i would like to make clear that i personally have no significant quarrels with players enlightening the masses with a joyous tune but i cannot speak on behalf of every individual who plays in the server. That is why i am posting here today! My proposal would drastically change the way in which players abuse the microphones by not only eliminating the need to mass mute half the server but also allowing players the afforded option of deciding what they wish to listen too. Below you will find my well thought out and full proof plan on combating this craziness! *this plan has been tested and proven to work for years under my command* (it started as a "DJ" game)

*note: these rules would only apply to Zombie mode and only when all talk is enabled. (as to avoid mic clutter when all talk is off and players are actually trying to win rounds)

-Hldj can be used by any and all players if said player abides by the following criteria.
1. Only one player may play a joyous tune at any given time.
2. A player may not play joyous tunes back to back, unless no other player has followed up with in 60 seconds of your last showcase.
3. Any and all players in the server can veto a song stopped by typing "Stop," "Please Stop," "This song sucks" ect. If a player conveys an obvious disdain for the song currently being played, the "DJ" must halt musical progression.
4. Song quality must be satisfactory i.e. (no streaming songs from your speakers through your headset)
A. admins, ULA, and Clan reserve the right to pass judgment on your audio quality (NOTHING MORE) (Apart from following rule 3 above)

Rules not added to my post but are ideas i suggest or otherwise think can help make this overall rule work flawlessly.
- these rules only take effect at certain times of the day (i had in mind, more in the evening)
- these rules only apply on weekends coupled with the suggested rule above.

Anyways, im proposing this because players of all shapes, colors, and culture... attempt to play music via HLDJ. However, there is so many that at somepoints if rules were followed by the letter, half the server would be muted on a regular basis. I feel mas muting takes away from the whole team work side of ZM alot of us are working on building and it would be counter productive to do as such. Thus me providing this suggestion that would allow players to have a fun time, while having rules in place to regulate what seems to be a chaotic use of HLDJ.

May i add one thing,

for the love of god people, learn how to use goldwave and make your songs in game compatible, I heard so much noise coming by that it make my earls bleed. good lord there still tampons in the world.

03-03-2014, 03:25 PM
We will simply stick with stop means stop.

03-04-2014, 08:03 AM
We will simply stick with stop means stop.

I understand that this works when clan in in the server because clan can circumvent rules. However, when no rules are in place to begin with and clan isnt around to be the overall deciding factor.... rules in place like i suggested would eliminate misunderstandings. The rules i posted have been something i have personally used in ZM for years as i feel like some epic music helps team moral when trying to win and it adds fun. I fallback on an old practice teachers use, "talk now to get it out of your system." I believe having rules in place to help regulate mic spam of this nature while at the same time providing players who like to play joyous tunes, a chance to play them. Will eliminate any and all issues regarding mic spam and give admins the peace of mind when dealing with it.

03-04-2014, 09:07 AM
I understand that this works when clan in in the server because clan can circumvent rules. However, when no rules are in place to begin with and clan isnt around to be the overall deciding factor.... rules in place like i suggested would eliminate misunderstandings. The rules i posted have been something i have personally used in ZM for years as i feel like some epic music helps team moral when trying to win and it adds fun. I fallback on an old practice teachers use, "talk now to get it out of your system." I believe having rules in place to help regulate mic spam of this nature while at the same time providing players who like to play joyous tunes, a chance to play them. Will eliminate any and all issues regarding mic spam and give admins the peace of mind when dealing with it.

03-04-2014, 02:01 PM
I understand that this works when clan in in the server because clan can circumvent rules. However, when no rules are in place to begin with and clan isnt around to be the overall deciding factor.... rules in place like i suggested would eliminate misunderstandings. The rules i posted have been something i have personally used in ZM for years as i feel like some epic music helps team moral when trying to win and it adds fun. I fallback on an old practice teachers use, "talk now to get it out of your system." I believe having rules in place to help regulate mic spam of this nature while at the same time providing players who like to play joyous tunes, a chance to play them. Will eliminate any and all issues regarding mic spam and give admins the peace of mind when dealing with it.

mikey, your entire page and a half, annotated essay on rules for hldj/hlss boils down to "stop means stop"...

03-04-2014, 03:13 PM
Didn't you just say something along the lines of micro managing fails every time?

brett friggin favre
03-04-2014, 06:50 PM
Didn't you just say something along the lines of micro managing fails every time?

would you stop micro-analyzing his posts? all this micro shit...what is this, a forum for ants?

03-04-2014, 07:42 PM
mikey, your entire page and a half, annotated essay on rules for hldj/hlss boils down to "stop means stop"...

it does but i feel its beyond that. In the sense that admins and players need to understand that certain behavior and rules are only acceptable when clan is around and without rules stating that said behavior is not tolerated, mayhem goes unchecked. I have no quarrals with continuing my personal rulings on the use of HLDJ as i have been but figured a tiny bit more order may due the ZM server good.

p.s. i am not an ant and would like never to be, an ant.

04-19-2014, 12:25 AM
I'm just wondering about the no ztele on first island rule on Voodoo that admins have been enforcing for the last month or so... Anex was playing today and said ztele-ing is allowed on the first island on Voodoo? So is it legal again or what? Because I've seen people get banned for it, but Anex was doing it and allowing others to do it and told me that it's legal?

04-19-2014, 06:20 AM
I'm just wondering about the no ztele on first island rule on Voodoo that admins have been enforcing for the last month or so... Anex was playing today and said ztele-ing is allowed on the first island on Voodoo? So is it legal again or what? Because I've seen people get banned for it, but Anex was doing it and allowing others to do it and told me that it's legal?

ZE_VOODOO_ISLAND (all versions)
•Humans are not allowed to shoot at zombies while they are in the cages.
•Cading the box is allowed.
•Using !Ztele on the first island

I take it this would be new admins?

04-19-2014, 01:46 PM
ZE_VOODOO_ISLAND (all versions)
•Humans are not allowed to shoot at zombies while they are in the cages.
•Cading the box is allowed.
•Using !Ztele on the first island

I take it this would be new admins?

Not at all. Scrib and Phil have been personally enforcing this rule.

04-19-2014, 02:08 PM
Ummm.... That means allowed. Lets make it clear by stating allowed after... sigh...

What's the big deal with this anyway?

04-19-2014, 02:31 PM
Ummm.... That means allowed. Lets make it clear by stating allowed after... sigh...

What's the big deal with this anyway?

It's mostly the room with the single vending machine that you can knock over and use as a cade. It's the safest spot on the first island, but if you have to shoot it out (rather than just ztele) after the zombies teleport it's hard to make it to the boat in time.

04-19-2014, 05:24 PM
Not Zteleing from zombie, they are gone, so there is no problem, just whining. Got it. If zombies are still present trying to get you, of coarse it is illegal. Why it's even stated in rules idk. It's common knowledge you can ztele no matter if zombies are not tying to get at you unless it exploits somehow.

04-23-2014, 05:59 PM
ZM rules have been updated to reflect the current changes

- Using !ztele on the first island is now worded correctly
- People who delay on maps (like hide in a corner on helms deep) should be slayed

01-11-2015, 10:26 AM
I wonder if you can add for admins to stop extending time when map is almost over and stop allowing admins to cancel the rtv Votes please?


this admin STEAM_0:0:83045597 by m4 m@n 6 FD GOD has been doing this twice now.

01-13-2015, 07:14 PM
I'll do an update soon to the rules here in a couple of days to reflect this and other things.

I'm a zambi
01-14-2015, 02:48 PM
Will there be an update to how eban should be used?

Also, what ever happened to etemp?

01-14-2015, 10:03 PM
You're right. I forgot about etemp. I got a 3 day weekend coming up so i'll put that on my "to do" list.

01-14-2015, 10:30 PM
You get MLK off? Lucky

04-19-2015, 05:38 PM
So where in the rules does it say 'Inflation' is illegal? I was told by Chris that dying and becoming a zombie is illegal. Isn't that the whole premise of the game? Anyway I will follow the rules no matter what they are, but if you are going to have a rule please list it. I viewed forum rules specifically when starting back up here a few months ago, PRECISELY to make sure I don't break any rules. And then I am being told I am when it's not even in the rule list, kind of defeats the purpose of having a list then if ADMINS pulling rules out of their own hat. I MAY just be blind and can't see this particular rule in the list, if so can someone point it out to me.

I mean for starters the word inflation doesn't even exist in the rules: CTRL-F and type inflation. The rules state, disconnecting then rejoining to avoid getting tagged is illegal. I never disconnected, nor have I ever avoided being tagged. Joining spectator to avoid being tagged never happened either. The rules do state one cannot sit in a spot to purposely get tagged an kill the rest of your barricading group. This never happened. Chris told me this on an escape map, and secondly no other humans have been near me when I got tagged, I just chose to stay back and fight the zombies, and due to overwhelming odds was overrun by them and died. Random zombies killed me each time so I was not feeding kills to anyone. Despite this fact its apparently illegal for me to be a zombie every round because I am too good at it on certain maps. The rules do state one cant bypass the tagging process to continually play as a zombie, this did not happen, I was tagged often. I didn't play as a zombie to manipulate rank as it still requires effort to get any kills, many times you get zero kills and humans win and those who won raise their rank instead for winning, so I fail to see how this even breaks the rank manipulation rule. If someone likes being a zombie its not illegal and if it is please add it to the rules specifically word for word. Thanks.

04-19-2015, 07:54 PM
So where in the rules does it say 'Inflation' is illegal? I was told by Chris that dying and becoming a zombie is illegal. Isn't that the whole premise of the game? Anyway I will follow the rules no matter what they are, but if you are going to have a rule please list it. I viewed forum rules specifically when starting back up here a few months ago, PRECISELY to make sure I don't break any rules. And then I am being told I am when it's not even in the rule list, kind of defeats the purpose of having a list then if ADMINS pulling rules out of their own hat. I MAY just be blind and can't see this particular rule in the list, if so can someone point it out to me.

I mean for starters the word inflation doesn't even exist in the rules: CTRL-F and type inflation. The rules state, disconnecting then rejoining to avoid getting tagged is illegal. I never disconnected, nor have I ever avoided being tagged. Joining spectator to avoid being tagged never happened either. The rules do state one cannot sit in a spot to purposely get tagged an kill the rest of your barricading group. This never happened. Chris told me this on an escape map, and secondly no other humans have been near me when I got tagged, I just chose to stay back and fight the zombies, and due to overwhelming odds was overrun by them and died. Random zombies killed me each time so I was not feeding kills to anyone. Despite this fact its apparently illegal for me to be a zombie every round because I am too good at it on certain maps. The rules do state one cant bypass the tagging process to continually play as a zombie, this did not happen, I was tagged often. I didn't play as a zombie to manipulate rank as it still requires effort to get any kills, many times you get zero kills and humans win and those who won raise their rank instead for winning, so I fail to see how this even breaks the rank manipulation rule. If someone likes being a zombie its not illegal and if it is please add it to the rules specifically word for word. Thanks.
Just curious, whenever you would get tagged would you be around other Ct's to easily kill them?

04-21-2015, 12:17 AM
Hey, no I was doing it on escape maps, and the humans are long gone escaping by the time zombies spawn. (not doing it anymore until there is some clarification) I just usually stay behind due to being AFK (getting a drink) or wanting to be tagged so I can be a zed. So just wondering if it is illegal to become a zombie if you want to be one, and if so would be nice to have it in the rules. Also is it illegal to tell players where someone is hiding while you are in spectate? (I've not done this) but I don't think I saw that in the rules either hah! Oh and is it illegal to stay behind and nade zombies when they spawn on escapes?

04-21-2015, 06:02 AM
Ghosting while in spec, yes illegal. Nading zombies at spawn, last I checked yes illegal. As far as staying behind to get turned into a zombie Ill let Clan answer that one for ya.

04-21-2015, 07:19 AM
Not illegal. If the server has a low player count it may be a dick move to the other humans.

04-21-2015, 08:52 AM
Alright, sounds good, thanks money, so all that's left is if someone wants to.. maybe add the illegals to the list? I don't think ghosting, or nading zombies at spawn as they spawn is on there. Server was 20+ when I got tagged to be a zombie on the escape map minecraft.

04-24-2015, 11:24 PM
Erased pervious comment

06-10-2015, 09:26 PM
"Sabotage – Killing other players by in game map tricks, bugs, and purposeful tagging"
"purposeful tagging"
inflating = purposeful tagging
inflating = against server rules
am i wrong?

01-15-2016, 10:15 PM
Inflating is made up word, CTRL+F and search for it in the rules. The word inflating doesn't exist, not sure who came up with it as a term to describe some non-existent rule.

Saying I can't get tagged as a zombie, is essentially saying I can't play the way I want. How exactly can you enforce this rule besides slaying every afk player at the start of a round. Or only knowing someone broke the rule if they openly admit they are getting tagged on purpose? Otherwise I can fail surf and get tagged anyway and make it appear like I suck or something. Sorry guys I just can't surf. The same with any escape map. OH damn I CANT CROUCH JUMP, as soon as possible. Turned into a zed, now I can have fun, because being a human is boring to me right now. Etc. Let people play as they want, it's highly unlikely all 20 players going to die and be zeds.

The rules only state it's illegal to spec and enter as a zombie, or quit the game so you can enter as a zombie. But a zed to stab you and to become a zombie, is actually how the game is played. How can that be illegal? Kill feeding might be something that can be illegal, but its also impossible since zombie spawn is random. I can't get tagged and give my friend +1 kills all the time, he won't be a zed every time. But sure slay someone if they feeding 1 person kills, i agree.

Not sure the issue with shooting zeds in a cage other than it annoys the zeds in the cage, or during shroom makes humans lose boss battle.. But again it comes down to, if the person wants to sit there shoot zeds and then increase their chances of failing to escape and die, let them, now they are a zombie and chasing humans. In most escape maps you don't need a whole team to escape except potter, and in potter there are no cages.

01-15-2016, 11:07 PM
Inflating is made up word, CTRL+F and search for it in the rules. The word inflating doesn't exist, not sure who came up with it as a term to describe some non-existent rule.

Saying I can't get tagged as a zombie, is essentially saying I can't play the way I want. How exactly can you enforce this rule besides slaying every afk player at the start of a round. Or only knowing someone broke the rule if they openly admit they are getting tagged on purpose? Otherwise I can fail surf and get tagged anyway and make it appear like I suck or something. Sorry guys I just can't surf. The same with any escape map. OH damn I CANT CROUCH JUMP, as soon as possible. Turned into a zed, now I can have fun, because being a human is boring to me right now. Etc. Let people play as they want, it's highly unlikely all 20 players going to die and be zeds.

The rules only state it's illegal to spec and enter as a zombie, or quit the game so you can enter as a zombie. But a zed to stab you and to become a zombie, is actually how the game is played. How can that be illegal? Kill feeding might be something that can be illegal, but its also impossible since zombie spawn is random. I can't get tagged and give my friend +1 kills all the time, he won't be a zed every time. But sure slay someone if they feeding 1 person kills, i agree.

Not sure the issue with shooting zeds in a cage other than it annoys the zeds in the cage, or during shroom makes humans lose boss battle.. But again it comes down to, if the person wants to sit there shoot zeds and then increase their chances of failing to escape and die, let them, now they are a zombie and chasing humans. In most escape maps you don't need a whole team to escape except potter, and in potter there are no cages.
Talked to Phil about this so Im sure the rules will be updated some time soon. As far as the Cages, Voodoo I know its illegal because Zombies can die in cage. On shrooms zombies health doesn't go down I believe. Then again Ill let Clan tell ya for sure.

01-16-2016, 12:17 AM
Yeah, I still don't actually agree but as long as the rules reflect what admins enforce in the game then its all good, so there is no confusion between admins or with players.. =)

01-16-2016, 03:40 PM
Inflating is made up word, CTRL+F and search for it in the rules. The word inflating doesn't exist, not sure who came up with it as a term to describe some non-existent rule.

Saying I can't get tagged as a zombie, is essentially saying I can't play the way I want. How exactly can you enforce this rule besides slaying every afk player at the start of a round. Or only knowing someone broke the rule if they openly admit they are getting tagged on purpose? Otherwise I can fail surf and get tagged anyway and make it appear like I suck or something. Sorry guys I just can't surf. The same with any escape map. OH damn I CANT CROUCH JUMP, as soon as possible. Turned into a zed, now I can have fun, because being a human is boring to me right now. Etc. Let people play as they want, it's highly unlikely all 20 players going to die and be zeds.

The rules only state it's illegal to spec and enter as a zombie, or quit the game so you can enter as a zombie. But a zed to stab you and to become a zombie, is actually how the game is played. How can that be illegal? Kill feeding might be something that can be illegal, but its also impossible since zombie spawn is random. I can't get tagged and give my friend +1 kills all the time, he won't be a zed every time. But sure slay someone if they feeding 1 person kills, i agree.

Not sure the issue with shooting zeds in a cage other than it annoys the zeds in the cage, or during shroom makes humans lose boss battle.. But again it comes down to, if the person wants to sit there shoot zeds and then increase their chances of failing to escape and die, let them, now they are a zombie and chasing humans. In most escape maps you don't need a whole team to escape except potter, and in potter there are no cages.

Complete the objective. If you are a human, your main objective is to hold off where need be, and defend and make it to the end of map alive, and as human, and to help other humans win.

Purposefully getting yourself tagged is not completing your objective.


01-16-2016, 09:20 PM

I like when you administrate. Sexy.

I'm a zambi
01-16-2016, 11:36 PM
Complete the objective. If you are a human, your main objective is to hold off where need be, and defend and make it to the end of map alive, and as human, and to help other humans win.

Purposefully getting yourself tagged is not completing your objective.


This is what I've always assumed and how I've been played while on ZM, only suiciding when the zambis begin to takeover. :smirk:

01-17-2016, 08:35 AM
Thanks Phil, just some thoughts/questions.

Same people are zeds over and over on surf, potter, slender man etc. (I don't want to slay them for it..) It never stacked teams so far. But it does make the game challenging for humans when it's the same guy who is actually good at being a Zed. I think these players want to follow the game objectives.. that is.. the objectives as a zombie. ;) and not as a human.

(Couldn't ZERO technically add to the server, the chance to volunteer as a zombie next round and override some/all of the random spawn?)

Anyway, I had another question. Player sits at zombie spawn in an escape map. Waits for them to spawn. (Ie potter, slenderman) And then knifes the zeds into humans. That is illegal? I slayed MrGeek for doing it. And cited that hes a human and should be escaping. But he said it was abuse. I could be wrong, dunno. =/

And friendly zombies? when they run with the like 8 humans, and someone keeps stabbing them and they get mad say if they get stabbed again they'll kill the whole team. They get stabbed, whole team dies. LOL Anything to do about this?

01-17-2016, 10:25 AM
You not talking about SIN are you? lol
As far as the knifing Zombies into humans, big no no. Remember to Warn, Slay, and then Ban. Don't go just straight to Ban like some admins.
Friendly zombies, no such thing. So if they stab someone that is their job.

01-17-2016, 07:36 PM
Thanks Phil, just some thoughts/questions.

Same people are zeds over and over on surf, potter, slender man etc. (I don't want to slay them for it..) It never stacked teams so far. But it does make the game challenging for humans when it's the same guy who is actually good at being a Zed. I think these players want to follow the game objectives.. that is.. the objectives as a zombie. ;) and not as a human.

(Couldn't ZERO technically add to the server, the chance to volunteer as a zombie next round and override some/all of the random spawn?)

Anyway, I had another question. Player sits at zombie spawn in an escape map. Waits for them to spawn. (Ie potter, slenderman) And then knifes the zeds into humans. That is illegal? I slayed MrGeek for doing it. And cited that hes a human and should be escaping. But he said it was abuse. I could be wrong, dunno. =/

And friendly zombies? when they run with the like 8 humans, and someone keeps stabbing them and they get mad say if they get stabbed again they'll kill the whole team. They get stabbed, whole team dies. LOL Anything to do about this?

1. If the same players are being zombies every single time, they are not completing objective and purposefully getting tagged. We just established that is a no-no.

2. As for setting up a system, you do realize we have a system where the win ratio between humans and zombies effect the knockback etc.

3. If humans are knifing zombies towards humans to get them intentionally killed, exactly what money said.

4. No friendly zombies. Period.