View Full Version : damage given fail? and nebula effect

02-21-2011, 04:41 AM
2 things:
1- nebula's disappear effect is causing SEVERE lag on many people, except those with super computers...any chance we can tone it down with the graphics hogging?

2- smthn might be wrong with the "damage given" thing...
you would shoot someone with a pump SHOTTY, point blank, soo many times, and it will do smthn like :
dmg given is 11 in 3 hits.
or m4 spray point blank would be 14 in 9 hits...
or my two personal favorites with a shotty against shady :
damage given 2 in 1 hit (POINT BLANK, while he is entangled!)
and who could forget the 3 damage in THREE hits... SERIOUSLY? SHOTTY? while i am NEBULA????? shady can attest to that bs as i raged so hard i almost ban him ! (again.. lol)

i KNOW these numbers are just wrong... and yes, we tested it , and whether its head, chest , arm leg..this shit happens a lot...
and the other guy doesnt carry items... and happens against humans sometimes and others (not confined to 1 race)
so am i the only one to experience this? or what? check ur damage given after killing people (not when nebula or genocide or orcish obviously -.-)

Me Haha
02-21-2011, 08:44 AM
Wasn't Messier, one of Nebula's abilities also buged? Dealing hundreds or even thousands of damage?
ex Damage Taken from "Hax0|2 | ibis.a" - 476 in 1 hit

02-21-2011, 12:48 PM
Nothing in the dmg given is modified only extra dmg added post-facto this therefore was either you are just really bad or another amazing engine glitch on behalf of valve.

As for the thousands of extra dmg it deals as a % of what was done so f you dealt a lot it would deal out a lot. While I have some filtering in place I will be improving the code for this and other races in the future to ensure that dmg abilities can not be set off by the dmg ability itself to prevent any sort of stacking that may be occurring (note may as there is no signs that this is true as of yet)

brett friggin favre
02-21-2011, 01:03 PM
Please see the last post I made here for an issue with Nebula damage w/ screenshot evidence.