View Full Version : something has got to be done about Gkreator

Dj panda
04-06-2011, 09:56 PM
Everytime he joins the game he goes Afk to get money and tome up and does not help his team at all and only plays when hes called out on it and everyone is getting annoyed about his ways

04-06-2011, 10:05 PM
issues like this don't need 2 make it 2 the forums, more so the worng section of the forums. PM me on steam at hockeyplyr and ill look into any player issues in WCS.

04-06-2011, 10:52 PM
Actually by having it go to the forums it enables me to create a permanent solution. As xp is very important on the wcs server I want to ensure that any possible loopholes to exploit ways to get xp are closed off. I will try to develop a script that removes any money a player gains while afk.

04-06-2011, 11:04 PM
i see him do a lot for his team unless there are 2 people with names that are close.

04-06-2011, 11:40 PM
a script that removes any money a player gains while afk.

didn't know you could do that. good idea.

but my main reason as stating this doesn't need 2 be here is cause ive NEVER seen Gkreator or whatever his name is do anything he's being accused of... or really any 1 else for that matter. the very few people ive seen sit around and do nothing generally get bitched out by every 1 right quick and don't do it after the fact. so basically this isn't really a issue on the server you need 2 worry about cause it's not now or ever has been an issue. I think ive had 2 yell at like... maybe.... 7 people in WCS ever for not doing anything.

04-07-2011, 12:16 AM
Actually by having it go to the forums it enables me to create a permanent solution. As xp is very important on the wcs server I want to ensure that any possible loopholes to exploit ways to get xp are closed off. I will try to develop a script that removes any money a player gains while afk.

You could make it so that when people join spec, they lose their money and when they come back into the game they start off with the default $800.

This should be moved over to the wcs section.

04-07-2011, 01:03 AM
I say let him afk, he's pissing away his KTD which is way fucking harder to recover than leveling is. Hitting 310 is easy enough, but I'll be damned if getting to top 100 or 1.0 ktd is as easy after being at .3 ktd or less.

04-07-2011, 11:19 AM
Who gives a shit about KDR. The other server I play on does this in a similar fashion. If you go to spectate, you lose all of your money and go back to 800. The only other feature I saw that I liked was every other round, one person from each team would be swapped to ensure that the teams always remained fair.

Dj panda
04-07-2011, 03:04 PM
Its a common occurrence for him do go afk and spend tomes, I think zero, you need to put a 2-3 round afk meter and after those rounds the afkers money goes bye bye and he goes either spec or kick. ^_^

@maynard at first post, This is a forum issue since whenever i say something to admins they say post it on forums so i just follow what they say.

04-07-2011, 05:08 PM
...the old server removed your money when you ent to spectate. BECAUSE of this problem. we should definately bring it back.

also, could you set it up so that hen there's only one or two players, NO xp is gained at all? i've come across players "lonering" it in the early morning hours some times (like hellboy)

also, there is no rank by kdr i don't think. it's by level, and by xp

04-07-2011, 10:48 PM
why are people talking about the spectate glitch now? the guys original msg said that all he's doing is being afk and not supporting his team at all and then spends his money.

like I said... ive never seen him do this or have any 1 else complain about him.

04-08-2011, 12:42 PM
Yea the reason money is not taken away now is b/c the spec money glitch no longer exists...

04-09-2011, 01:35 PM
Ive never seen him go afk for money. Everytime im there, I see him running around, not doing objective most of the time, but still moving. If you really think he's going afk, go to spec, and demo him for 3-5 rounds. Best thing I can say. Cheers.