View Full Version : Race Tweaker Voting

Sword of Gideon
07-11-2011, 09:35 PM
While there are a lot of great ideas that come from other servers and other sources, I'd like to think that using decent original ideas to build your server is probably the best way.

I'm sure anyone who reads this is aquainted with map-voting features in other servers. At some random point during the map, timed by the server's code for each map, a vote comes up; is this map great, good, okay, not so good, terrible?
Now that information must be translated to a database that just counts the basic math of the vote and attaches it to the existing database for new totals, so that over time a hopefully real representation could be visualized as in a pie chart for instance with their combined percentages of votes over several months of time. And unless the database is reset, you only get to vote once per map.

So why not implement the same idea and ask the players who are in the server what they think about races, so that they are tweaked because of a majority's viewpoint that things should be changed for that race.
For example: "Which race is the most powerful or over-powerful?"
1: Vagabond
2: Spiderman
3: Crypt Lord
4: Flame Predator
5: Human
6: Hell Hunter
7: Molecule

At first the numbers won't mean anything, but after awhile a pattern emerges. The server coder would change the races to be more balanced. Then reset the vote, and start from "Zero" so to speak. :)

Now, let's say you look at the server from the perspective of players on specific races. You determine over time (several weeks+) that vagabond and spiderman are responsible for more than double the points scored by any other race and a kdr significantly higher than all other races. You could then begin to question the players about those specific races: "Which skill is the most over-powered on the vagabond?"
1: Flickering Shadows: 30-48% chance to be invisible from far
2: Adrinaline: 20-66% speed increase
3: Scout: 13-55% chance to deal extra damage
4: Levitation: Lower gravity to .68-.26 of normal
5: Complete Invisibility: Teleport to and become invisible at increasing speeds
6: More than 1 skill is over-powered.
7: All of it is over-powered.
8: None of it is over-powered, the race is correctly balanced with the rest of the races.

Eventually, over time you would have a concensus and you could adjust it accordingly, or determine that a popular majority agree to the race being well-balanced.

Obviously you could extend this to shopmenu prices and really get them down to a science where the majority of players feel that each price is correctly set. So you could end up with a scroll of respawning costing $5877.
And just like map vote, only 1 vote per person per question is tallied. Inotherwords, the same people don't get spammed with the votes every time they play. They would only show up again if the vote-count was reset.
And certainly, Ibis would override everything and anything so that the game wasn't compromised because the votes weren't being taken seriously and may need to be reworded (for instance in the above example the #7 answer is pretty much a trap, there's no way that any race's abilities are all over-powered compared to all other races; so it's just to catch the jerks who feel like throwing monkey wrenches into the system without them knowing about it). But the fact remains that how a question is phrased will likely direct the response, and even by being emotionally cold and asking the questions in a linear computer-kind of way may not be enough to dissuade the masses from anarchist thoughts about the vote. So occasionally, you'll just have to reset the count and rephrase the question in a different way.

I hope to think of other new and unique ideas for the server. I was about to play when this one came to me, and I decided that instead I would write all about it while it was fresh in my mind. Some of you won't like it at all, maybe because they think Ibis should be responsible for all phases of decision-making, or perhaps for other reasons. But it's actually not that easy to come up with new ideas that haven't been tried elsewhere, because there's really a lot of great ideas out there. But if you don't agree with me, I would challenge you to come up with something that is new and unique which can help Ibis servers. That way, whether you agree or not this post helps the server become more than without it. We should always push to be more than we are today. Never settle. Always compete. Always become.

07-11-2011, 09:42 PM
why? have we not told you that vaga will not be overpowered in a few weeks (or there will hopefully be races to counter it effectively) and that the server isnt done yet. If it is soooooooo bad then why haven't you left yet as you claim so many others have done before you?

Also we have told you several times that there will be no massive changes until the server is back to it was originally (and no one was complaining about that)

07-11-2011, 09:44 PM
the majority of people, you included don't understand how we balance the server. and unless all the races are out, you can't even ask these questions and get any form of answer that's relevant cause all the classes aren't even out. we're also not interested in random opinions of people on the serve because 80% of them don't know jack shit about the server, how we balance, or have even played all the races... those who are community members get 2 have a voice, and things are discussed via the WCS thread section obviously.

I hope to think of other new and unique ideas for the server.

you've yet 2 do that. you just keep repeating things that others have already said in the past, or don't seem 2 listen 2 what we tell you and just re ask or demand the same things over and over. you really want 2 help? buy admin and help support the community and keep the server running proper.

07-11-2011, 10:53 PM
for the love of god, Vaga is not OP, now quit it

Sword of Gideon
07-11-2011, 11:26 PM
First of all, let me say that I like pretty much everyone here. I know that change causes emotions to run high. But since big change is what's to come soon, what's the matter with fixing a few of things that we have right now with what we have right now to make what we have right now better.

the majority of people, you included don't understand how we balance the server. and unless all the races are out, you can't even ask these questions and get any form of answer that's relevant cause all the classes aren't even out. we're also not interested in random opinions of people on the serve because 80% of them don't know jack shit about the server, how we balance, or have even played all the races... those who are community members get 2 have a voice, and things are discussed via the WCS thread section obviously.

Yes, yes, yes. It’s just like the government running the country though. We keep hearing about some day. And yet, that day does not arrive. So in the meantime, some simple things to keep us on our toes are at least interesting if not necessary.

you've yet 2 do that. you just keep repeating things that others have already said in the past, or don't seem 2 listen 2 what we tell you and just re ask or demand the same things over and over. you really want 2 help? buy admin and help support the community and keep the server running proper.

Hey, there’s no need to insult me about trying to help the server the way I best see fit to help. I had an idea that I thought was cool and wished to share it with the server.
If you don’t agree, then explain why. It doesn’t mean that I automatically have to believe that in a month we’ll have new races and I honestly don’t know how long it’s been since a major change took place. So to me, just wait patiently doesn’t float. There are things which can be done and are being done in the mean time. Little easy things. It’s okay if things change. At least it keeps us from being bored. And after the tests are done, the scroll of overkilling (er, I mean respawning) will be a more reasonable cost.
I have never ever seen a game that asks the players during their games what they like about the game balance while it is being balanced. I don’t think you have either. If you have, I’d like to know what game and when. If you haven’t, then at least to you then I have come up with a new and unique idea. You might not agree with it, but that doesn’t automatically make it a bad idea.
You can’t demand me to believe in something that might not happen for any number of reasons until there is reasonable proof that it is happening. There hasn’t been a major change in quite awhile. Just because people are talking about it doesn’t mean that we’re any closer to those changes now than we were 3 weeks ago. If there’s a post about it, then I’d be delighted to be better informed.
I’ve stated in another thread that I intend on financially participating as well as philosophically contributing. It will probably begin early next month when the new money starts rolling in.

07-12-2011, 04:35 AM
First of all, let me say that I like pretty much everyone here. I know that change causes emotions to run high. But since big change is what's to come soon, what's the matter with fixing a few of things that we have right now with what we have right now to make what we have right now better.

Yes, yes, yes. It’s just like the government running the country though. We keep hearing about some day. And yet, that day does not arrive. So in the meantime, some simple things to keep us on our toes are at least interesting if not necessary.

Hey, there’s no need to insult me about trying to help the server the way I best see fit to help. I had an idea that I thought was cool and wished to share it with the server.
If you don’t agree, then explain why. It doesn’t mean that I automatically have to believe that in a month we’ll have new races and I honestly don’t know how long it’s been since a major change took place. So to me, just wait patiently doesn’t float. There are things which can be done and are being done in the mean time. Little easy things. It’s okay if things change. At least it keeps us from being bored. And after the tests are done, the scroll of overkilling (er, I mean respawning) will be a more reasonable cost.
I have never ever seen a game that asks the players during their games what they like about the game balance while it is being balanced. I don’t think you have either. If you have, I’d like to know what game and when. If you haven’t, then at least to you then I have come up with a new and unique idea. You might not agree with it, but that doesn’t automatically make it a bad idea.
You can’t demand me to believe in something that might not happen for any number of reasons until there is reasonable proof that it is happening. There hasn’t been a major change in quite awhile. Just because people are talking about it doesn’t mean that we’re any closer to those changes now than we were 3 weeks ago. If there’s a post about it, then I’d be delighted to be better informed.
I’ve stated in another thread that I intend on financially participating as well as philosophically contributing. It will probably begin early next month when the new money starts rolling in.

I think gideon, you have to realize that this server was by far one of the most popular and balanced servers before the major CS:S update. I, along with a lot of more experienced WCS players, believe you are too green to be on here day in and day out suggesting new things for this server. We also believe that you are too green to be complaining all the time. You have to play races to learn their weaknesses. As it stands you haven't really even played vaga that much, and trust me, it does have it's weaknesses. On maps like aztec or say italy, it can seem OP because of all the space in the sky to hide, but on maps like cs_office or de_chateau, hardly anyone plays vagabond because quite frankly, it sucks on those maps. In a great player's hands vagabond can seem really really great. I consider myself to be a great player and I own real hard with probably half the races in wcs. I'd consider human or molecule above vaga, done way better with both. I've went 40-4 with human with only the usp on cs_office to give you an idea, that's with one of the worse pistols in the game.

The mere fact that you have listed flame predator as one of the OP races shows how green you really are. Or even hell hunter, lmao. Some races may need a tweak here or there, or some just need the other races to come out to balance it,. I can't wait until eva or vagalion comes out, your going to be crying a river.

So I guess what I am trying to say is quit posting suggestions, quit complaining. When you are level 600 or so, then we can talk, until then enjoy the game and keep your mouth shut.

Sword of Gideon
07-12-2011, 02:51 PM
Telling a player to shut up, that he doesn't know what he's talking about; that doesn't seem like a very friendly or useful attitude to have for a server admin.

Any company, government, family, friendship, or other combined group of people should *ALWAYS* welcome new ideas.

And you can bet money on the fact that I will continue to post on forums and do whatever I can to make this place and in particular the WCS server a better place for gamers, of which I am one.

07-12-2011, 04:09 PM
Telling a player to shut up, that he doesn't know what he's talking about; that doesn't seem like a very friendly or useful attitude to have for a server admin.

if you haven't noticed, all you've accomplished is making every 1 here not like you for your abrasive repetitive and highly annoying qq sessions that are based on ignorance. how many times does it need 2 be explained 2 you that we're not doing anything till we get the new races out? and the fact you haven't even played them all gives you no right 2 claim anything is op, unless you're striving 2 look retarded time and time again. you have not gave 1 single new or unique idea, you have not helped the community in any way, all you've done is show you have a serious problem with comprehending what you're told, and annoy the hell out of a lot of people. our main goal is getting WCS exactly back 2 it's former glory, not making changes that only 1 new person in the community feels need 2 happen due 2 lack of skill and time spent on the server.

if you have any problems with the timeline/wait it's taking for the new races 2 come out, feel free 2 fuck right off outta our community. you've not done 1 single thing for this community other than complain and throw down ideas that have already been put on the table before.

The more you ignorantly complain about the server, the more you're insulting Zero and Myself. we've both put a shit-load of time into the server, and when you constantly second guess us, and qq you're doing nothing but showing disrespect. our Server was 1 of the best prior 2 the update that fucked everything, and we will be returning 2 that, but it takes time.. so either wait it out, play and enjoy yourself or just leave. the fact you think cryptlord, hell hunter and flame pred are op shows how warped and ignorant your views of the server are. You wana help, buy admin, report errors and glitches you find, make ideas for new race suggestions, Don't go on about shit you don't know constantly. we do welcome new ideas, but you've yet 2 produce one.

07-12-2011, 05:53 PM
Yo Gideon,


07-12-2011, 05:55 PM
Closed. this is an idea we will not ever do. Zero and I both know exactly where we want the server. when we restore it 2 where we want it, we will allow the community members on the forums 2 give input on things that should be changed 2 further better the server.

there is no point in time where we will start randomly asking people on the server for how they think the races should be tweaked, cause if you haven't played them all, you have not a single useful thing you can even say in relation 2 properly balancing the server. given your head is like swiss cheese I don't feel like arguing with you anymore than I have, nor does the rest of the community...

and in all honesty, if I have 2 read through another 1 of your pig headed ignorant claims where you just constantly argue shit you have no clue on I'm just going 2 fucking snap and will literally strangle you 2 death with your keyboard cord... and if you have wireless it will just make it all that more impressive.