View Full Version : good for some, not for others?

09-15-2011, 08:35 PM
Just reading the ban section to see who is QQ'ing about being banned. So someone was banned again for ztele'ing away from zombies.

http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/showthread.php/7212-Rezel-1-Hr-ban-for-a-kickable-first-time-offense (http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/showthread.php/7212-Rezel-1-Hr-ban-for-a-kickable-first-time-offense)
he wanted to QQ a bit more so he made a 2nd thread
http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/showthread.php/7213-After-the-ban... (http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/showthread.php/7213-After-the-ban...)

So he wasn't given a warning because he should know the rules because he has played on the server for a while.
A few times now when I have made a thread that was taken seriously about a rule breaker/admin abuse, the people only received a warning, yet the people I made the thread about have played on the server for long enough to know the rules.

So the question is, why does one person get punished a bit severely (banned for an hour) just for something so simple as teleporting away from zombies, when really he should only be kicked or possibly slayed during the next round.

Everyone with admin, be it clan or someone that bought is supposed to use discretion, and this varies far too much from person to person. How about everyone be punished equally, so qq'ers that get banned are banned for a good reason.

I've even seen people banned for 30min for cade breaking, which is far worse than teleporting away from zombies, considering there is a 3 second delay for humans anyway, so zombies can teleport instantly if they see a human disappear or see the ztele because the human didn't use team chat.

So really, unless someone is hacking, there should be a warning for everyone, not just a pick and choose deal, if everyone that has played for a while on ibis knows the rules, and only some are banned instead of kicked, then you will only get more qq unban posts, and maybe they will add in next time that other people are not getting banned for the same thing, only warnings.

And I have personally experienced this before. On lila panic, I was moving the cash crate over to stand on, not to use as part of the barricade, and I remember no one specifically telling ME by name to stop moving it, or that I couldn't cade with it, (I knew then I couldn't cade with it anyway), but I remember someone just saying to stop, but nothing specific as to stop what, then I get slayed. Plus there was someone else in the cade with me, who then continued to move the crate over, but this time the admins warned him and told him using his name and everything to not move the money crate to the cade, to move it away etc.., warned quite a few times too. That is just an example of being a poor admin (wont mention the name either). And there is a reason to use the money crate to stand on instead of the vending machine, you use it so you don't get stuck, while still being able to see over the cade, and as long as it is not part of the cade, there should be no problem. But like I said I was slayed just for moving the money crate. And if we are not allowed to even touch money crates, then I guess the one on high school is off limits, no using it to stick in the hole on the stage right? Wouldn't want to get slayed again for that :P

That's all, just hope for a response that isn't stupid saying how useless my thread is, when it is completely valid. Admins need better guidelines for punishing players, and to make sure everyone is punished equally. There is no reason to warn people that have been playing on the servers for a while and at the same time banning others who have also been on the servers for a while. Both should know the rules, so both deserve the same punishment.

09-15-2011, 09:21 PM
That's all, just hope for a response that isn't stupid saying how useless my thread is, when it is completely valid. Admins need better guidelines for punishing players, and to make sure everyone is punished equally. There is no reason to warn people that have been playing on the servers for a while and at the same time banning others who have also been on the servers for a while. Both should know the rules, so both deserve the same punishment.

Your post does make a good point. At the same time I have come to conclude that you whine more than any other person that I know. You are back-dooring a abuse thread because yours fail. For the love of god man, just stop. You are a pretty good player and in game, and I do not hate being in there with you. On the other hand if I see your name on a forum thread I feel like I want to rip my spine out and avoid the pain that is going to come.

Are some admins better that others? Yes! Is all fair on IBIS? No! Do these threads make any progress towards your ultimate goal of being taken seriously? NO!

Please man the game is meant to have fun. If you have a problem with an admin hit them up on Steam chat. If you look hard enough you will always find the faults. Every cade breaking does not deserve a thread. Every time an admins doesn't do something doesn't deserve a thread. If some one bans you for scratching your balls, then please post a thread. But come on man, you went through Source bans and decided to post a thread.:banghead:

09-15-2011, 09:29 PM
Rosie, you are awesome...end of story.

09-15-2011, 09:34 PM
Just reading the ban section to see who is QQ'ing about being banned. So someone was banned again for ztele'ing away from zombies.

he wanted to QQ a bit more so he made a 2nd thread

So he wasn't given a warning because he should know the rules because he has played on the server for a while.
A few times now when I have made a thread that was taken seriously about a rule breaker/admin abuse, the people only received a warning, yet the people I made the thread about have played on the server for long enough to know the rules.

II. Understanding bypasses
Some rules allow for bypasses, this means that under some circumstances one type of punishment can be bypassed and a more sever one can be issued. For example violations of some rules may allow admins to skip a kick and go to a predesignated ban length instead. Another example would be bypassing a mute for a kick. Punishments that can be bypassed have a section stating what rule violations allow for bypasses. It is up to an admin to decide if they want to skip to a more severe punishment. Think of bypasses as an "or" statement for admins, when a user breaks a given rule they can punish with "this" or if it is on the bypass list they can punish with "something more severe" There shouldn't be much more than I need to reply to this statement, Other than please refrain from posting worthless posts which just waste space on the forums. I cannot say this for the others, but I am getting pretty tired of your posts which really do nothing but make us read something that's not worth our time. I am in my right to extend his punishment for zteleing away from a zombie to whatever i wish it to be under II Understanding Bypasses.

I've even seen people banned for 30min for cade breaking, which is far worse than teleporting away from zombies, considering there is a 3 second delay for humans anyway, so zombies can teleport instantly if they see a human disappear or see the ztele because the human didn't use team chat.

So really, unless someone is hacking, there should be a warning for everyone, not just a pick and choose deal, if everyone that has played for a while on ibis knows the rules, and only some are banned instead of kicked, then you will only get more qq unban posts, and maybe they will add in next time that other people are not getting banned for the same thing, only warnings.

lastly, I highly suggest that if you are going to post something about me you need to put it as an abuse thread on me; I would highly suggest you calling me out as disrespecting an IBIS clan member, and see it worthly of a temporary ban from the website.

And I have personally experienced this before. On lila panic, I was moving the cash crate over to stand on, not to use as part of the barricade, and I remember no one specifically telling ME by name to stop moving it, or that I couldn't cade with it, (I knew then I couldn't cade with it anyway), but I remember someone just saying to stop, but nothing specific as to stop what, then I get slayed. Plus there was someone else in the cade with me, who then continued to move the crate over, but this time the admins warned him and told him using his name and everything to not move the money crate to the cade, to move it away etc.., warned quite a few times too. That is just an example of being a poor admin (wont mention the name either). And there is a reason to use the money crate to stand on instead of the vending machine, you use it so you don't get stuck, while still being able to see over the cade, and as long as it is not part of the cade, there should be no problem. But like I said I was slayed just for moving the money crate. And if we are not allowed to even touch money crates, then I guess the one on high school is off limits, no using it to stick in the hole on the stage right? Wouldn't want to get slayed again for that :P

Once again this falls under the same rule, I am not the same admin as the person who only bans for 30 minutes; As those other admins are not me. Each of us has our own definition on what it is worth, and the situation.

Quit posting on something that is not even your own ban, or A rule that has been broken. I chose that he deserved a 1 hour ban for zteleing away from zombies, and he got a 1 hour ban which expired some hours ago. Unless you actually have something important to say which doesn't involve minute topics which do nothing for the community I suggest you stop posting... Also if you have an issue with me I am fully willing to hear it out on steam, but I do not condole trying to call me out in the discussion se

09-15-2011, 09:52 PM
no 1 cares how you think we should be doing things. we've been using the same rule set for ages in this community, and rezel did not a damn thing wrong, or against the rules in anyway.

not all bans are treated the same cause simply are not all the same. someone who has no previous bans and is new 2 the server is going 2 get a warning out of rezel, a server regular and someone whose been around on and off for multiple years will most likely not, cause at that point you know damn well what the rules are. many things factor into a punishment.

rezel does not need 2 explain himself 2 you, nor do you need 2 understand or agree with how or why he does things. he is a clan member of this community and reserves the right 2 handle situations as he sees fit, he answers 2 zero and that's it. if you think you have a claim make an abuse thread, otherwise be quiet.

09-15-2011, 09:56 PM
Warn does not mean every single other minute a person did something wrong. If he has played since 09 he has seen plenty of warnings (Maybe not to himself, but to other players and server wide.) and knows better. People fail to realize this.

09-15-2011, 10:15 PM
That's all, just hope for a response that isn't stupid saying how useless my thread is, when it is completely valid. Admins need better guidelines for punishing players, and to make sure everyone is punished equally. There is no reason to warn people that have been playing on the servers for a while and at the same time banning others who have also been on the servers for a while. Both should know the rules, so both deserve the same punishment.

I got some news for you, your thread is useless. Good day.

Bane of Soldiers
09-15-2011, 10:22 PM
My history teacher, in loose paraphrase:

"Is there a such thing as having too much democracy? Do we really want everyone to be entitled to certain privileges? How about this.....should everyone be allowed to vote? Let's go up to this little toddler and say 'here, we want you to go vote!' Do we really want the person behind bars to have a say in how things are run? How about the guy running around hitting people with a sack of cats? Because frankly, I don't, and neither did our founding fathers! They said, yeah sure we're a republic, but we're going to handle things because all you poor people are too stupid. And that's what they did"

In conclusion, although america's kinda fucked today, it's done pretty well to get along as a large scale republic that had no strong example to follow. IBIS isn't a republic, it's a dictatorship and doesn't need the common player saying how things should be run when the system in place is and has been doing very well. Every system has its flaws, and everyone has to accept that sooner or later. Leave things to the higher ups to sort through technicalities; in ways, this tiered system of improving the system (higher ups and admins present solutions to disputes, and then players review and give their opinions about any minor changes that can be added) is like that of when americans drafted the constitution and the articles of confederation. Just think, things could be a whole lot worse than what is it now
Lol just nerded out because I just finished reading about post-revolutionary america :reading::eew::headache: these smilies are fun :icon_mrgreen:

09-15-2011, 10:29 PM
Life isn't fair, no one will ever be treated equally, not gonna happen, get over it.

You can't expect to go through life with everyone being treated equally, why should that also happen here?

It won't.

09-15-2011, 11:50 PM
See the point was missed, and as I expected, got the stupid response I said I was hoping not to get.

The point was, people that have played on the server for a while, long enough to know the rules, do they deserve a warning? Apparently they shouldn't because of that thread THAT WAS AN EXAMPLE ONLY, but yet there are so many others that just get warnings, and keep getting warnings. So like I said, discretion varies far too much from admin to admin.

So why do some players get warnings and not others? Even if they both played on the server for a long time and know the rules, and possibly are not liked or disliked in any amount, just regulars that play all the time. Bans are thrown around quite often by admins on Zmod btw to new players, even after a verbal warning they still get a ban when a kick or slay would suffice.

For the record, if I were to make a thread each time someone broke my cade, there would be at least 2-3 threads daily. Admins can't do a thing unless they witness it happening either.

09-16-2011, 12:40 AM
See the point was missed, and as I expected, got the stupid response I said I was hoping not to get.

The point was, people that have played on the server for a while, long enough to know the rules, do they deserve a warning? Apparently they shouldn't because of that thread THAT WAS AN EXAMPLE ONLY, but yet there are so many others that just get warnings, and keep getting warnings. So like I said, discretion varies far too much from admin to admin.

So why do some players get warnings and not others? Even if they both played on the server for a long time and know the rules, and possibly are not liked or disliked in any amount, just regulars that play all the time. Bans are thrown around quite often by admins on Zmod btw to new players, even after a verbal warning they still get a ban when a kick or slay would suffice.

For the record, if I were to make a thread each time someone broke my cade, there would be at least 2-3 threads daily. Admins can't do a thing unless they witness it happening either.

the varience of discretion is TOO DAMN HIGH!!

i actually have stopped reading his threads. anyone else?

09-16-2011, 12:40 AM
Those "Stupid responses" were people replying to how you worded your post.. nothing more...

As for your questions they've already been answered time and time again - Admins have the right depending on if they are a regular or not, if its their first offense, and what actually happened. Thats what they should be deciding their ban on.

Secondly, your example was extremely offensive to me as you were obviously calling me out. There is a reason why we use hypothetical examples so they do not offend people. Maybe next time you make a post you should seriously think about the way you are stating people so that you actually make it sound like what you want and not something that angers, and or disappointing people.


09-16-2011, 01:14 AM
IBIS is not a democracy, it's a dictatorship.

09-16-2011, 09:50 AM
the varience of discretion is TOO DAMN HIGH!!
