View Full Version : Escape Map Info (Guides and Tips)

05-27-2012, 09:30 AM
Are you sick of losing escape maps to b-hopping zombies? Are you sick of not knowing where to go or what to do?

Well you came to the right place! Here I'll explain everything that you will need to survive standard escape maps to include the more advanced ones later one.

You have four groups of people: KNOW WHAT YOU IDENTIFY WITH

Helpful tip: Don't just identify with one or be set on just one group. If a particular group is missing or someone is failing in what they do, step up! Be that Defender, Holder, or Navigator because chances are, no one else is going to do it and default to being a part of the Masses.

1. The Navigators These are the people who know the map extremely well and can get through the map faster than you can ever dream. They are the ones who get to and press the buttons first or trigger the waiting time. Recommended that they bind their mouse wheel to jump and learn how to bunny hop to effectively get past obstacles quicker! They should most likely buy a scout just to get that extra second in. However if they are going to default to a Holder at hold points then they should buy a weapon that they deem appropriate. If they go with the scout option, they should always be aware of when the hold point is going to expire and be ready to bolt to the next point. But remember, just that extra second could be all the time that you need to progress to the next portion and save everyones asses.

2. The Holders These are the people who are experienced with holding off zombies. They can almost always solo a Predator or a Fast zombie. They are helpful because they can defend almost any point with little to no effort on their side. Holders should always go with the PARA and DEAGLE/DUALIES option and use SINGLE shot action. The best way to do single shot is to have another button binded to shoot ("X" is recommended "bind x +attack" and its easy to press when you are crouching) and primarily use that button to shoot while they use the mouse to aim. Remember, the head is best place you can shoot a zombie, not only because of the damage but the knock-back as well. They should also know and defend spots where they know zombies can but don't usually come from. (Takes care of surprise zombie encounters) They should also randomly fire single shots to avoid bunny hoppers trying to take advantage of a gap in the shooting. All it takes is two second of not firing for a professional zombie to kill everyone at a hold point.

3. The Defenders These are the people who are usually always last but help buy the humans time. They are the ones who stop bunny hopping zombies and are usually Holders. They should know the map well enough to not get caught up in afk or zombie teleports. You should never be running forward, always backwards with your pistol out single shoting the bunny hoppers (You don't need to have an alternate button for firing but it is recommended for Holding). Defenders should always go with the PARA and DEAGLE/DUALIES mix. The Deagle has some great stopping power for b-hoppers. The Duallies is decent with stopping power but you have 23 more rounds than the Deagle does. PARA should have you to default to a Holder. Remember ALL IT TAKES IS ONE SHOT TO SUCCESSFULLY STOP A BUNNY HOPPER!

4. The Masses These are the people who generally are just running around not knowing what the fuck to do or just coasting off of what others are doing. They can be generally helpful with hold points to some degree with their "Oh a Zombie! Imma shoot it!" mentality. You do not want to be in this group. This is the "idiot" group.
If you fail at the first three groups, just be part of the Masses. If you suck at being a navigator, holder, or defender, than either keep trying or don't put yourself in that role.

Bunny Hopping as a zombie is legit, but so is doing it as a Human. Its not like only the zombies get to do it. While Humans can not bunny hop like zombies, they can still get that momentum jumping from box to box, or over gaps and any other obstacles in you path. If you haven't done so, I highly recommend you bind jump to your mouse wheel. ("bind mwheelup +jump" "bind mwheeldown +jump")

Please please try your hardest not to shooting obstacles that the humans are making for zombies. They were meant for zombies and not to make your life difficult. You can shoot it if you want, but realize that you are failing as a team mate when you do.

Don't be afraid to die (get turned) in order for the rest of the team to survive. If the zombies have to press a button to get through a gate, then defend that button as long as you can. Humans don't have enough time to get to the helicopter? Then stall the zombies until the helicopter leaves safely. Its not always about you, esp in maps like Predator or Mako. Making the map about Me Me Me results in EVERYONE losing and you have no one else to blame except for YOU YOU YOU!

If I missed anything please reply to this thread with your tip. If you need help knowing where to go and what to do. Ask us and we will give you a detailed explanation on how and what to do.

05-27-2012, 04:10 PM
(Note): Hand grenades should only be used sparingly. Especially at hold points. One bad nade and you are toast.

07-07-2013, 05:31 AM
The guys should learn how to strafe climb...

When scaling up really long ladders, it's advised that you learn the "strafe climb", which actually makes you climb the ladder twice as fast. As opposed to looking directly at the ladder and looking up, look a bit to the right/left and then look up. Combine your "W" and "A"/"D" keys to keep yourself from falling off the slide, as if you are strafing.

01-18-2014, 10:38 AM
Also, if you stop aiming directly up when reaching the top of the ladder and level off to be looking forward at the exact moment you reach the top of the ladder, you don't "jump" upwards at the end, but start running forward immediately. This can save a few seconds, especially when there are several ladder sections.