View Full Version : Major Glitch FOund for dmg stack

06-23-2012, 06:19 PM
I have found that the dmg stack prevention for all races on hit based abilities used && instead of || this means that the dmg was only filtered if it went off from a nade at the same time. This issue will be corrected on all races to properly prevent dmg multi stacking when Jack is released.

I am very surprised this glitch has gone on this long without being discovered. Luckily I was looking over the programing for jack and explaining how the hit based abilities work to a friend when I realized that the coding was not correct.

I can only imagine how long this would have continued if I had not been translating the code to raw English.

From this lesson I will now prior to release of all new programs translate and read the code in raw English to ensure that it is working as intended as a method to prevent bugs :wtg:

brett friggin favre
06-23-2012, 08:26 PM
well i remember bringing this up with nebula, which could have messier and maser proccing 6 or 7 times from 1 hit. haven't noticed it happening since that was fixed, with nebula or any others. the damage dealt also seems to be normal. oh well, glad we know it can't happen any more lol

06-25-2012, 01:24 PM
Actually there was no problem the correct code should be && and not || as I though. This is why you do not read code while drunk rofl.

On a side note I did read over the code today and I have patched Molecule which was not filtering dmg stack correctly. :wtg: