View Full Version : wcs bug/glitch/thingy

El Capitan Pie
08-12-2012, 09:53 AM
I'm not sure if this is actually a glitch but a lot lately i have been using spec to level vagalion while I play other races. One thing I've noticed is that there are a couple of issues with the force change race menu when you join a team that has whatever restricted race you're on already on it. The first is that all cooldowns of whatever race you choose's ultimate are suddenly 5 seconds (bloodmage flamestrike right off the bat? or hell hunter rapid fire if you're a t and buy the dualies...) the other issue is that if you switch to a race that has specific weapons it spawns with, you then have no weapons for that round as they will not spawn when you change.

I'm assuming the cooldown issue is due to the fact that before the server forces you off of a race (in my case vagalion) the initial cooldown is already set for it as opposed to the race you are switching to as I've noticed that if I get knocked off a race my cooldown timer for the ult is still going even before I choose my next race.

08-14-2012, 12:31 AM
yea, haxor found this glitch a while ago and was teleporting me to his spawn as eye ra during freezetime. was actuallly pretty hilarious, especially when I switched to shadowhunter. but yea i thought they fixed it.

08-14-2012, 05:14 AM
It's a bannable offense if caught doing it, so don't do it.