View Full Version : Guns sticking with knife races/restricted races

09-19-2012, 10:19 PM
Its been happening alot lately that a flame pred is getting a pistol or other gun, as well as a vagalion, and hellhunter is able to keep a primary weapon. The problem occurs when you are a race that doesnt have weapon restrictions, say jack, and then change your race, and dont die the previous round. You start next round as the new race with the weapon, regardless or not it is a race like hellhunter or flame pred. This problem also occurs if you join a team without choosing a race then select one, the weapon restrictions dont apply. Since this glitch is very easy to do and can be quite abusive there have been issues with people taking advantage of the glitch.
Since this was not an issue before I am guessing that the update has caused the problem.

09-20-2012, 12:12 AM
Yeah seems about right.

09-22-2012, 08:45 PM
cc'd ZERO to take a look at this thread and the other one in santa;s thread.
this is a very abusable bug since flame pred can shoot ppl across the map and have their weapon dropped and set on fire from what i heard in rants...same for vagalion's crit ?:P (shiiit ...)

thanks for the post.