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Thread: Problem with Av and sig ??

  1. Default Problem with Av and sig ??

    Hey guys;

    I have a problem to get my avatar and signature...for some reason, it won t upload either way ( photobucket or upload from my comp) as they use to work. Now it says " unable to write temporary files" or something like that ...i did not change any setting on my comp since the old forums...Any help???


  2. Default

    Ok so the error is on the forums side?

  3. Default

    Uploading pics seems to be working fine...

  4. Default

    This is the exact message i get when i try to get em by photobucket:

    Upload failed due to failure writing temporary file.


  5. Default

    try saving it on your computer and than just uploading it to the forums. Click browse when you are asked for an avatar and then find the file on your computer

  6. Default

    Zero did we get the problem with the threads reading blue even after been read fixed?

    Mines still doing it

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by +Project.S+ View Post
    Zero did we get the problem with the threads reading blue even after been read fixed?

    Mines still doing it
    Mine is still doing it too. BLEH !! I keep reclicking it to go away !!

  8. Default

    Fixed the new setting is: forums are automatically marked as read when the last new thread is read.

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