I noticed that on the bottom of the main page of the forums there is a place where all the IBIS servers are listed. I decided to check out the details on the pub and discovered something quite disturbing -- for the past 30 days the pub has not had more than 15 players on at one time! From being in top 200 our server has fallen down to... past 2000. I am not writing this in order to search for a reason for the decay (the reasons are probably numerous... from the fact that the masses prefer easier, more streamlined and designed for medicority, modes of play -- such as gungame and zombie; to dual's diligent attempt to screw with everybody on the server at its most fragile point -- just take a look at the maps he has played and the weapons he has used ). What I would like to see is a decision from all the members of this community -- is anybody going to be playing on the fucking pub, or are we done with it? The efforts of one person to revive the server are futile, so it is a task in which either everybody or nobody participates. I am not going to join anymore until I see some desire in the members of this community to turn the fate of the pub around.