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Thread: Something funny :)

  1. Default Something funny :)

    From a long time ago. Bet ya didn't realize it then

  2. Default

    lol hell naw i remember that commercial

  3. Default

    I am sure wraith didn't mind that you posted his favorite video cloud.......

  4. Default

    rofl im sure he didnt mind lol

  5. Default

    Never seen that commercial ever.

  6. Default

    lol, how could the people making that commercial do it without laughing their asses off

  7. Default

    do doo doo...FUCK IT FOR FUN!

  8. #8


    very..... odd

  9. Default

    I never realized it until 1 month ago when someone showed me that haha

  10. Default

    I was just watching this family guy episode and laughed my ass off. Someone had the sense to put it on youtube, watch the link below, its short.

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