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Thread: Admin Abuse IBIS Empty

  1. Default Admin Abuse IBIS Empty

    Hey guys sorry to complain I enjoy my time on the server and the majority of the time. Although this isn't huge I thought it should be addressed. Playing on the server earlier Empty and I had words. He accused me of camping which I told him I wasn't. I was moving towards the objective but my team on assault was getting obliterated so I chose to not rush in. this was around 1:45 in the round. I am not a camper, I have never been accused of this and he just wanted to argue so I told him to kiss my ass. And he kicked me. I was not camping and trust me I despise campers. Yes I understand he had the right to kick me for talking back to an admin but you don't realize how this immaturity is offensive. He talks to other people the exact same way. He even told me to shut up on the map before when I was asking if my mic could be heard. Things like that I let roll of my shoulder I am not thin skinned but it's just another example of the immaturity. As I rejoined the map changed to train. If you look in the logs other people were also complaining about the immaturity. I've listened to Empty get into it with player after player and if anyone spams the mic I would say it's empty and about 3 other children here. I would like to go back to enjoying my game and hope this won't be an issue in the future. I look forward to more years of IBIS!

    Admin Name: IBIS Empty
    Server: IBIS WCS
    Map: Assault (newer one)
    Date: Sun Dec 2 2012 Between 1:45 and 2:00 Eastern
    |2es( + )lutioN

  2. Default

    #1 you need your proof, 2nd it was not 1:45 it wast 0:45 try again. You continuously waited 2:30 minutes every round and left yourself with no time to do the objective.

    WCS server

  3. Default

    As panda previously stated, you were camping and had been told on multiple occasions to stop. its now 2 maps later and im still hearing panda tell you to "get a move on". I understand the use of a crypt lord is to hang back and do most of your damage from your ultimate, but it does not negate you from attemtping the objective. you were kicked because of admin disrespect. please post to that regard, and not a complaint against the admin telling you what the rules are.

  4. Default

    as the demo hasn't been posted, don't take this the wrong way, this is a JUST SO YA KNOW sort of thing.

    if an admin is trying to enforce a non-existent rule (such as the 1:30 rule), and is disrespected because of that, the attempt to enforce such a rule is considered provocation, and negates the disrespect by the player. of course there are boundaries but the point remains, if the disrespect occurred because of an attempt to enforce a non-existent rule.

    again, not saying this is what happened. i don't know, no demo has been posted and i'm not getting on you empty, just putting this out there for clarification

    now please, find the correct demo and post it.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  5. Default Not really true

    I had not been told once to not camp until the conversation with you. I heard you saying something to someone on CT don't camp but it was me I wasn't even alive. This is silly and my last reply to the thread. And as far Panda just telling me in game not to camp, I wasn't and he was alive so how would he know what I'm doing? I was actually coming over him in the vents when he was talking thank you very much. This is the kind of crap that travels. In the 2 years Ive been playing here I have never had an admin tell me not to camp until today. Now I'm under a microscope?
    |2es( + )lutioN

  6. Default

    not that hard to find a demo without it this thread is pointless
    ( find it post it

    Rage at the Paper More!

  7. Default

    no format, closed.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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