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Thread: Anime Season: Winter 2012/2013

  1. Default Anime Season: Winter 2012/2013

    Got a hold of the v2.0 anime chart!!
    I don't think this season comes close to comparing to this awesome fall 2012; it might not even compare to last year's winter season. Even though time is running out, I'm hoping for a last minute update on some more interesting sounding shows.

    03/07/13: Updated to v3.0 (pretty late, I know). There were only slight adjustments
    Last edited by Bane of Soldiers; 03-07-2013 at 11:24 PM. - anime | manga | reviews

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    yea not much for TV shows, just have a backlog to catch up on anyways
    New 08th ms team footage? Thats awsome. Looking forward to a few movies, but thats bout it. I know a few people are getting excited over train hero

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  3. Default

    Achiga-hen Episode of Side A
    Boku no Imouto wa Osaka Okan
    Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi
    Minami-ke Tadaima
    Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT
    Tamako Market
    Kotoura-sanVividred OperationAll those look good and the ones in bold are a must watch.

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    The very least I will do is watch the first four here... ranking in priority, something like this:

    1. Tamako Market - An original by KyoAni? It probably won't be as good as their adaptions, but I'm sure it won't be any less moe
    2. Sasami-san@Ganbaranai - A romantic comedy featuring a hikikomori and directed by SHAFT? Sold
    3. Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT - Season 2 for Meat and Sora
    4. Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi - Sounds interesting enough; sounds like a basic storyline and setup for a harem.
    5. Boku no Imouto wa Osaka Okan - This sounds like a less incestuous OniAi. I hope it'll be just as witty
    6. Chihayafuru S2 - ......after I finish the next 18 episodes of season 1
    7. Vividred Operation - Might be similar to Strike Witches... yet, there might actually be a plot significant enough to draw viewers' attentions away from the ecchi and lolis
    8. Kotoura-san - When I read a summary for this on ANN way back, it sounded like a good set up for comedy. I'm a little hesitant now, after seeing the art
    9. Puchimas! Petit iDOLM@STER - Need to finish ~10 more episodes of the iDOLM@STER and the OVAs first. This show doesn't really have me falling over to watch it, unlike the iDOLM@STER. It's not the Puchidorus as is the feeling that these episodes will be similar to extras. Though that isn't actually a bad thing if it's iDOLM@STER...
    Last edited by Bane of Soldiers; 01-27-2013 at 08:55 PM. - anime | manga | reviews

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    Oh I should mention that Achiga-hen Episode of Side A is a 3rd season of the show that just won MOE of the year last year.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Oh I should mention that Achiga-hen Episode of Side A is a 3rd season of the show that just won MOE of the year last year.
    Which makes it absolutely worthy of watching. It's just that ain't nobody got the time to start and finish the first two seasons: this upcoming season will be here in less than a month! :3 - anime | manga | reviews

  7. Default

    Sure it is only like 8 hours. The problem is finding english subs for them, good luck with that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Sure it is only like 8 hours. The problem is finding english subs for them, good luck with that.
    Oh, I was also factoring in the first season of Saki. Since Achiga-hen is a side story with different characters, I might actually just go watch it now lol

    Oh wait, some characters reappear, but I think there won't be any content lost if Achiga-hen is watched first
    Last edited by Bane of Soldiers; 12-06-2012 at 01:50 AM. - anime | manga | reviews

  9. Default

    So far, Kotoura-san is the best new show of this winter season. If you pick up anything new this season, at least choose Kotoura-san. But look up the summary to see if the show suits you. Something lies underneath the romantic comedy label and fluffy opening theme, and I'm liking it. A lot.

    Brief recommendations of what I'm watching, in no particular order:
    • Maoyuu Maou Yuusha tries to bring the nostalgic medieval backdrop in this season. And the big chested demons. This show resembles Spice & Wolf on many levels. But so far, wolf goddess > demon queen. But yeah, if Spice & Wolf and comically big chests interest you, this is up your alley.

    • Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next is everything you would expect from its first season. Escalated. Haganai dives straight back into its jokes.

    • Did you like K-On!? Then you will enjoy Tamako Market.

    • Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru can fill this season's basic harem quota. Your generic setup: Transfer-student-from-out-of-country (overseas for the past 9 years) character. Check. Transfer student is now the most beautiful girl in school. Check. Said girl kicks off the harem with unlikely lead. Check. Osananajimi (childhood friend) character. Check. Dense lead character. Check. Four episodes in, waiting for the two other girls of the harem to join. Although I say it's generic, it doesn't demotivate someone like me. So far, OreShura is a solid and fun title to watch.

    • Sasami-san@Ganbaranai... is one crazy show. Being from the same studio, it matches Bakemonogatari. What happened to "Koi to senkyo?" Still chuckling from that... I'm not entirely sure what's happening yet, but imagine Shaft getting a hold of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Cut Kyon's awesome narration and delegate Haruhi's powers to a character who has Jiraiya's voice (Naruto). Oh, and Haruhi is now a hikikomori. From genki to ganbaranai. Now she's really feeling melancholic.

    • Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?. More or less, supernatural creatures and deities or humans with supernatural abilities fight it out in an alternate universe in "Gift Games," betting their lives and powers. Can't recall any show that reminds me of this one right now. Comes complete with a bunny girl. Off track, but I am still scratching my head at the fact that the character who looks and sounds like Rin Tohsaka (with powers superior to Lelouch vi Britannia to boot) is voiced by a white girl. Swear to Madoka I was listening to Kana Ueda. - anime | manga | reviews

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    If you're wondering about the quirkiness of Sasami, originally TBS needed something to fill in a time slot so naturally SHAFT does what SHAFT does and we got this which explains the....absurdity of it if that's even the word to describe it. The one thing I'm waiting for EVA 3.0 to get properly subbed and whatnot because there is an actual camrip of the entire thing with subtitles. Otherwise it's waiting for the Madoka movies as well, it was a pain into the ass to even attempt to get to it on theater day.

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