WHats up all..if you've been in the zombie server in the last week or two you've undoubtedly seen..or heard me.. I'm the self Declared Club DJ of the IBIS zm server and i'm here to stay..whats up boys.
WHats up all..if you've been in the zombie server in the last week or two you've undoubtedly seen..or heard me.. I'm the self Declared Club DJ of the IBIS zm server and i'm here to stay..whats up boys.
Mic Spam?
Then he may not be staying here for long....
I might get onto the zombie every once and a wile under a diff name to make sure he isn't.
fuck he does mic spam.. then blames it on me :\ ..
Ibis Steam Contest #2
Canceled till further notice
I read people's post purely for amusementI find people's frustration and failure quite funny... after all it's all just a game... you'll die early if you take it too seriously. ^^
Arrogance - only fags and assholes have them... You know who you are.
DJ: "Hey I'm new and just wanted to say hi and see how yall are doin"
Everyone: "Fuck we need to get rid of him"
I know that's not what was meant, the responses just seemed funny
Oh and howdy DJ
A NEW HIGH SCORE! What does "high score" mean? New high score, is that bad? What does that mean? Did I break it?
atleast his music isn't as bad as [501st]Sgt. Hartsock's, while i think of it is there any such thing as a votemute system for cs?
When you come in saying "im going to break the rules and i expect to stay on the server for a long time" it usually wont get a good response from the people who uphold the rules.