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Thread: Admin abuse

  1. Angry Admin abuse

    Okay so EveryFlavorIBis loves spraying gay furry animals and so does MeltDownIbis can someone give these guys a warning cause its violating the BASIC RULES which is NO GAY/ GAY PORN SPRAY!!!
    Also I would like to complain about CryIBIS this guy has no respect for any buddy he says what he wants. He swears at people tells people to fuck off and its just down right rude, and to have this guy as an ADMIN!!!
    So I would also like someone to give this guy a Warning cause it really isn't enjoyable to have admins abusing normal players.

    Lastly here's proof of EveryflavorIBIS spraying gay porn.
    Attached Images

  2. Default

    You know, I swear there was a stipulation that admin abuse threads needed demos to be valid. My old age must be getting to me...
    (ALL) aNex <ibis>:  As soon as I saw you trying to find the button tommy
    (ALL) aNex <ibis>:  My eyes got wide and verbally said, "No...."
    (ALL) aNex <ibis>:  Kill the tommy!
    (ALL) Tommy <ibis.a>:  lol xD

  3. Default

    Well its about sprays, and he has the picture right there, does he really need a live action shot of the guy spraying it?
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  4. Default

    I'm not ibis i'm ibis.a that a differnce

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  5. Default

    Haven't looked at the sprays, don't want to.... but if he's right, the two are liable for a warning/short temp ban? And if you're crying about Cry Wolf, you sir, are mentally ill. You've played over 600 hours on server and you think anything Cry Wolf (that bastard) says is insulting? He's a teddybear; his random yelling and cussing at people is not serious, just entertaining

    Anyway, this does not fall under the admin abuse section. Neither Meltdown or Cry Wolf abused their admin powers, thus it is not admin abuse. Player-admin relations (granted no use of commands on player) and admin status protection does not qualify as powers; only commands are.

    I will remind everyone on this forum that the poster is "Yourworstplayer" and not "phil ibis.a" - anime | manga | reviews

  6. Default

    First: I'm not ibis.
    Second: The group is not ibis either, it's Z-BOB.
    Third: I'm not even an admin.
    Fourth: That isn't gay, as it isn't two males. It's one.
    Fifth: Straight porn is allowed. Apparently lesbian porn is too (Which is a bit silly, since that too is 'gay').

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by EveryFlavor View Post
    First: I'm not ibis.
    Second: The group is not ibis either, it's Z-BOB.
    Third: I'm not even an admin.
    Fourth: That isn't gay, as it isn't two males. It's one.
    Fifth: Straight porn is allowed. Apparently lesbian porn is too (Which is a bit silly, since that too is 'gay').
    He's wrong about the "IBIS" part of everything; but yourworstplayer is kinda dumb, so I wouldn't get too worked up about the fact that he can't differentiate between clan (ibis), admin (ibis.a), and steam group (ibis z-bob, or whatever it was). But he is right about the spray content; you can't have a dick in the spray - anime | manga | reviews

  8. Default

    I don't know how to do a demo and still how would i capture him spraying if there is 30 other guys jumping and spraying at the same time? A Picture capture is 1000x easier. And I don't feel like taking 30mins just to go through the hassle iiin buying a thing that allows u to capture video and then trying to figure out how to put it on here.

  9. Default

    BTW ... wrong section, wrong format... should be closed

    PS, I've stolen your sentence Maynard ahahah <3
    (ALL) aNex <ibis>:  As soon as I saw you trying to find the button tommy
    (ALL) aNex <ibis>:  My eyes got wide and verbally said, "No...."
    (ALL) aNex <ibis>:  Kill the tommy!
    (ALL) Tommy <ibis.a>:  lol xD

  10. Default

    he's not an admin.... so not sure why this is an admin abuse claim... it should be under user temp ban request.

    you also didn't follow format.

    male nudity, shock content or gay male images/body parts are not welcome in this heterosexual ran dictatorship of a community. Your personal feelings regarding this mean absolutely nothing. We don't force anyone 2 play our servers... if you enjoy them, we're happy 2 have you... provided you follow our rules.

    even though this thread is not in proper format and isn't even regarding an admin... the player has still been warned.

    next time post in the proper section.


    and tommy... stop deleting posts and re posting all the damn time... you been here how long? you should know there is an "edit" button by now...
    Last edited by maynard; 12-09-2012 at 04:20 PM.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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