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Thread: The real actual footage of the shoe throwing incident at Bush conference.

  1. Default The real actual footage of the shoe throwing incident at Bush conference.

  2. Default

    notice how the guy to the left of "bush" is crystal clear. but bush's(whos closer to the camera) face is all blury.

  3. Default

    notice how..CO wrote "real actual"


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  5. Default

    Notice how fact Bush actually moved in the real version, clearly a Jedi.

  6. Default

    from his stupidity i'm sure he wasn't trained by yoda
    Ibis Steam Contest #2
    Canceled till further notice

    I read people's post purely for amusement I find people's frustration and failure quite funny... after all it's all just a game... you'll die early if you take it too seriously. ^^

    Arrogance - only fags and assholes have them... You know who you are.

  7. Default

    ooooooooh SNAP!

    notice how every post before this one was a burn.

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