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Thread: So long WCS

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by WRXJIM View Post
    LOL. No offense taken, but maybe you should learn to spell before you call others retarded Just saying..
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but offence is a variant spelling of offense as much as colour is of color. Blame American English

    Obviously called you retarded because Gekke stands little chance against Gangnam, and Omega has none against Spasm. And that's a funny assumption you made, because his ego isn't so large to be offended that you did not hail him as some lord of WCS.... - anime | manga | reviews

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    You're obviously just incredibly slow.
    Yeh, that must be it... Considering Im not the one missing the point Also, who said it was happening to me??? It was an "observation" and you know it happens on a couple of maps... ah well, As you were, nothing to see here...

    ---------- Post added at 03:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Bane of Soldiers View Post
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but offence is a variant spelling of offense as much as colour is of color. Blame American English

    Obviously called you retarded because Gekke stands little chance against Gangnam, and Omega has none against Spasm. And that's a funny assumption you made, because his ego isn't so large to be offended that you did not hail him as some lord of WCS....
    Totally warranted calling someone retarded for such an amateur assumption ... Again, regardless of the crap example (duh) the main point is being missed. I guess its true what they say about arguing on the interweb,

    (For what its worth "offence" is the correct way to spell it where I am originally from... )

    This has been a fun topic

    Retard. Out.

  3. Default

    dear retard,

    you wink too much.


    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Chef C Green View Post
    Yeah i'm sure you're all expecting this to be some long drawn out bitching session about "team stacking". Well i'll make it a short one instead so as not to completely disappoint you thread trollers .

    WCS didn't used to be as bad (or at least i didn't see it being this bad) when I first started a few months back. It was tough leveling for sure, what with human being the only productive class in the beginning to get some real kills. But as time progressed, and more races get unlocked, it was great fun leveling each individually and seeing the highlights of each one. Shadow Hunter with its annoying wards, Spiderman with the fun web-slinging, Magician with its crow clutches (and to think people DIDN'T want crows to use cloak?! too much fun ), even Paranorma with its 2,4,8 consecutive revives with the enemy team camping your corpse. Oh it was great fun, but people eventually stopped enjoying races for these subtle enjoyments. It soon became a game of "I need to win" - which it was from the beginning - but never at the cost of the games enjoyment. We've gotten to that point.

    What's worse, when you've tasted overwhelming defeat once or twice, you don't want to go back, which just leads to what is now a problem on the servers. I've tried my best to offer suggestions, attempt to even teams (failing most times cus I just stick with my crowing haha), and try to sway others feelings. For all this trouble, I've seen it get progressively worse and worse, to the point that 5 minutes on the server is enough to make me wanna leave.

    I feel sorry that such a capable server has to lose people like me that truly want enjoy the gameplay, but alas, where's the fun now? Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way? Perhaps it's my lack of motivation from playing an appropriate race that keeps me from "fighting back"? Well if enjoying the server means having to constantly play to counter someone else's rampage, instead of fooling around like we used to, then the server's lost its original appeal (imo). I take my leave, in hopes that someday, players will learn it's not only about winning, it's about enjoying the various races we've worked so hard to level.

    Sincere Regards,
    - Chef
    Three paragraphs, pretty much an essay. =\
    You do make a good point about leveling, I miss the old days when your level would keep going up rather then being stuck at max. It would help matters because people would be way more inclined to play other races then the good ones because they would level so much faster. ie. Human is level 150 and Orc is 32. Orc will level extremely faster even if you were not playing as well and people might buy tomes again instead of items. It might also bring back some players that quit wcs due to no reason to level anymore. Especially if a real great race like Eva was sitting at extremely high levels and would have the level requirement changed every so often; keeping a carrot on the stick type approach.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Spasm View Post
    Three paragraphs, pretty much an essay. =\
    You do make a good point about leveling, I miss the old days when your level would keep going up rather then being stuck at max. It would help matters because people would be way more inclined to play other races then the good ones because they would level so much faster. ie. Human is level 150 and Orc is 32. Orc will level extremely faster even if you were not playing as well and people might buy tomes again instead of items. It might also bring back some players that quit wcs due to no reason to level anymore. Especially if a real great race like Eva was sitting at extremely high levels and would have the level requirement changed every so often; keeping a carrot on the stick type approach.
    Pretty much agree with this.

    Leveling past max is one of the things i miss from the old WCS.
    "Intolerance and superstition has always been the domain of the more stupid amongst the common folk and, I conjecture, will never be uprooted, for they are as eternal as stupidity itself. There, where mountains tower today, one day there will be seas; there where today seas surge, will one day be deserts. But stupidity will remain stupidity."
    “You surround the dead with veneration and memory, you dream of immortality, and in your myths and legends there’s always someone being resurrected, conquering death. But were your esteemed late great-grandfather really to suddenly rise from the grave and order a beer, panic would ensue.”
    “A coward dies a hundred times. A brave man dies but once. But Dame Fortune favours the brave and holds the coward in contempt.'

  6. Default

    if you die by a vega before you can purchase a gun, you suck and are slow on a mentally defective level... it's as simple as that.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by WRXJIM View Post
    LOL. No offence taken, but maybe you should learn to spell before you call others retarded Just saying... Especially when its related to such a life changing and incredibly important issue such as WCS Counter Strike

    All those names I listed are far better than myself, so I still stand by my "retarded" statement Sorry I offended you by not including your name in the list, clearly my point was missed by you. (I agree, Gekke isnt very good. Had I put more than 2 seconds of thought into that statement I could have come up with a far better player to use as an example) I believe I can spell quite well, thank you Just saying...

    Actually, Omega *may* be better than you, but Gekke's bad. I've not seem him do well barring in a stacked team with crypt lord. I am not needed in the list as I'm not better than either Spasm or i2o4 - you can easily take any top 20 player barring Lion and Cheezay (maybe Maynard too) and they'd do much better against Spasm/i2o4.

    Re: your main point - I doubt that will be happening. It would be quite nice, but as of now, as far as I'm aware nothing has been done just yet. I wouldn't get overly-optimistic.
    The Complete WCS Guide
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    "They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard."
    Our subject isn't cool, but he thinks it anyway - he may not have a clue, and he may not have style, but everything he lacks, well, he makes up in denial!
    Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Xerenix View Post
    Pretty much agree with this.

    Leveling past max is one of the things i miss from the old WCS.

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    if you die by a vega before you can purchase a gun, you suck and are slow on a mentally defective level... it's as simple as that.
    Also, this.

    Everything else in this thread shows me some people have way too much time to waste bickering about absolutely nothing.

  9. Default

    It will get better, some balance features Zero is working on and some hackers getting banned and it will be golden in no time. Stick with it, Hit it, Don't quit it.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  10. Default

    Killing people and making them ragequit = fun.

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