seriously follow god damn rules i practically spam it every frikken 2 minutes yet people break them.. today
i banned Dan sora for 5 min
ns.bunrt pancakes for 5 min
muted some random kid that mic spams like hell
and various others simply because they think breaking rules are a joke.. (they ztele away from zombies after i spam no zteleing away from zombies) burntpancakes even have the nerve to call me a strict admin.. i change maps on demand seriously.. [how strict can you possibly get]
i dont perma ban anyone... unless its one of those unconnected fags... i mostly kick/mute/ or 5 min ban
and yes i kick afkers.. because they take server slots away from people who wanna play.. (those that are afk for more than 2 rounds. and/or in spectating) of course i dont do that to other admins..
i restate server rules very clear.. glitching, cade breaking, mic spamming, zteleing away from zombies is a kick/ban/mute .. some of you may notice i spam that way too often