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Thread: Hotline Miami

  1. Default Hotline Miami

    Prob the best game I have played this year. Game is insanely fun and addicting.

    "Hotline Miami is the greatest study of violence presented in videogame form, ever. At its core, it is a beat-em-up where your nameless character checks his answering machine for instructions on who to kill and where to kill them. But beyond the simple act of killing mob goons in 1989 era Miami, Hotline Miami's narrative focuses on how the enjoyment of murder and the echoing silence that follows after the act's completion. It is by all accounts a game that is deeper than it appears to be and makes a statement for gaming as a whole, all while providing one of the most mature and excellent beat-em-up games in recent memory."
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    Last edited by maynard; 12-27-2012 at 08:05 PM.

  2. #2


    That looks just like manhunt.
    That game looks good.

  3. Default

    5 bucks this weekend if any of you fools wanna buy it.

  4. Default

    Lol this game is awesome.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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