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Thread: Auto-Balance

  1. Default

    You're ignoring the argument entirely. You're now asking people to balance the teams themselves, and if they don't do what you're asking, it's because they're 'elitist.' This is an invalid argument, plain and simple. It has nothing to do with being elitist. It has to do with no one really caring about a very vocal minority whining, bitching and moaning all day about getting wrecked because they're not good enough to win.

    Read that again. No one except a very vocal minority cares about 'team stacking' and 'team stacking' isn't even what's really going on, it's a simple matter of one team playing better, by skill or understanding of game mechanics, than the other.

    If you are one of two people who are constantly complaining on this forum about 'elitism' and 'team stacking,' which do you think is the easier solution - you finding a way to join the winning team, so we don't have to listen to you complain anymore and you won't have a reason to complain since now you'll be 'elite' too, or everyone in the entire WCS server and IBIS community changing their playstyle, playing on teams opposite from their friends and bending their free time they use to enjoy WCS to your will?

    That's a simple matter of economics. I'm pretty sure you know the answer and I'm pretty sure Maynard already gave it to you, but you don't seem willing to acquiesce on the issue so I'll just say this.

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  2. Default

    What argument have I ignored and how?

    My "majority" refers to those that are actually on the forum and arguing back.
    By far the roles of majority and minority are switched on the server- except maybe in the low traffic times.
    And damn right it's a loud argument. It's ridiculous how y'all belittle it.

    Why are only the extremely able entitled to enjoyment of the server?
    There is no bending or changing of playstyle- only a changing of team.

    Fuck- if it is so damn evil to switch teams to make a fair fight, force auto-assign.
    Then no one can legitimately bitch about team stacking.

    As it is, though, team stacking is what's going on. So many times the teams are even in number, but the wins are skewed.
    Let's use 18 to 6 as an example. Someone joins. Now this someone is a player that just might be able to give an edge to the team with only six wins.
    What does this newcomer do? Chooses to join the team that is already dominating. Why is this okay?
    Cultured Elitism. And this does happen. It happens often, even.

    A program that balances out the players with extreme scores with players of poorer scores is not a bad idea.
    And it's not impossible, either. As to the difficulty, I cannot say. But it is not impossible. It goes back to willing.
    Do people even care about everyone having fun? Do you earnestly think that it's only a minority that is not having any entertainment?
    The moon is my goddess.

  3. Default

    Cyber, can you hop in this thread right quick and post that Jackie Chan picture again please? Then you can go ahead and close this thread. Thanks!

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by LunaTick View Post
    Fuck- if it is so damn evil to switch teams to make a fair fight, force auto-assign.
    Then no one can legitimately bitch about team stacking.
    that has come up on here before. and been refused.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Passarelli View Post
    Almost always when this happens (that I see anyway) someone from the winning team will switch or ask to switch to the losing side. Often times no one from the losing team moves to spec to facilitate the move and if an admin isn't on, the losing team is SOL. The cheaper items has also helped with balance, as the winning team will usually go 20-4 then by the end of the match the score will be 24-10 or 20-15.

    The worst is when it is one sided and someone that was carrying the winning team switches and gets the cheap items >.<

    Overall, I like that functionality though. People should just play Magician when their items get cheap. Nothin like 3 full item birds spawning every round
    Figured I'd just post this here as well, as this started the 'Bye' thread.

  6. Default

    Imo the only bad thing about this server is the lack of a proper auto balance. I have been playing here for about 1,5 month and I have seen this problem almost every time I play. I remember a specific game at de_dust with 3 well known regulars with maxed races on CT and me with a couple of maxed races and 2 people with tot lvl of maybe 20 in T. We stood no chance.. at all.. it was like 20-0. We didn't have a single kill. They rushed us and killed us within 15s _every round_.. They where lion, spidey and jack and I tried everything.. I bought lace every time but it didn't help. Sure, if I stuck the lion I got killed the second after that by any of the other. I tried to reason with them like "Can't you go pistols only or something cause we don't stand a chance?". Sure, there are a couple of regular good guys that actually changes team if they dominate to much but those are easily counted in one hand. I can't understand whats the fun in killing enemies that easy 20 times in a row... isn't an even fight more fun? As someone mentioned in this tread.. typical behavior of younger people.

    An auto balance feature that would move the top player in the dominating team instead of the lowest (as is done today) would greatly increase the playing experience and attract new players to the server. This wouldn't be a hard function to implement since this basically already exist today.

    The fairest way would be to implement this for a month or two, then have a poll with people evaluating this. I would be very surprised if the general public didn't want this.
    My 2 cents

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Xepp View Post
    Imo the only bad thing about this server is the lack of a proper auto balance. I have been playing here for about 1,5 month and I have seen this problem almost every time I play. I remember a specific game at de_dust with 3 well known regulars with maxed races on CT and me with a couple of maxed races and 2 people with tot lvl of maybe 20 in T. We stood no chance.. at all.. it was like 20-0. We didn't have a single kill. They rushed us and killed us within 15s _every round_.. They where lion, spidey and jack and I tried everything.. I bought lace every time but it didn't help. Sure, if I stuck the lion I got killed the second after that by any of the other. I tried to reason with them like "Can't you go pistols only or something cause we don't stand a chance?". Sure, there are a couple of regular good guys that actually changes team if they dominate to much but those are easily counted in one hand. I can't understand whats the fun in killing enemies that easy 20 times in a row... isn't an even fight more fun? As someone mentioned in this tread.. typical behavior of younger people.

    An auto balance feature that would move the top player in the dominating team instead of the lowest (as is done today) would greatly increase the playing experience and attract new players to the server. This wouldn't be a hard function to implement since this basically already exist today.

    The fairest way would be to implement this for a month or two, then have a poll with people evaluating this. I would be very surprised if the general public didn't want this.
    My 2 cents
    First of all, it may be just me, but I prefer to call people out when something like that happens. Most of the community in IBIS is actually not like that and if you do something like that, they may be shamed, ridiculed and hopefully will change. The setup that you've mentioned is very unfair and I'd say the vast majority of regulars would be willing to compromise of sorts.

    As far as auto-balance goes, last I've heard, Zero's still working on it and it will be released when it's done. This has been brought up a lot of times in the past and IBIS not very fast to embrace changes - I've learnt it the hard way. Basically, respect the community, the hierarchy and the regulars - and you'll get the same thing directed back at you (unless you're a dirty mexicano like Cyber or a newly discovered redneck such as Brett).
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