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Thread: dj panda abuse

  1. Default dj panda abuse

    Admin's INGAME name: dj panda
    You're INGAME name: K1NG
    Server: GG
    Map: idk
    Date & Time: 2/21/13 from 2:30 to 3:00 he started harrasing me without me even saying anything to him then kicked me and from 4:50 to 5:00 i had come back and harrased me even more

    How did he/she abuse (See TOS):

    It all began around 2:30 where i slayed him for tking me he then raged and continue to shoot me every single time we spawned he kept raging non stop until he kicked me

    then at 4:50 i come back and without me saying anything he harrased me again and kicked me with this message "You fucking autistic retard, don't come back." I'm pretty sure we all know who the autistic retard really is... panda you need serious help and your admin will get revoked for being such a piece of shit.

    Be respectful and non offensive of our community and its members regardless of race sex, or religious beliefs.
    ABSOLUTELY no public flaming / arguing between clan members.

    Last edited by K1NG; 02-21-2013 at 08:18 PM.

  2. Default

    It was after the game had ended and did not effect you in the game. You gave up the knife, than when 2 of us were about to knife the guy oon nade, you shot him. next round he won THAN i kicked you because you made the fun end. :P ON the game from a few hours ago, i was knifing someone to get on nade and you came out from behind me and shot him but i didnt see you so i knifed and i killed you and without even a secound to let me say sorry you slayed. Yeah i got pist at you because you were an asshole, tked you for 5 damage for the start of 2 rounds, than hit the other key by accident :P

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Dj panda View Post
    It was after the game had ended and did not effect you in the game. You gave up the knife, than when 2 of us were about to knife the guy oon nade, you shot him. next round he won THAN i kicked you because you made the fun end. :P ON the game from a few hours ago, i was knifing someone to get on nade and you came out from behind me and shot him but i didnt see you so i knifed and i killed you and without even a secound to let me say sorry you slayed. Yeah i got pist at you because you were an asshole....

    You can't kick me for that you dont know what being a admin is all about ive been an admin in css for many years before you grow the fuck up and keep my name out your mouth, you also can't teamkill at the begining of the round just because your mad everything you do is wrong

  4. Default

    It was THE END GAME!! the guy won so you could come back right away. It had no effect on you in game. Are you deaf dumb and blind? Holy shit read.

  5. Default

    It didn't effect game play no ...but it wasn't exactly waranted either Panda. If i was this dude and you did that I would probably make a thread too. Just saying.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Dj panda View Post
    It was THE END GAME!! the guy won so you could come back right away. It had no effect on you in game. Are you deaf dumb and blind? Holy shit read.

    It wasn't the end of the game when you started teamkilling every single time we spawned and it affects the game because you where leaving me with less then 10 hp when we spawned and you kept doing it every round like a retard.

  7. Default

    Thats a different matter, i did not use admin powers on you for that its not abuse, but after that game i did take a few hour break to cool off cause of you -.-

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Jiggy View Post
    Does Your Mouth Have Down syndrom Panda has been Ibis admin for idfk along ass time so stop fucking complaining... and

    so panda can do what ever he wants just because hes been an admin for "idfk along ass time"

  9. Default

    Wasabi please stop posting i already messaged you to stop, your not helping this thread AT ALL.. -.-

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Dj panda View Post
    Thats a different matter, i did not use admin powers on you for that its not abuse, but after that game i did take a few hour break to cool off cause of you -.-

    i tell him im in the server to have fun and he kicks me at least try to get me to disrespect you back or something so you can have a "better" reason to kick me everything you do is fail dude chill out and stay away from me

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