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Thread: admin without cred. card?

  1. Default admin without cred. card?

    i want to get admin, but it says i need a credit card for that.
    now i have a paypal account, and yes there's money on it, but i dont have a credit card. Is there an other way i could use to get admin?
    Last edited by Starfish :3; 01-14-2009 at 12:26 PM.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Starfish :3 View Post
    i want to get admin, but it says i need a credit card for that.
    now i have a paypall account, and yes there's money on it, but i dont have a credit card. Is there an other way i could use to get admin?
    i pay for mine via paypal =)

  3. Default

    tried but it just asks for credit card infos, which i dont have cuz i wire the money from my normal account to my paypal

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Starfish :3 View Post
    tried but it just asks for credit card infos, which i dont have cuz i wire the money from my normal account to my paypal
    you gotta click on the payment type first and it shouldnt ask about a credit card after that. it should go right to ur paypal

  5. Default

    when i click subscribe i imediatly get the paypal login screen, and after i type my pasword i just get a screen to fill in cred card info with a text that says i cant complete the payment unless i add a credit card to my paypal....

  6. Default

    you do not just need a credit card you can place you bank account details and it will take the cash out each month

  7. Default

    doesnt work that way with paypal if ur from belgium like me... the function to wire money from ur normal account only got introduced recently, and appart from that most of it is still with credit card. can't even link my account to my paypal

  8. Arrow

    It is possible to pay for admin with check or cash, this requires a minimum of a 3 month prepayment however...

    If you want additional information just pm me.

  9. Default

    I don't know how available they are in Belgium, but maybe you could get a prepaid Visa card? There are a decent number of places you can get them in the US. Basically you go to a store, pay the amount you want on the card plus a dollar or three, and the card is ready to go. They work essentially like a debit card. (You might want to buy one worth a few months worth so u don't have to keep entering new cards.)

    I strongly suggest using them for online transactions; you can't get taken for more money than there is on the card.

  10. Default

    Zero also accepts slabs of baboon meat...


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