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Thread: Anime Detour

  1. Default Anime Detour

    I don't know if anyone on this site is from Minnesota or the surrounding area, but I will be at anime detour this coming april and it might be cool to meet some of the people I engage in mutual face shooting with. That said, anyone here going?

  2. Default

    Lol no ones going to admit that here besides people who are so high up the chain that no one would say anything to them. That being said I won't be going.

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    Lol what are you talking about Assassin... I'd go to every convention in the world, if it were practical. - anime | manga | reviews

  4. Default

    See how many other people posted in here? Just like the real world..all afraid still. Pathetic really. At least you have the balls to post that you (on the internets gasp!) like anime.

  5. Default

    Not sure what you're getting at... o.o

    Other people? I mean c'mon, only 54 members and a bot signed on in the last 24 hours... Not everyone likes anime... even fewer watch it regularly... still fewer care enough to post/attempt to discuss anime topics... and then there are the few that like it enough to consider setting aside some time for something like a con or express interest in doing so... Elsewhere, "scared" might apply, but probably not here... - anime | manga | reviews

  6. Default

    On a related note I never got to post up what I got a AWA and Ohyo con this past year.

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    Sadly, I don't even go to Dragon*Con and it's hosted here in my city. I'm contemplating going this year though. I've heard it's a really neat time.

    As for heading to Minnesota for an anime convention, I don't see myself doing that anytime soon, not as a result of disinterest but rather of distance.

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