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Thread: Admin Abusy by 'THE HOLY SH**!'

  1. Default Admin Abusy by 'THE HOLY SH**!'

    THE HOLY SH**!
    Shazbot! #idqdd

    This administrator was on the gun game server repeatably complaining about teammates not helping him get his nade kill for the win. He continued to mic spam and told one of the opposite teams guys that he was the "smelliest dick he's ever smelt" and went on with the dick theme for a few more insults. I told him to shutup and typed into console:
    *DEAD* Shazbot! #idqdd : i think you're a bitchy little girl

    to which I was kicked and banned. I read your punishment rules and it looks to me like your administrator was being disrespectful to other players and abused his admin privileges by banning me for an offense wrongfully and without any warning. I would appreciate it if you could tell him to lay off the inappropriate mic spamming as well as violating your own punishment rules.
    Last edited by Shazbot!; 01-18-2009 at 01:02 AM.

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    Demo.... and was there anyone else in the server that can comment. Also let me know if your still banned so you can be unbanned

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    It wasn't a perm ban so I can get back in now. I wish I had a demo but I haven't been recording on ibis because I haven't encountered abuse here before. I just wanted to bring this incident to your attention, I see a few other threads about him on this forum.

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    yeh bud. tell the whole story before you make a rant about admin abuse. Yes i was on the mic alot, talking to my team which happen to be chase and sgt. meatwad which happen to be my freinds. So they know im fucking around with them. As for your, you never come into a server and start disrespecting and using foul language. i dont like it when people use the n-word and start calling the admins dumb as shit, when you don't think something is right.

    get over it bud, have a nice day.
    BTW was a 5 min ban, you were lucky im pretty cheap with bans.

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    Quote Originally Posted by THE HOLY SH**T! View Post
    yeh bud. tell the whole story before you make a rant about admin abuse. Yes i was on the mic alot, talking to my team which happen to be chase and sgt. meatwad which happen to be my freinds. So they know im fucking around with them. As for your, you never come into a server and start disrespecting and using foul language. i dont like it when people use the n-word and start calling the admins dumb as shit, when you don't think something is right.

    get over it bud, have a nice day.
    BTW was a 5 min ban, you were lucky im pretty cheap with bans.
    As a neutral third party, I agree with him in that you are rather disrespectful of players whether it be in jest or not. I'm not saying you abuse your powers or not. YOU do not conduct yourself in a more professional manner (albeit a lot of the newer admins are just there for map changes and don't actually enforce anything that has any degree on game play... but I digress), and before any flames start yes I do have my share of things I can be insane about . Again I'm not trying to start a flame or some such just pointing out that you may be joking but it can be construed wrongly by someone who doesn't know.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Envy View Post
    As a neutral third party, I agree with him in that you are rather disrespectful of players whether it be in jest or not. I'm not saying you abuse your powers or not. YOU do not conduct yourself in a more professional manner (albeit a lot of the newer admins are just there for map changes and don't actually enforce anything that has any degree on game play... but I digress), and before any flames start yes I do have my share of things I can be insane about . Again I'm not trying to start a flame or some such just pointing out that you may be joking but it can be construed wrongly by someone who doesn't know.
    ugh... what? lol

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    AVATARS, I put over 500 in the forums! How is it possible none of you HAVE ONE!

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    i do

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    Also you might want to mention to Holy Shit that his ass needs to wear his tag in server. He goes under a fake name comes in for 5 mins mic spamming and then when i mute him and slay him he changes his name without tag and says he doesn't have to put it on and follows by giving himself a shitload of scouts for some reason. Hes basicly borderline retarded. minus the borderline part.

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    The fake name is alright, just don't mic spam. While your under an alias you shouldn't even be using your mic. Just type so people don't know it is you...

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