I have been in ibis zombie server for at least two months now. I go on the server almost everyday. I like it because it;s always full
Admin's INGAME name: Grandpa Snuggles[ibis.african]
You're INGAME name:: =(eG)=™ Morse
How did he/she abuse: I told him that players [XFG] Flamlightb <RGZ>, <RGZ>Crypto and AK-47-MAN had broken my cage. We were playing lil-panic-v2 map. I was all by myself. This admin didn't even care, he just ignored it. So I yelled at Crypto and Flamlightb, and we started aruging on the mic. Then Crypto doing sounds and then Grandpa kicked him out.
He came back and a new round started. They came again, broke my cage and ran away. Then they did it for the third time. I, of course, cursed on the mic, and this admin, laughed with the rest of the players.
Zero, I want to know what is going on with these admins these days. I, myself, is an admin on my clan server. We know what an admin should do.You had heard some reports about other abuses of a certain numbers of admins. Tell me, Zero, if you were me, would you not be upset with this admin, grandpa guy, at all? If he take the case in the first place, the first time they broke my cage, everything should be fine. He is not an admin in my eyes, he is just an idiot trying to be cool about being an admin.
He didn't even take his admin seriously. He just laughed and then I left the game, I came here to report him. I am requesting to remove his admin forever. If ibis community cannot take the admin in a better way, you guys will lose people because there are some good servers out-there awaiting for people to populate.
I would not step into ibis server again until I get your reply, Zero. I hear you are a very good person in dealing with the community. Please read this from my side, how ridiclous this is. You can ahve an admin doing mic-spamming at 2:00am, and admin doing pre-nuke, fine. But an admin thinking this is not serious at all? The rule says no breaking cage. Now, what is this?
I am not attacking any good admin here. And personally I respect people who actually play in a good manner. And for myself, Mr. Zero, please remember even if he's your friend, it doesn't matter at all. The guy Flamlightb
said, "why so serious", and this admin replied, "no i am not".
Tell me, what will you do?
Proof: I can't tell you what. But for my character, I don't lie and I don;t think I would waste my time typing all these shitty things for 5 mins just because I want to make no proof story. Who the hell will give me the proof about this. No way. Nobody will come here and register just to back you up. Players at that time, none of them were my close playing-friends. Zero, trust me. I didn't lie at all. I swear. I swear to you, it did happen and I swear to you everything I said above is 100% true. No joke, no add-on. I am a good player on the server, always tell people not to do this and that.
What I want is to remove his admin forever.]
I had seen other abuses but they are fine with me cuz they are funny in a way. They are just for entertaining, everybody was fine. This time, this is totally unacceptable. Never should happen!
And please banned the other three players if possible.