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Thread: Admin abuse and admin ignorance (Granpa Snggule)

  1. Default Admin abuse and admin ignorance (Granpa Snggule)

    I have been in ibis zombie server for at least two months now. I go on the server almost everyday. I like it because it;s always full

    Admin's INGAME name: Grandpa Snuggles[ibis.african]
    You're INGAME name:: =(eG)=™ Morse

    How did he/she abuse: I told him that players [XFG] Flamlightb <RGZ>, <RGZ>Crypto and AK-47-MAN had broken my cage. We were playing lil-panic-v2 map. I was all by myself. This admin didn't even care, he just ignored it. So I yelled at Crypto and Flamlightb, and we started aruging on the mic. Then Crypto doing sounds and then Grandpa kicked him out.
    He came back and a new round started. They came again, broke my cage and ran away. Then they did it for the third time. I, of course, cursed on the mic, and this admin, laughed with the rest of the players.

    Zero, I want to know what is going on with these admins these days. I, myself, is an admin on my clan server. We know what an admin should do.You had heard some reports about other abuses of a certain numbers of admins. Tell me, Zero, if you were me, would you not be upset with this admin, grandpa guy, at all? If he take the case in the first place, the first time they broke my cage, everything should be fine. He is not an admin in my eyes, he is just an idiot trying to be cool about being an admin.

    He didn't even take his admin seriously. He just laughed and then I left the game, I came here to report him. I am requesting to remove his admin forever. If ibis community cannot take the admin in a better way, you guys will lose people because there are some good servers out-there awaiting for people to populate.

    I would not step into ibis server again until I get your reply, Zero. I hear you are a very good person in dealing with the community. Please read this from my side, how ridiclous this is. You can ahve an admin doing mic-spamming at 2:00am, and admin doing pre-nuke, fine. But an admin thinking this is not serious at all? The rule says no breaking cage. Now, what is this?

    I am not attacking any good admin here. And personally I respect people who actually play in a good manner. And for myself, Mr. Zero, please remember even if he's your friend, it doesn't matter at all. The guy Flamlightb
    said, "why so serious", and this admin replied, "no i am not".

    Tell me, what will you do?

    Proof: I can't tell you what. But for my character, I don't lie and I don;t think I would waste my time typing all these shitty things for 5 mins just because I want to make no proof story. Who the hell will give me the proof about this. No way. Nobody will come here and register just to back you up. Players at that time, none of them were my close playing-friends. Zero, trust me. I didn't lie at all. I swear. I swear to you, it did happen and I swear to you everything I said above is 100% true. No joke, no add-on. I am a good player on the server, always tell people not to do this and that.

    What I want is to remove his admin forever.]

    I had seen other abuses but they are fine with me cuz they are funny in a way. They are just for entertaining, everybody was fine. This time, this is totally unacceptable. Never should happen!

    And please banned the other three players if possible.
    Last edited by Morse; 02-01-2009 at 04:17 PM.

  2. Default

    demo or gtfo

    We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm ~ George Orwell

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Step 1: Get Admin
    Step 2:
    Step 3: Get Perma Banned
    Quote Originally Posted by blackmail242 View Post
    ... IBIS in the name right? ibis.a means admin while IBIS means Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.
    Quote Originally Posted by SCRIBBLE View Post
    It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived. — General George S. Patton

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rapedollar$ View Post
    demo or gtfo
    this is not nice, to tell me GTFO?, should you say in a better way, like, "otherwise this report will not be accepted"?

    dude like i said, if i can have demo, or a good proof, why would i spent minutes trying to convince people what happened to me

    i know it is important, in every community, people ask for proof, i know that
    but i just can't stand at the fact he treated me like this
    i am very upset, i had a rough day waiting for my friend for hours, now i came home trying to chill out, what the f is wrong with this admin?
    i told him they broek my cage, he didn't even care? come on.
    then he laughed at me when i started calling these breakers ass hole?
    now you tell me to get the fuck out? i am really upset now.

    i am, not trying to start a fight here. I don';t have any proof, I know I am not getting anything. Dude, what kind of proof? how the hell can i record an demo at the moment they started laughing at me
    think! i came here because i want to get some sort of justifications.
    not to have people telling me to GTFO. and you are an admin yourself, tell people to get the fuck out?
    rude, this is wrong. are you a friend of his?
    i might not be welcome in ibis server because certainly there are admins are fd with him. and i am even more upset when you tell me to gtfo.

    what is this? ganging up on me? after treating me like an idiot? i spent hrs playing on zombie mode at ibis server for two months, i made friends there, this is why i keep going there. now you tell me to get the fuck out?
    please put yourself in my siutation, espeically when i am an asian person, know how people treat us as minority.
    and getting piss by people like grandpa, what the hell is this

    i do respect other players and some other admins, i am very fine with a lot of people on the server. people who play all the time should know me, morse, a decent player, not a 100% good player, but certinaly a decent nice player

    at least i don';t break people';s cage and don';t mic spam, or telling people to get the fuck out

  4. Default

    and certinaly, a server cannot exit with 100% no mic spam, no bad player, no argument, if this ever happen, such server will not exit

    you admin is to be there whenever is possible, to play and to regulate at the same time
    i always have fun with some other admins and players. we never have big problems with most of the admins beause they do their jobs and they are fun to be play with too
    just put yourself in a second, when people start breaking your cage, and an admin is totally not interested in dealing with this, what would you be like? yes, a wtf.

    and now, tell youself, if i remove your an admin, and ask you to play on the server for months, you will get really tired of all these wrong-doing when no admin is there for you.

    this is why when we see a nice friendly admin, we are happy.
    i can tell it is never easy for an admin to be an admin, but people need to respect each other.

    i respect you if you respect me and do the job right

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rapedollar$ View Post
    demo or gtfo
    i didnt bother to read the drivel of your second and third post

    We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm ~ George Orwell

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Step 1: Get Admin
    Step 2:
    Step 3: Get Perma Banned
    Quote Originally Posted by blackmail242 View Post
    ... IBIS in the name right? ibis.a means admin while IBIS means Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.
    Quote Originally Posted by SCRIBBLE View Post
    It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived. — General George S. Patton

  6. Default

    yeah either get a demo of him clearly abusing you and put it on youtube or dont even bother posting an admin abuse thread. Writing an indepth analyst of what he did to you without proof does nothing but waste our time.

  7. Default

    then convince me what is the point of demo when it happened so fast that you can't even have the mind to say, "oh i need to record this"

    there are so many things you can't have demo
    listen, i searched around i found a couple threads complaining about him
    who the hell will help me out, surely if my friends were there they would join here and comment for me

    but listen, these players were there today, i didn't lie
    why would i make such an indepth thread? because i think he is not doing his job

    and to rapedollar, if you don;t like commenting on my "drivel", then don't
    your words are not nice to me, at least Kavinsky used languages that don't offend me too much

    i came here because i want people to know about him. yeah this is a game, why so serious. then let's forget about all the rules and admin, just kick our own asses on the server, let the server dies with mic spam, cage breaker, curses all the time, sex porn on the wall, shitty things going on the server

    yeah no demo for me, no proof, tell me how to get one, it is not waste of time to read, it is just a regular thing to do to deal with any player in this community, asking for some justifications, or at least, a proper answer.

    if i can find someone to come here and help me commenting on this, what are you guys going to do? kick him off because he is disgraceful to ibis? that's what i want to see !

  8. Default

    TL;DR morale of the story, always demo your playtime?

    mmmm walls of text, really having friends come in does nothing to credit your story. demo it and you have clear cut proof

  9. Default

    Well if he used admin commands on you, Zero can check the logs of this

  10. Default

    Also even without a demo it is good to report so that other players and admins can keep an eye out. Also it is good so that a record of past abuse accusations can be started on a suspected admin.

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