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Thread: Need Someway To Mute Mic Spammming Kids when There's No Admins On

  1. Default Need Someway To Mute Mic Spammming Kids when There's No Admins On

    listen I know ive brought this up before, but the thing that's driving the regulars from the zmod server is these god damn mic spaming kids, we've got one on now called demonator10 thats annoying everyone. we need some sort of mute system like a !votemute feature ive seen elsewhere since the server provider won't allow us to mute players from the players list.

  2. Default

    Well for me i bought admin just to mute these little fuckers.
    Last edited by ManBearPig <ibis>; 02-04-2009 at 07:41 PM.

  3. Default

    im just saying there should be a way to mute them if theres no admins around and you dont want to pay for admin

  4. Default

    Zero said something about this i think. I believe the !votemute starts a vote like a map vote as soon as someone types it (unlike the rtv vote system). Most players will just press 1 and the person may be unjustifiably muted. This creates the possibility of someone spamming the !votemute on a lot of people and screwin over random people.
    Please correct me if i'm wrong...
    A NEW HIGH SCORE! What does "high score" mean? New high score, is that bad? What does that mean? Did I break it?

  5. Default

    It is done, you can now type: !votemute to start an rtv like vote to mute players. After 20% of the server has used !votemute a final vote will be started where the person can then be silenced. If the percentage needs to be reduced then we can discuss the matter further.

  6. Default

    Thank you zero, this is long since overdue.

  7. Default

    I dont appreciate the censoring of my post...

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Internet Badass View Post
    I dont appreciate the censoring of my post...
    thats because your reply with such hate and stupidity you jackass

  9. Default

    well THEY ARE ANNOYING LITTLE FUCKERS and I can see his post just fine.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud View Post
    thats because your reply with such hate and stupidity you jackass
    Says the Stupid jackass to himself....

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