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Thread: Horrible choke in GG

  1. Default Horrible choke in GG

    Is there a reason the the choke is so high on the gg server. I'm fine on any other server I play (pub or gg) but my choke on the ibis server is around 50. Its always been bad but it seems like it's getting worse. The choke won't go down regardless of what rates i use.
    A NEW HIGH SCORE! What does "high score" mean? New high score, is that bad? What does that mean? Did I break it?

  2. Default

    What is your fps?

  3. Default

    i have it capped at 100 but it only hits that on certain maps... its usually 70-100

    EDIT: I jumped in the server and took a quick screen shot... might make it clearer
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    Last edited by Hodgie; 02-02-2009 at 11:47 PM.
    A NEW HIGH SCORE! What does "high score" mean? New high score, is that bad? What does that mean? Did I break it?

  4. Default

    i'd have to say I agree with the hoagie.
    My choke is always around 35+ in the gun game server.
    At times it can be annoying, thats why I use my super hax to enable me to win.


  5. Default

    Most all GG servers have a really high choke. So many people crowded so close together = high choke. You will notice on the larger maps, the choke is much lower. Lower your rates and it will go down while you play on the GG server.

  6. Default

    That map that I took the screen shot on is a fairly large map. And I said I already dropped my rates with no effect. I've gone as low as cl_cmdrate 60, cl_updaterate 60, and rate 19000 and everywhere in between.
    A NEW HIGH SCORE! What does "high score" mean? New high score, is that bad? What does that mean? Did I break it?

  7. Default

    Part of the problem is a lot of people with poor rates. Also it might help when I switch to gg5 so we will see if that does anything.

    Your rates should have been:
    rate >25000
    cl_updaterate = server tick so 101
    cl_cmdrate is always < your current fps regardless of setting, therefore you need to set it close to your average fps and probably lower your fps max to 60 ect... to lessen bursts. You do not want unstable fps you want it to be as constant as possible. (what resolution are you at)
    cl_interp = (2/cl_updaterate)

    choke will always be created as long as your fps is unstable and or not 100+

    I have done a lot of testing with this on my old computer and with the new one I rarely get much choke unless the server causes it. This has allowed me to distinguish between choke caused by the client and by the server.

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