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Thread: Wild iGhost has appeared

  1. Default Wild iGhost has appeared

    Hey guys. Finally found the chance (and the balls) to sign up to your forums. I'm a regular to your zombie mod servers and well loved by everyone who loves Ghosts and Apple iPods... and everyone who loves the gummy bear song... and skill.... and more gummy bears.....

    Anyway just thought I'd drop in and say YOOOOOOOOOO on your forums (I already did under my previous account "Vandal" but I can't be bothered remembering the password to the one.

    Some of you may know me from playing in your ZM server some of you may know me from my videos on Youtube (Zombie mod escape vids or maybe even my BF2 sniper videos)

    Ah well Hey to you all and hopefully I'll keep popping out of my iPod home to say hi on the forums and what not.
    Vid vvvvvvv


  2. Default

    sup mabe ill return during the spring.. to bring hell back to IBIS ( for aholes at least )
    Ibis Steam Contest #2
    Canceled till further notice

    I read people's post purely for amusement I find people's frustration and failure quite funny... after all it's all just a game... you'll die early if you take it too seriously. ^^

    Arrogance - only fags and assholes have them... You know who you are.

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