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Thread: Please report Level 0 glitches

  1. Arrow Please report Level 0 glitches

    I have attempted to code a fix for the level 0 glitch. It is currently running in the server. Unfortunately there is no way for me to know if it actually works, so please report if you experience the level zero glitch so that I can fix it if the mod does not work.

  2. Default

    Removed, i think it crashed the server... back to the drawing board. I will let you know when I try it again

  3. Default

    Nice try zero. I still love you and am still willing to make turtle babies with you.


  4. Arrow

    Ok I have put it back on and worked the bugs out, if you get level 0 please make a post

  5. Default

    I got the level 0 glitch around 3 this afternoon. I tried rejoining the game and it didnt work. The match was almost over so I was just going around knifing. Then all of a sudden the server reloaded for me. (after a round it seemed like it was loading a new map) The same map came back on and I was on AK level.

  6. Default

    zero, I got the glitch monday night after 4 rounds.

  7. Default

    script removed(again)

    Later I will try a non automated one and that is sure to work

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