For an additional amount for the ‘‘Office of the Sec8
retary’’, $300,000,000, to remain available until Sep9
tember 30, 2010
For an additional amount for ‘‘Office of Inspector
21 General’’, $5,000,000, to remain available until Sep22
tember 30, 2010
For an additional amount for competitive grants au5
thorized at 7 U.S.C. 450(i)(b), $100,000,000, to remain
6 available until September 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Farm Service Agency,
10 Salaries and Expenses’’, $171,000,000, to remain avail11
able until September 30, 2010.
farm ownership loans, $400,000,000 of which
20 $100,000,000 shall be for unsubsidized guaranteed loans
21 and $300,000,000 shall be for direct loans; and operating
22 loans, $250,000,000 of which $50,000,000 shall be for un23
subsidized guaranteed loans and $200,000,000 shall be for
24 direct loans.
25 For an additional amount for the cost of direct and
26 guaranteed loans, including the cost of modifying loans,
farm ownership loans, $17,530,000 of which
4 $330,000 shall be for unsubsidized guaranteed loans and
5 $17,200,000 shall be for direct loans; and operating loans,
6 $24,900,000 of which $1,300,000 shall be for unsub7
sidized guaranteed loans and $23,600,000 shall be for di8
rect loans.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Watershed and Flood
19 Prevention Operations’’, $275,000,000, to remain avail20
able until September 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for the ‘‘Watershed Reha23
bilitation Program’’, $120,000,000, to remain available
24 until September 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Rural Development,
3 Salaries and Expenses’’, $110,000,000, to remain avail4
able until September 30, 2010.
Rural Housing Insurance
11 Fund Program Account, as follows: $1,000,000,000 for
12 section 502 direct loans; and $10,472,000,000 for section
13 502 unsubsidized guaranteed loans.
For an additional amount for the cost of direct and
15 guaranteed loans, including the cost of modifying loans,
16 as defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act
17 of 1974, to remain available until September 30, 2010,
18 as follows: $67,000,000 for section 502 direct loans; and
19 $133,000,000 for section 502 unsubsidized guaranteed
20 loans.
Consolidated Farm and Rural
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1 Development Act, $127,000,000, to remain available until
2 September 30, 2010.
Consolidated Farm and Rural Devel8
opment Act (7 U.S.C. 1932), $150,000,000, to remain
9 available until September 30, 2010.
For the cost of loan guarantees and grants, as au12
thorized by section 9003 of the Farm Security and Rural
13 Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 8103), $200,000,000,
14 to remain available until September 30, 2010.
Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7
19 U.S.C. 8107), $50,000,000, to remain available until Sep20
tember 30, 2010 That these funds may be used
21 by tribes, local units of government, and schools in rural
22 areas
Consolidated Farm and Rural De9
velopment Act, $1,375,000,000, to remain available until
10 September 30, 2010.
direct loans and grants
14 for distance learning and telemedicine services in rural
15 areas, as authorized by 7 U.S.C. 950aaa, et seq.,
16 $200,000,000, to remain available until September 30,
17 2010.
$198,000,000, to remain available until September 30,
25 2010, to carry out a grant program for National School
26 Lunch Program equipment assistance:
the Secretary may approve the reserve by
8 States of up to $20,000,000 for necessary enhancements
9 to the State Distributing Agency’s commodity ordering
10 and management system to achieve compatibility with the
11 Department’s web-based supply chain management sys12
Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1786), to re-
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1 main available until September 30, 2010, $500,000,000,
2 of which $380,000,000 shall be placed in reserve to be
3 allocated as the Secretary deems necessary notwith4
standing section 17(i) of such Act, to support participa5
tion should cost or participation exceed budget estimates,
6 and of which $120,000,000 shall be for the purposes speci7
For an additional amount for the ‘‘Commodity As14
sistance Program’’, to remain available until September
15 30, 2010, $150,000,000, which the Secretary shall use to
16 purchase a variety of commodities as authorized by the
17 Commodity Credit Corporation
That of the funds made available, the
25 Secretary may use up to $50,000,000 for costs associated
26 with the distribution of commodities.
set the tolerance level for excluding small
22 errors for the purposes of section 16(c) of the Food
23 and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2025(c)) at
24 $50 for the period that the benefit increase under
25 subsection (a) is in effect.
11 Secretary shall make available $150,000,000 for
12 each of fiscal years 2009 and 2010, to remain avail13
able through September 30, 2010.
Secretary may retain up to $5,000,000 for the costs
4 incurred by the Secretary in monitoring the integrity
5 and evaluating the effects of the payments made
6 under this section
Food and
11 Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2013(b)), the Secretary
12 shall make available $5,000,000, to remain available until
13 September 30, 2010.
For the principal amount of
7 direct emergency loans under section 321 of the
8 Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (7
9 U.S.C. 1961), $200,000,000.
For the cost
11 of direct emergency loans, including the cost of
12 modifying loans, as defined in section 502 of the
13 Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 661a),
14 $28,440,000, to remain available until September
15 30, 2010.
the Secretary
11 shall use not more than $100,000,000, to re12
main available until September 30, 2010, to
13 carry out a program of grants to States to as14
sist eligible aquaculture producers for losses as15
sociated with high feed input costs during the
16 2008 calendar year.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations and Ad10
ministration’’, $20,000,000, to remain available until Sep11
tember 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Economic Develop15
ment Assistance Programs’’, $150,000,000, to remain
16 available until September 30, 2010:
Provided, That
17 $50,000,000 shall be for economic adjustment assistance
18 as authorized by section 209 of the Public Works and Eco19
nomic Development Act
For an additional amount for ‘‘Periodic Censuses and
4 Programs’’, $1,000,000,000, to remain available until
5 September 30, 2010.
For an amount for ‘‘Broadband Technology Opportu10
nities Program’’, $9,000,000,000, to remain available
11 until September 30, 2010
Provided, That of the funds
12 provided under this heading, $8,650,000,000 shall be ex13
pended pursuant to section 201 of this Act, of which: not
14 less than $200,000,000 shall be available for competitive
15 grants for expanding public computer center capacity, in16
cluding at community colleges and public libraries; not less
17 than $250,000,000 shall be available for competitive
18 grants for innovative programs to encourage sustainable
19 adoption of broadband service; and $10,000,000 shall be
20 transferred to ‘‘Department of Commerce, Office of In21
spector General’’ for the purposes of audits and oversight
22 of funds provided under this heading and such funds shall
23 remain available until expended:
Provided further, That 50
24 percent of the funds provided in the previous proviso shall
25 be used to support projects in rural communities
That of the funds provided under this heading,
9 up to $350,000,000 may be expended pursuant to Public
10 Law 110–385 (47 U.S.C. 1301 note) and for the purposes
11 of developing and maintaining a broadband inventory map
12 pursuant to section 201 of this Act
For an amount for ‘‘Digital-to-Analog Converter Box
5 Program’’, $650,000,000, for additional coupons and re6
lated activities under the program
That of the amounts provided under
10 this heading, $90,000,000 may be for education and out11
reach, including grants to organizations for programs to
12 educate vulnerable populations, including senior citizens,
13 minority communities, people with disabilities, low-income
14 individuals, and people living in rural areas, about the
15 transition and to provide one-on-one assistance to vulner16
able populations, including help with converter box instal17
That $2,000,000 of funds
25 provided under this heading shall be transferred to ‘‘De-
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1 partment of Commerce, Office of Inspector General’’ for
2 audits and oversight of funds provided under this heading.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Scientific and Tech6
nical Research and Services’’, $218,000,000, to remain
7 available until September 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Construction of Re10
search Facilities’’, $357,000,000, to remain available until
11 September 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations, Research,
16 and Facilities’’, $427,000,000, to remain available until
17 September 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Procurement, Acquisi20
tion and Construction’’, $795,000,000, to remain available
21 until September 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Departmental Man24
agement’’, $34,000,000, to remain available until Sep25
tember 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Office of Inspector
3 General’’, $6,000,000, to remain available until September
4 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Tactical Law Enforce10
ment Wireless Communications’’, $200,000,000 for the
11 costs of developing and implementing a nationwide Inte12
grated Wireless network supporting Federal law enforce13
ment, to remain available until September 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Detention Trustee’’,
16 $150,000,000, to remain available until September 30,
17 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Office of Inspector
20 General’’, $2,000,000, to remain available until September
21 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries and Ex4
penses’’, $50,000,000, to remain available until September
For an additional amount for ‘‘Construction’’,
8 $125,000,000, to remain available until September 30,
9 2010.
12 For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries and Ex13
penses’’, $75,000,000, to remain available until September
14 30, 2010.
16 For an additional amount for ‘‘Construction’’,
17 $400,000,000, to remain available until September 30,
18 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Federal Prison Sys22
tem, Buildings and Facilities’’, $1,000,000,000, to remain
23 available until September 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Violence Against
6 Women Prevention and Prosecution Programs’’,
7 $300,000,000 for grants to combat violence against
8 women
That, $50,000,000 shall be transitional
11 housing assistance grants for victims of domestic violence,
12 stalking or sexual assault as authorized
For an additional amount for ‘‘State and Local Law
18 Enforcement Assistance’’, $1,500,000,000 for the Edward
19 Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant program as au20
For an additional amount for ‘‘State and Local Law
2 Enforcement Assistance’’, $440,000,000 for competitive
3 grants to improve the functioning of the criminal justice
4 system, to assist victims of crime
For an additional amount for ‘‘State and Local Law
8 Enforcement Assistance’’, $100,000,000, to remain avail9
able until September 30, 2010
provide assistance and equipment to local law enforcement
11 along the Southern border and in High-Intensity Drug
12 Trafficking Areas to combat criminal narcotics activity
13 stemming from the Southern border, of which
14 $10,000,000 shall be transferred to ‘‘Bureau of Alcohol,
15 Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Salaries and Ex16
penses’’ for the ATF Project Gunrunner.
For an additional amount for ‘‘State and Local Law
18 Enforcement Assistance’’, $300,000,000, to remain avail19
able until September 30, 2010, for assistance to Indian
20 tribes
$250,000,000 shall be available for grants
23 under section 20109 of subtitle A of title II of the
24 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
(2) $25,000,000 shall be available for the Trib2
al Courts Initiative; and
3 (3) $25,000,000 shall be available for tribal al4
cohol and substance abuse drug reduction assistance
5 grants.
For an additional amount for ‘‘State and Local Law
7 Enforcement Assistance’’, $100,000,000, to remain avail8
able until September 30, 2010, to be distributed by the
9 Office for Victims of Crime
For an additional amount for ‘‘State and Local Law
13 Enforcement Assistance’’, $150,000,000, to remain avail14
able until September 30, 2010, for assistance to law en15
forcement in rural areas, to prevent and combat crime,
16 especially drug-related crime
For an additional amount for ‘‘State and Local Law
18 Enforcement Assistance’’, $50,000,000, to remain avail19
able until September 30, 2010, for Internet Crimes
20 Against Children (ICAC) initiatives.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Community Oriented
23 Policing Service $1,000,000,000, to re5
main available until September 30, 2010.
7 For an additional amount, not elsewhere specified in
8 this title, for management and administration and over9
sight of programs within the Office on Violence Against
10 Women, the Office of Justice Programs, and the Commu11
nity Oriented Policing Services Office, $10,000,000, to re12
main available until September 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Science’’,
17 $500,000,000, to remain available until September 30,
18 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Aeronautics’’,
21 $250,000,000, to remain available until September 30,
22 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Exploration’’,
25 $500,000,000, to remain available until September 30,
26 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Cross Agency Sup3
port’’, $250,000,000, to remain available until September
4 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Office of Inspector
7 General’’, $2,000,000, to remain available until September
8 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Research and Related
12 Activities’’, $1,200,000,000, to remain available until Sep13
tember 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Major Research
17 Equipment and Facilities Construction’’, $150,000,000,
18 to remain available until September 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Education and
21 Human Resources’’, $50,000,000, to remain available
22 until September 30, 2010.
For an additional amount for ‘‘Office of Inspector
25 General’’, $2,000,000, to remain available until September
26 30, 2010.
Start next on pg57…