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Thread: And you wonder why you have lost majority of your players

  1. Red face And you wonder why you have lost majority of your players

    Have admin abuse going on while other admins sit there and do nothing. Some random douchebag comes into the server starts radio spamming non stop from the start of the map until the end and i keep asking one of the 2 admins to mute or kick him or do something about it just get ignored.

    Treehoe got mad cuz he kept getting owned by me and decided hey, let me do what i do best and just admin abuse and global mute me. Yay, not that i give a fuck but its pretty sad how an admin cant control himself, i get it that he probably bought it and hes just a worthless little boy anyways but its embarrassing.

    Keep trolling treehoe, i hope one of your butt buddies come in here to defend you

  2. Default

    If you have a complaint against an admin of abuse you can go through the proper channels to get it dealt with accordingly. If you are simply being a cynic with no pupose then you can leave and you won't be missed.

    Don't throw stones in a glass house when you talk about maturity.

    Tastes like your moms kisses.

  3. Default Q(-.-Q)

    A five minute gag and you get your panties in a bunch and whine on forums. Am I really the child here?

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Treehoe View Post
    A five minute gag and you get your panties in a bunch and whine on forums. Am I really the child here?
    The time of it is irreverent, its the fact that you have an admin tag and refuse to do your job as an admin, instead you save your tears for those who outplay you, and chikun get his dick out of your mouth, there is an obvious purpose, which is start doing your damn job b4 your server(s) die anymore then they already have.

    This dude tells you he gagged me for no reason at all and the first thing this douche says is i should follow proper format rofl, well guess what, if you want to pull the demo for me, please be my guest, you can send it to me and then the format will be followed.

    I hope you ended up doing something about that chat spammer rofl, or wait, doing your admin duties is hard i heard, but changing a map or swapping people so you can stack is not, interesting GG.

  5. Default

    That is slander sir. I only put my Dick in the mouths of consenting adults.

    Tastes like your moms kisses.

  6. Default

    Hyper never keeps owning anything except 9ths at the old country buffet.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by What View Post
    Hyper never keeps owning anything except 9ths at the old country buffet.

    That was so funny *almost* everyone laughed

  8. Default

    Actually, the server is pretty much dead because the race abilities are never balanced.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by meatspin View Post
    Actually, the server is pretty much dead because the race abilities are never balanced.
    That is part of it, along the lines with people stacking teams purposely because they don't limit people to join only by auto assign so you see most maps become like 26-0 fest and server becomes ghost town, but that's a different story.

    The point of this thread wasn't to say that this server should die or something should happen to it, but this kinda shit is just ridiculous. Some douche decided he wanted to mess around and admin abuse and the worst part that really pissed me of was, he left that dude in the fucking server to radio spam the other guys, just so fucked up. And what happens if you try to post it? You get wannabe's like chikun dick riding without knowing facts.

    Worst part is, nothing is going to happen to this guys, until server empty's out and then we are left wondering what went wrong and wtf happened.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by HypeRNT View Post
    That is part of it, along the lines with people stacking teams purposely
    sorry, had to point that out there and laugh. - anime | manga | reviews

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