Yeah I am aware that I live across the Pacific so there would naturally be a small problem with latency.

The thing is though, I just had a new Fibre Optics line installed in my house and my laptop's hooked up wirelessly to the broadband router in the living room. The new connection assured a cap of 200mbps. The first couple of weeks playing CS:S again - and on the ZM server - my ping was actually moderate ranging from 180-220 without any lag problems whatsoever. Recently though, my ping has mysteriously shot up to 270-330+ without any apparent reason. I tried using TCP Optimizer to optimize my connection and resetted my router and network adapter but to no avail. I made sure all other apps (including browsers) that utilize the internet connection were closed and still, high pings and severe lag spikes.

I hope somebody can help figure this problem out, as it's getting increasingly difficult to play on the servers. Could it be an ISP problem, degrading computer or anything other than that? Thank you very much in advance.

Cheers \m/