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Thread: Complain again Immune

  1. Default Complain again Immune

    Hello, this is a complain against member "Immune". He is on his way to get admin, as he says. HE got votekicked once, came back and almost votekicked twice

    He was camping in spawn as cryptlord spamming ultimate and not doing the "real" objective (IE: Planting bomb). This made the round so long because it always ended in a 1v1 and everybody waited 2 minutes, or 3 to play again

    When he came back, he started insulting us. "The community is a bitch" "You bunch of cry baby fucktard cunts can'T see that killing is also doing objectives" and so on. He have little to no respect for everybody, and i have a bad feeling about him getting some admin powers

  2. Default

    Sin approves of this message.

    4) Use admin privileges sparingly and appropriately.

  3. Default

    Well it doesn't matter if the rounds are long or not, crypt lord is best when used defensively. There is no time to start the objective, it only must be started in a reasonable time so that it is possible to be accomplished. If the round takes 2:30 to complete, but he wins by either killing you or rescuing hostages or whatever, then he has done the objective. You do sound like a whiny bitch.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by What View Post
    Well it doesn't matter if the rounds are long or not, crypt lord is best when used defensively. There is no time to start the objective, it only must be started in a reasonable time so that it is possible to be accomplished. If the round takes 2:30 to complete, but he wins by either killing you or rescuing hostages or whatever, then he has done the objective. You do sound like a whiny bitch.
    I'm sorry if i sound like a little whiny bitch, but when 10 people in the server ask him to move and do his objectives and all he can replies is "fuck you i'm not moving", i won't like an admin like that. The point of my complain is not because he was camping that much but the shitload of insults he unloaded on everybody there and he just said "Oh i can't wait to have my admins so i can shut you all the fuck up and have immunity to you little bitches little fucking votekick".

    That's my point. Now, call me a bitch if you want, but this won't solve that an admin who do not respect his member never make a good admin (i know, i've managed admins on one server for over 2 years)

  5. Default

    He does not HAVE to move just because you don't like his play style. And he insulted you? Welcome to the internet. Immune has had admin before and was pretty solid at it, you need to cleanse the sand from your vagina.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by What View Post
    Well it doesn't matter if the rounds are long or not, crypt lord is best when used defensively. There is no time to start the objective, it only must be started in a reasonable time so that it is possible to be accomplished. If the round takes 2:30 to complete, but he wins by either killing you or rescuing hostages or whatever, then he has done the objective. You do sound like a whiny bitch.
    not entirely true...

    the rules state that the objective must be respected and completed. camping is not allowed if it prolongs the round too much. maymay would need to weigh in on this, but as far as i remember, the ruling was that if a crypt lord is doing nothign but using his ult, and not trying to acomplish anything else, they're not following the rules.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by What View Post
    He does not HAVE to move just because you don't like his play style. And he insulted you? Welcome to the internet. Immune has had admin before and was pretty solid at it, you need to cleanse the sand from your vagina.
    Well then, if replying with calm while trying to get some light on the issue is having "sand in my vagina", as you good sir say, then you win

  8. Default

    Don't listen to What. He likes to point out sand in other people's vaginae because he has a fucking beach's worth in his. Someone with actual knowledge and authority will respond here I'm sure.

  9. Default

    The objective must be respected. He can take all the time he wants as long as he attempts to complete an objective before the round is over. It doesn't matter what you or 10 other people request. In GG, camping is allowed until it prolongs the round. Due to the nature of races like crypt lord though, wcs is different and you can camp all you want as long as you attempt an objective at some point. This is how its always been and anyone who says differently is wrong.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  10. Default

    I understand that the objective must be completed, but that doesn't seem to be the issue here, it seems to be more of Immune taking his time before moving, since he doesn't have to. I think a demo would make it more clear since then it will be ovbvious if Immune was not respecting the objective or if the others were being impatient. Overall though I have seen people complain about not doing the objective when there is over 1:30 left on the clock which is annoying as fuck.

    As far as immune berating you, well yeah that seems about right, especially with your English it probably makes everything more irritating, not a dig at you your English is better than my French, just that it is really frustrating and kinda annoying sometimes hearing broken English.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

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