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Thread: Hi.

  1. Default

    Talking shit and doing shit are 2 different things JW.
    If her shoes still light up she's too young for you bro

  2. Default

    Oh nice, you found your way out of spawn to post this! I'm proud of you Corny.

  3. Default

    I like how none of you realized that a bot had necroed this thread
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by What View Post
    I like how none of you realized that a bot had necroed this thread
    i wanted the savor the moment a little more... you ruined it.

  5. Default

    I like how you assume we didn't notice when, in fact, your post is the one that necro'ed this thread for me. Take another look and you will discover the bot's post was deleted.

    Not that it's relevant in any way, shape or form. I was responding to someone posting directly to me.

  6. Default

    The bot's post was deleted, and you didn't have the wherewithal to look at the original post date, not to mention my post clearly references a bot. You are Fail
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  7. Default

    I didn't look at the original post date because I didn't give a shit, as I said, I was responding to someone posting directly to me. To any observer not online at 4:00 in the morning, you necro'ed this thread. But sure, I'm the fail here.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by jwtemp View Post
    I didn't look at the original post date because I didn't give a shit, as I said, I was responding to someone posting directly to me. To any observer not online at 4:00 in the morning, you necro'ed this thread. But sure, I'm the fail here.
    See, the first step is admitting the problem, now you can work on fixing it.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  9. Default

    Yes What, you're clearly superior to me. I mean, posting on an Internet message board at 4:30 in the morning about spam bots, you must seriously be cream of the crop, #1 winner when it comes to success, wisdom and life. Revel in your superiority, I bow humbly in your mere presence.

    Or, you know, maybe it's just sad. It's one or the other though, I'm sure of it. Honestly at this point, I don't even know why I bother responding to you, because this is the only road it can go down when I do so.

  10. Default

    West coast bitch not that late.

    Also, what is with you bitches, can no one admit when they made a mistake. I mean three of you posted on a bot necroed thread, then you and someone else started bitching at eachother. Then I point out that you guys are posting on a necroed thread and instead of not saying anything, or just going oops, or some like that, you need to try and make your mistake not a mistake and anyone pointing out your error must be assaulting your dignity. You are pathetic, just grow up for fucks sake.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

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