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Thread: Rules question about orange on ze_icecap_escape_v5

  1. Default Rules question about orange on ze_icecap_escape_v5

    I have another rules question. On ze_icecap_escape_v5 there is a map secret which allows players to launch an orange. The orange can then be boarded and navigated to a buoy beyond the final two islands and places the player out of the reach of zombies. Here is a screenshot which shows the buoy:


    I can't locate any provisions in the ZM rules (v2.9) which address this spot or one similar. As I see it, it's a secret placed by the map designer which means it's not a glitch. However, it does allow human(s) to reach a spot in the map that, as best I can tell, cannot be reached by zombies. At the moment, it doesn't appear many players know how to access the map secret.

    This is a unique scenario which possibly belongs in map specific section of the ZM rules. Is the use of this map secret against ZM rules? If not, should it be added to the ZM rules?

  2. Default

    Correct, there is no rule stating that a human is not allowed to use the orange. It is a secret in the map that only a few know how to access, and most humans die attempting.
    I would want to test myself if two or three poison zombies jumped/strafed in the air to that spot to get the human. If atleast 1 poison zombie can jump and strafe to the buoy (to tag a human), I would deem it as legal.

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