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Thread: Tactical Intervention

  1. Default Tactical Intervention

    Anybody tried it? It's from one of the creators of counter strike.

    I tried it, its cool but it seems really bouncy to me like I don't know how to explain it unless you've played it before.

  2. Default

    wrong section

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Carmichal View Post
    wrong section
    Do you solely exist to point out errors in my posts? I even searched to see if there was a tactical intervention thread already, and thought to myself where would I post to start a discussion on tactical intervention, but fuck me for contributing right. Would you be so kind to move it to STEAM, I'm assuming thats what you would consider the technically correct section right?

    EDIT: That came off a little douchey, I meant that in the most light hearted way possible. ...and I can't get enough of that sloth gif.
    Last edited by Meatstick; 09-20-2013 at 07:47 PM.

  4. Default

    Threads about different games generally go into the steam sections, where you can see many games have been discussed. That being said, your original post was a casserole of nonsense.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by What View Post
    Threads about different games generally go into the steam sections, where you can see many games have been discussed. That being said, your original post was a casserole of nonsense.
    What don't you get? It's pretty simple if that confuses you how do you get through everyday conversations? Have you tried Tactical Intervention? I did and it felt bouncy, obviously bouncy is an odd way to describe a game so I stated you would not understand if you have not played the game. Pretty straight forward I feel like you just heard the phrase "casserole of nonsense" for the first time and are desperately trying to fit it into conversation.

    Too elaborate on "bouncy" I mean it does not feel as refined as counter strike its very cartoony at least that just my opinion. And since I wanna go out with a bang before I close my account I would like to point out that neither your reply or the epitome of human emotion above you constructively contributed to a conversation.

  6. Default

    ass clown

  7. Default

    I've heard it's positively awful. Didn't even want to check it out after reading three reviews in a row that scored it less than 5/10.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Carmichal View Post
    ass clown
    Real mature

  9. Default

    Welcome to the internet

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by SCRIBBLE View Post
    Welcome to the internet
    "uncalled for Racism" and "terrible insinuation about your mother"
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

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