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Thread: Mouse Scroll jump issue

  1. Default Mouse Scroll jump issue

    I just wanted to point this issue out where new mouses scroll jumps become extreme, with new mouse shit etc etc these jumps become very close to plain hacks, in escape maps where we have to defend a certain spot even with 10 humans against 1 mouse scrolling zombie it is just over, some people exploit this because it isn't a hack, but things like the head hit box is total gone and even with the best aim it still takes a lucky shot to knock a zombie back using this.

    We all know how chaotic the zm server is, and this issue needs to be addressed, I think it should be put into the rules to forbid people to use scroll jump, and every admin with eyes in his skull can see the difference between key jump and a mousescroll jump. We wanna play good ze maps with no block on etc then this needs to be listen and forbidden or most good ze maps wich need good tactics are just wasted time.

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  2. Default

    In my opinion, I don't think mouse scroll jump bind should be illegal. With momentum and different zombie class, a spam jump will be effective. And really? 10 people shooting him can't push 1 zombie back? I know knock back has been messed a little. but 10 people shooting at 1 zombie, this just means the humans had horrible shot.

  3. #3


    I'm not huge in zmod or anything but...

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  4. Default

    well in Meltdown's deF Phil the update that have been done over the last some of weeks have changed a crap tone of stuff, as a Poison zombie i can mouse wheel on even a cade map and never get knocked back not even an inch, I do not know if the physics have changed that much or what! Also there is a glitch with all zombies in cade maps, if you open your parachute as a human and get taked u have 60% chance of not getting a knife when u change and or a 60% chance to have 0% knock back as A zombie when this happens. I do not think a mouse wheel jump should be made to be outlawed but maybe change the KB physics a little. If you have time and or Zero I would be glad to show you whats going on.[/B]
    Quote Originally Posted by phil.™ View Post
    In my opinion, I don't think mouse scroll jump bind should be illegal. With momentum and different zombie class, a spam jump will be effective. And really? 10 people shooting him can't push 1 zombie back? I know knock back has been messed a little. but 10 people shooting at 1 zombie, this just means the humans had horrible shot.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Omegxkid View Post
    If you have time and or Zero I would be glad to show you whats going on.[/B]
    Just demo it, provide a demo so we can see what is actually going on. Like I said, i know knock back has been messed a little, but I still find it hard to believe 10 people shooting at 1 zombie they can't move him back.

    It could be possible that all their bullets are not hitting the zombie BECAUSE everyone is glitched inside each other. I see that failing a lot of crouch ze maps (second island on voodoo in the hut).

  6. Default

    Yes I would like to see a demo, of all the stuff going wrong recently the only stuff I've seen yet is the no-knife where the people walk around in a T shape.
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  7. Default

    I mean, i had a hard time coming back to ZM when bunnyhopping as a zombie was disabled, because it felt too easy without the extremely challenging zombies. now, it's still not so hard to be effective as a bhopping zombie, but if you completely disable it, zombies aren't good enough.

  8. Default

    Well not to sure, i haven't played in the last 2 months to know what the update have done, but if every person can bind that jump to the mouse wheel, what is the expected skill of it. This is only a problem in grouch area. Maybe this should not be banned but at least adapted.

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  9. Default

    I agree and it should. Faggots. I have a G9x, refuse to cheat with fly wheel. You fags suck if you cant do it with keyboard. I do it well, as people can attest. May even seem like wheel at times, I assure you its not. Thats where banning for such can be an ordeal. More problems than worth. Not 100% able to tell at times. Advice: Use a gay ass para anymore. Shoties are shit with physics clip anyhow. =\
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    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Steamer View Post
    I agree and it should. Faggots. I have a G9x, refuse to cheat with fly wheel. You fags suck if you cant do it with keyboard. I do it well, as people can attest. May even seem like wheel at times, I assure you its not. Thats where banning for such can be an ordeal. More problems than worth. Not 100% able to tell at times. Advice: Use a gay ass para anymore. Shoties are shit with physics clip anyhow. =\

    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

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