I was originally going to fight for this spot, but after much thought and research, I do find this spot fairly cheap and a lose situation for zombies.

Why I was fighting for this spot to be legal:
1. Just like any other map, there's going to be a fail; either a group of people that teleports in there will spawn a zombie and tag everyone. Or a dumbass will let a zombie in through the wall pressed from the inside. It's inevitable, the spot will fail eventually.
2. This spot can be disabled ASAP. If someone spawns in the basement in that room, 1 person can shoot the poster before anyone can go up there and teleport creating a loss.

Now, I come to realize, this is a shit spot:
1. I looked through every single map in IBIS ZM maps; I cannot find 1 map where there is a cade or a secret that takes 1 bullet for a human to win.
2. Just make it an illegal spot, but keep the map. It's like zm_tx_highschool, it's a good map but that 1 red room spot. Just deem it illegal. Many better cade spots in the map. zm_lila_panic_beach_2 has a good 4-5 cade spots other than the wall, compared to the original.
3. I thought there was another way in through teleportation of secrets, nope. No other way in. Once that teleportation has been used, it's dunzo, squashed, dunski. Nobody can get in unless opened by the door from the inside.

My opinion is, lets deem this spot illegal, and still keep this map as it does provide more cade spots and is a bigger fit for populated server compared to zm_lila_panic_beach.