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Thread: Empire: Total War, Halo Wars!

  1. Default Empire: Total War, Halo Wars!

    Two games have recently come out. Empire Total War looks sweet, i loved Rome total war. And Halo Wars. Halo wars is only a Xbox 360 game right now, but it looks sweet, and im getting it asap when it comes out for PC. These are strategy games, so if your only about FPS you don't need to read this.

  2. Default

    The new total war game looks sweet, think I'll probably have to wait until my brother gets back from college to see it up close though.

    As for halo wars....
    I have almost no interest in that one lol. Was kind of looking forward to it, but the only thing that looks good in the entire thing is the cutscenes. Played the demo from XBL marketplace, wasn't impressed. Reviews for it haven't been great either, at least not good enough to spend $60. Would rather get Dawn of War 2
    "An Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II flew a show of force and expended flares for emphasis over Salerno after enemy forces attacked a coalition forward base. The arrival of the aircraft prompted an immediate retreat by enemy personnel."

  3. Default

    I hated DoW2. I want to try Halo Wars soon.

  4. Default

    What didn't you like about Dawn of War 2?
    "An Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II flew a show of force and expended flares for emphasis over Salerno after enemy forces attacked a coalition forward base. The arrival of the aircraft prompted an immediate retreat by enemy personnel."

  5. Default

    The fact that they tried to make an RTS with only one building... You cant have a RTS with one building. It just doesn't work. The tech tree sucked and the lower unit count is also shitty.

  6. Default

    World in Conflict didn't have buildings. I never did like the unit cap from the first one, so I could see how it would be really annoying if they lowered it.
    I still want to play it though lol
    "An Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II flew a show of force and expended flares for emphasis over Salerno after enemy forces attacked a coalition forward base. The arrival of the aircraft prompted an immediate retreat by enemy personnel."

  7. Default

    They didn't lower the unit cap, they lowered the amount of troops in a squad. So instead of 9 space marines you will have 3. Everything is smaller and shit. I never played world in conflict.

  8. Default

    3 to a squad? So, more squads, but smaller squads? I guess that does make some sense, a marine squad could be nearly invincible against hordes of similar level opponents in the first one with a little bit of backup and the reinforce button.
    3 to a squad doesn't really hold true to the Warhammer style though, the tabletop game I mean, everything was squads there, and not 3 man squads.
    "An Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II flew a show of force and expended flares for emphasis over Salerno after enemy forces attacked a coalition forward base. The arrival of the aircraft prompted an immediate retreat by enemy personnel."

  9. Default

    I have some tyranid models from back in the day. The cap size is the same, there are just less units fighting at once. This means the tanks are less powerful and shit and its just not a good game. Like i played it for 1 day and then uninstalled cuz it hurt so bad to see. I still love the first one though, im on the multiplayer a lot.

  10. Default

    I played the first one alot, wasn't too good at rts's when I was playing it (still am not that good at them lol) so I never really played online. Favorite RTS so far was definitely Rome total war though, so I'm definitely gonna check out Empire... sooner or later.
    Now that I think about all the rts's I've played Empire at War's space battles were loads of fun, but maybe that's just because I like star wars.
    "An Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II flew a show of force and expended flares for emphasis over Salerno after enemy forces attacked a coalition forward base. The arrival of the aircraft prompted an immediate retreat by enemy personnel."

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