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Thread: 034 Alchemist [400] v1.0.5

  1. Default

    If they already exited it would not take months to make them. Translating existing code and building things that have been done before is very fast especially with all the conversion tools I made over the years to speed up the existing race programing. But to make races like this one which have never been done before and have such unique abilities that takes a long time.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    If they already exited it would not take months to make them. Translating existing code and building things that have been done before is very fast especially with all the conversion tools I made over the years to speed up the existing race programing. But to make races like this one which have never been done before and have such unique abilities that takes a long time.
    absolutely, very understandable, what i meant to ask was maybe more like --do you go out looking for a new race? like, think to yourself that it's time we had a new one and go looking for a good existing one (coz it'd be faster of course) or are you sort of always working on one at any given time, just we notice some being added quickly if they've already existed?

    i was just wondering what the process was that ends with us getting a new race XD
    A programming genius called HEAP
    Had trouble in getting to sleep
    So he made his lambs troup
    through a huge FOR-NEXT loop
    FOR 1 TO 10000: NEXT sheep.

  3. Default

    In the case of this one it came of the need to fill the role of a support class race the BM used to fill until it gets changed back to how it is supposed to work. As usual if I make a new race I want the abilities or at least one of them to be very unique and give the race something that will define it. If you look at all the races on the server now you notice how although some can be similar you can always tell what race is what b/c their external skills and playing style are so uniquely defining. It is also this uniqueness that I hope keeps players interested in the server as the races are not all just simple rehashes of the same thing over and over. As a result there is not going to be anyone that usually comes up with a here is all the skills exactly what your looking for in a new race.

    In the case of this one I was watching FMABH when it was clear that a new race would be needed for the BM update. Thus I decided it would be an Alchemist. So I then went out looking for skills from other race ideas that fit with the race idea of an Alchemist. I then needed to find ideas from other races that could be altered to fit the character of this race and to work together with its other abilities to not be overpowered. The result of this research is what we have here. Sometimes this means getting rid of abilities that I originally wanted and replacing them with something more unique and defining. For example this race was going to have ability of the phosphors stone. When your team kills a player on the other team and then a teammate dies they can come back. I decided that in practice that there is currently enough resurrection style races, will there be more in the future yes but not not. Second the way that the skill was going to be used in play would not have a defining impact on the race. So I had to get rid of this ability and find something that would be just as useful but more unique and that worked with its other abilities in a logical manor.

  4. Default

    This race looks great, and would do very well on camping maps such as Italy. Just camp in the house behind cover while your team pops out and shoots/gets shot at and you heal and give them armor. The ult sounds cool, though I am curious what kind of warning the opponents get to get out of dodge.

    Quote Originally Posted by What View Post
    Also, the item disable thing, I'm assuming that would disable laces and what not. What about the periapt of health? Would the enemy lose 50 hp and could this potentially kill them? Same if they are jumping around with sock of feather, does that mean that gravity would suddenly turn on for them?
    Unless Zero programs it specifically to damage people that have bought health, they should not lose their HP. Currently, periapt of health heals for 50 as soon as it is bought. This is why when losing badly I'll go magician, respawn as crow and buy lace, cloak, health, followed by ring to replace the health.

    This would remove sock, helm, lace, claw, etc etc. I'm curious about the radius of the disable. If it is the same as the ult radius, we'll have a new class to turn to when the other team is fully itemed up.

    If you find this class needs a buff, you could make it so when people get within half of the radius of the disable (if the disable is 30 yards and they get within 15 yards) you could cause the items to go haywire. Sock increases gravity, helm causes headshots to deal double damage, lace makes opponents ults twice as effective, and claw deals damage to you when you shoot someone. This would however require even more programming (essentially reprogramming items, or how items are coded)

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Yes the item based ability is very complicated to implement and is planed to literally take away the items for a short time and give them back after. Massive amounts of code will be needed for that to work b/c I will need to reprogram the shop menu to add some more APIs.
    Be careful with periapt of health. You would have to either add code so they take damage, or just ignore this item all together because currently if you lose it then get another, you get an extra 50 hp.

    All said, I think this class looks very interesting. If you combine the item disable with races like night elf or athena, it would be downright absurd. I can't wait to play it!

  5. Default

    Currently having mixed opinions. This would of course be an excellent counter to stacked and fully itemed teams, but it could also stack teams so much so that there is no hope of recovering. I wish there was damage and a better description of the ult, because if it was a powerful one, then this class would, in my opinion, be very overpowered. The ability that disables lace in combination of the ultimate would simply be too powerful if the ultimate does lots of damage or has some other wildly game changing effect. Still, I'm really excited. Also, the new max level would be 1016 unless I can't add.
    Forward, the Light Brigade!'
    Was there a man dismay'd?
    Not tho' the soldiers knew
      Some one had blunder'd:
    Theirs not to make reply,
    Theirs not to reason why,
    Theirs but to do and die:
    Into the valley of Death
      Rode the six hundred. ~Alfred, Lord Tennyson

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by the_best_noob View Post
    Currently having mixed opinions. This would of course be an excellent counter to stacked and fully itemed teams, but it could also stack teams so much so that there is no hope of recovering. I wish there was damage and a better description of the ult, because if it was a powerful one, then this class would, in my opinion, be very overpowered. The ability that disables lace in combination of the ultimate would simply be too powerful if the ultimate does lots of damage or has some other wildly game changing effect. Still, I'm really excited. Also, the new max level would be 1016 unless I can't add.
    How is it that you have no hope of recovering? There is ALWAYS .... and i mean ALWAYS a counter within the madness of madness. Just gotta be a little creative with it and splash more bullets at it. - anime | manga | reviews

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by the_best_noob View Post
    Currently having mixed opinions. This would of course be an excellent counter to stacked and fully itemed teams, but it could also stack teams so much so that there is no hope of recovering. I wish there was damage and a better description of the ult, because if it was a powerful one, then this class would, in my opinion, be very overpowered. The ability that disables lace in combination of the ultimate would simply be too powerful if the ultimate does lots of damage or has some other wildly game changing effect. Still, I'm really excited. Also, the new max level would be 1016 unless I can't add.
    Haven't you heard?
    The bird is the word.

    If you are losing badly, the easiest and best way to recover is get 1 person to go bloodmage and 3+ people go magician. Bloodmage camps somewhere safe, the magicians all go suicide, as soon as they respawn as birds, get lace, cloak, and health, then switch health for a ring.

    Also, keep in mind that the ultimate has a delay (and will likely have some sort of warning to gtfo) which is when the birds all up in smoke. Also, remember the item disable is activated, so as soon as it is used, you can up in smoke. I don't think it would be that hard to counter with this kind of setup.

    I think this class would actually be better for the losing team, because you can only do the above setup with team cooperation and when you are losing by 7-9 rounds. This would be a easier way for a single player to help clear the opposing teams items. I'm just worried about the range of it. I'd say anyone the alchemist shoots while the disable is active should at least have helm be ignored regardless of distance, otherwise it wouldn't help much on maps like italy or aztec where the routes to the objective are all long wide open spaces--especially since this race has no enhanced movement.

    Then again, pie-q and Brice would probably love this race and use it to counter my die xonvert with helm which is the best way I can counter their absurd HS bullshit.

    Zero, I'm curious as to how exactly the armor bonus works. Would the shots need to land near/on you (either hit you or a wall/ground nearby) or will it work if bullets pass within X radius of you, regardless of their final destination. Also, with the ultimate--when you hit it, will it go off even if there are no opponents nearby?

  8. Default

    Please post suggestions for how the effects should look for the different abilities. Ideally describe them as if you were actually programing them.

  9. Default

    Please note that a LOT of the abilities of this race inherently work VERY differently from ALL existing races. Therefore it takes a SHIT TON more time to create this race as a lot of the code must be invented b/c nothing does anything like this for things like the bullets and the items. This is in order to have these abilities work smoothly and make sense in actual game play.

    The good news is the methods used to create these new types of abilities will advance the capacity to create even more exciting and dynamic abilities in the future.

    This race will require multiple testing phases to ensure that the new ability types work as intended.

    (IE releasing test versions that do not even have the correct proc rates or 100% proc rates or no cool downs to just see that the abilities actually work)

    Thus do not freak out if you see 100% proc rates in testing. I will let you know when release proc rates and balance have been applied to a given ability for testing.

  10. Default

    Please note that Ironclad Alchemy is an evasion type ability. However in addition to negating the very existence of the shot (thus preventing anything said shot would have proced) it also then turns this evaded shot into armor for it and its friends. This makes Ironclad Alchemy literally the most powerful evasion ability in the entire game. However, it does have a drawback as compared to all other current evasions being that it only stops bullets. This means that things like abilities for example or even knives are not effected in any way from this ability. So fear not you need to just think differently about the sorts of weapons to engage with when facing a group of opponents supported by an Alchemist. In the future there will also be more races that deal a lot of non bullet damage and these will be very effective at breaking up this ability advantages.

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