I should also add that, being turned into a zombie does not hurt your score.... your rank is impacted more by getting killed as a zombie... When you turn other players into a zombie you get points.... I would except that a good player can tag two humans for every 1 zombie they could kill. Note how the balancing is set to just about that.... I would also add that the ranks are not KDR based, also you get points when your team wins.
As for people typing in rank all the time, what fools! It only updates every 60min rofl! It is not real time
I think part of the problem is that people do not understand how it is ranking....
Also the ranks have been there since the server was made, the only thing I have changed is the ability to check from ingame and made it so you get more points when you make a kill with something other than the para, to encourage people to try different guns.
If you all really wanted to get competitive why not aim for getting the most awards. Awards are given out weekly to the best players in different areas.
Another idea I just had, I think this will fix the problem right up lol. The issue here is that players do not feel that it is rewarding enough to be a zombie. Therefore I shall adjust the rankings to better reward zombies without punishing humans, how you may ask. Well bonus points can be used to increase what one player gains without increasing the damage done to the humans score. Here is what I can do:
1) I can make it so + and - bonus points are given if your team wins
a) If the humans win every human player gets 2 bonus points and every zombie loses 2
b) If the zombies win every zombie gets 3 points and every human loses 1
2) If players turn a human into a zombie they gain a bonus point.
a) By giving players a bonus point just for tagging another player they can increase there score more that they would otherwise be able to without increasing the negitive impact on the other players score