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Thread: Disconnecting to keep score.. (Read zm players)

  1. Default Disconnecting to keep score.. (Read zm players)

    There's a lot of bull shit of people disconnecting before they get tagged by a zombie to keep their rank up.

    I have found solution.

    IV. Teleport

    1) When used to escape from zombies as a human

    I would say that rejoining the server to keep yourself from getting tagged is the equivalent of fucking !zteleing away from zombies. Its not fair to other players who want to get their ranks up as well.

    I assure you if people start continuously rejoining the server to keep their bullshit score up, then lets see how your rank fairs against a ban.

    Zero, I think this should be added to the rules.

    IV. Teleport

    1) When used to escape from zombies as a human

    A) Commands such as but not limited to

    a) !stuck
    b) !ztele
    c) !teleport

    B) Unsportsmanlike conduct

    a) Rejoining the server
    b) Switching teams
    Last edited by anex; 03-16-2009 at 05:45 PM.

  2. Default

    I second what Anex has suggested. I've done it when random people came and broke my barricades for no reason, but koolayed (Even though he always uses !ztele to get away from me ) and a few others have been noticeably doing it quite often.

    That or remove ZM rankings. It tends to discourage some players and causes other decent players to do things they normally wouldn't.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  3. Default

    oh don't worry about koolayed he is getting a 7 day ban from me. as far as other people doing, anyone I catch will get a 7 day ban as well, no matter who they are.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeimuzu View Post
    I second what Anex has suggested. I've done it when random people came and broke my barricades for no reason, but koolayed (Even though he always uses !ztele to get away from me ) and a few others have been noticeably doing it quite often.

    That or remove ZM rankings. It tends to discourage some players and causes other decent players to do things they normally wouldn't.
    Your still part of the problem, don't cade with morons or people you can't trust.

    i like the idea. 30 min ban, 1 day ban, week ban, so fourth...

    As for koolayed, ive ban him easily 6-7 times alone.. he's only got his feet left, before i demo and make an extensive ban.

  5. Default

    Holy, I don't have a choice in the matter. I'll go somewhere and someone will follow me despite asking them to go away, others will break it to get in, resulting in me basically gaining a huge disadvantage.

    And before you say something along the lines of demoing, I'd also like to add that even if you were to ban every single person that broke one of my barricades, there would still be more to come. I was just saying that I've only reconnected to the game when I've been given an unfair disadvantage because of another player.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  6. Default

    How about I just have the server ban players for a few min after they disconnect so they can not get back in....

  7. Default

    After thinking about this topic for at least half of my day and thinking on where to stand in this, I have finally concluded that the best thing to prevent this problem is to remove the ranking system. In my experience, I have first thought the ranking system was such a cool idea. Once it was introduced to me, the thrill to reach for the top was exponentially increasing and the motivation to be a better player was something I looked forward to.

    How wrong can I be.

    I reminised the times when I actually had fun prior to my discovery of the ranking system. To be honest, I appreciated playing on every single map and I loved meeting friends in IBIS and making god-awful barricades with them. Now, I have a strong drive for obtaining tons of kills while minimizing the deaths through the dirtiest ways possible. I am not going to lie to you folks. I used to ztele away whenever a zombie broke into my cade with a group of other humans with me. Sometimes I would be chased around and I would run around the corner so it wouldn't see me and I would ztele. I would even ztele away first infront of their face and reconnect to prevent a death. This was around the peak of my motivation to reach the top, after I have been introduced to the ranking system.

    The reason why I am telling you this because not only do I see myself as a dirty player, I am already seeing it happening to other people. I am talking about regulars who would ztele away, reconnect, then type rank shortly after. Those people I have witnessed were quite good players but should not have used dirty tricks.

    Something that I regret doing now is to exclude myself from the rest of the population so I can build a good barricade for myself and myself only just to be selfish and take as many kills as possible. The worst part is when friends ask me where I'm going to which I don't respond because I know they will drag me down. And this is not how the game should be played. I don't like shafting my friends for personal gains, but with the ranking system, I choose to.

    Lastly, my favourite map of all time used to be boat escape, simply because getting into the pods were well worth it. Now looking back, I really want to make it my favourite map, but getting zombie kills is hard to come by on escape maps, which is why I barely play them now; for the fear of my ranks being dropped.

    I know doing something like removing the ranking system is going to be hard to do, but I strongly implore you remove it. In a wider perspective, you may get some pissed off players for removing it but it will settle eventually, but as a friend of the community and to preserve the existing friendship (perhaps more) of what we have now, I ask you to do what you think would be best, after reading our opinions on the topic.

    To summarize my point once more: Remove the ranking system to preserve the good conduct of well deserved good players.

    P.S. I thank anyone who have read my excessively long message in its entirety. I just have to let it out before my interest in this server begins to fade.

    P.S.S. I just want to inform everyone that I have stopped with the ztele and reconnecting now, which was why I posted this.

  8. Default

    I don't like the banning for a few minutes idea if they reconnect or disconnect. It would kind of be pointless. For example, people have to rejoin the server to get new sprays to show.

    As for what Hobo has said, I agree with him 100%.
    Last edited by Jeimuzu; 03-16-2009 at 11:35 PM.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  9. Default

    I should also add that, being turned into a zombie does not hurt your score.... your rank is impacted more by getting killed as a zombie... When you turn other players into a zombie you get points.... I would except that a good player can tag two humans for every 1 zombie they could kill. Note how the balancing is set to just about that.... I would also add that the ranks are not KDR based, also you get points when your team wins.

    As for people typing in rank all the time, what fools! It only updates every 60min rofl! It is not real time

    I think part of the problem is that people do not understand how it is ranking....

    Also the ranks have been there since the server was made, the only thing I have changed is the ability to check from ingame and made it so you get more points when you make a kill with something other than the para, to encourage people to try different guns.

    If you all really wanted to get competitive why not aim for getting the most awards. Awards are given out weekly to the best players in different areas.

    Another idea I just had, I think this will fix the problem right up lol. The issue here is that players do not feel that it is rewarding enough to be a zombie. Therefore I shall adjust the rankings to better reward zombies without punishing humans, how you may ask. Well bonus points can be used to increase what one player gains without increasing the damage done to the humans score. Here is what I can do:
    1) I can make it so + and - bonus points are given if your team wins
    a) If the humans win every human player gets 2 bonus points and every zombie loses 2

    b) If the zombies win every zombie gets 3 points and every human loses 1
    2) If players turn a human into a zombie they gain a bonus point.
    a) By giving players a bonus point just for tagging another player they can increase there score more that they would otherwise be able to without increasing the negitive impact on the other players score
    Last edited by ZERO; 03-17-2009 at 12:11 AM.

  10. Default

    If you are THAT worried about being a great player and having a good rank... shouldn't you just play pub?

    I'm a GG player, I like my rank, BUT I dont get super upset and play like an ass to better it. thats just stupid.

    My 2cents.

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