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Thread: hmmm, NS2 being given over to the community?

  1. Default NS2 update

    Well, this recent update really screwed the pooch in combat... as im sure you are aware! I heard rumors combat mod is being worked on? true/false?

    on a far more important note.... my reserved spot is not working - may have something to do with the update

  2. Default

    Just press the attempt to join button and it will work.

  3. Default

    All I have is a join button, nothing resembling a "attempt to join" one. I usually double click on the server and im in, but now the box comes up "waiting for slot". even my join and back button are no longer clickable, it may be unrelated but could be issues with the update, or something going funky chicken on me.

    *Found out a mod was causing issues - solved now*
    Last edited by U62CHARLIE; 02-22-2014 at 05:40 PM.

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